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Yes revolvers were planted by cops 

Are you disputing know fact again?

Or is Oswald immune from these devices as they framed him for a cop killing?

Which excuse does Roe pick this time....


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Aye aye aye,

Steve where is the gun that killed Tippit?

Isnt more likely the killer ditched it.

Is the revolver in question thee murder weapon?

How did you reach that conclusion? 

Cheers, Ed

Oh btw does it fit the holster supposedly found at Beckley?  TIA

Edited by Ed LeDoux
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26 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

If so any idea on where he was actually spending most of his time?

Given the after stories for Neely and Elsbeth... the concept of multiple locations creates truth which conflicts...  Seems to me he was at all three locations at some time or another... while doing his FBI job of trying to infiltrate Left-wing orgs....  question is WHERE'S MARINA and child if not at Neely??

According to Mr. GEORGE (on Nov 23rd) he was there from April 1 thru May 31...  He doesn't leave New Orleans until Apr 24th !  ???
He also says that someone has been using the apartment since May 31st...

He changes his dates on Nov 24 when SA's WULFF & SWINFORD interview him - they are now March 2nd thru May 1st....

(Isn't this the same description of the Oswald's who where driving around South Texas... Alice area... ??)


A lot of this has already been covered....


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56 minutes ago, Ed LeDoux said:


You do know 214 Neely and 602/4 Elsbeth are on different blocks?

Reason I ask is that I just spoke with Jane the owner of Elsbeth and she never recalls seeing Neely from any apartment at Elsbeth...

She seemed to recall being able to see "NEELY STREET" up at the intersection but houses, trees, fences, and bushes were in the way of seeing through all that to the Neely back yard...mid block.

Interestingly Jane did point out that Marina hung out clothes to dry at Elsbeth. Hmmm

Was this subterfuge by Hugh Aynesworth?

Did he get the Neely addy elsewhere or did two lil old ladies have better than 20/20 vision with their xray glasses on?

Who were these human telescopes?

They seemed to know Marina and her movements yet remain anonymous... nah. Hugh Aynesworth was blowing smoke up our backsides and calling us a chimney.

Cheers, Ed

Seems to me Ed, without the modern buildings there, the view from the backyard balcony/top of the steps in the BYPs to the corner of Elsbeth was very possible...


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4 hours ago, David Josephs said:

The things NOT photographed are as egregious as the evidence gathered.....

And none of these initials were even put on until a couple of hours later when Gerald Hill pulled a gun out of his pocket at the station and they all initialed it.

And why did Bentley initial it at all?  Was the gun ever even in his possession?

Edited by John Iacoletti
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16 minutes ago, John Iacoletti said:

And none of these initials were even put on until a couple of hours later when Gerald Hill pulled a gun out of his pocket at the station and they all initialed it.

And why did Bentley initial it at all?  Was the gun ever even in his possession?

"went to Captain Westbrook's office to make a report of this arrest"....

The murder of officer Tippit is reported to the Captain of Personnel?...  If you read my article on the Pistol you'll see that the pistol in evidence is actually taken from Westbrook's desk....

Per Hill, BENTLEY is in on the arrest when he twists his ankle... in the image below the theater, Bentley is on crutches.... with the first page of his report... "BALCONY"



1311258085_PaulBentleyoncrutchesatDPD.thumb.jpg.279be334c34371d80df379fec37dde75.jpg   86376886_P.L.Bentley.ReportconcerningthearrestofLeeHarveyOswald0636-001.thumb.gif.c67f86c572560fc016763db8081d2849.gif





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36 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

If you read my article on the Pistol you'll see that the pistol in evidence is actually taken from Westbrook's desk....

I've read it many times.  It's required reading which illustrates all the shenanigans that went on with the evidence.

  • 758151637_Texastheaterarrest-supposedly-withnamesperHillincludingWESTBROOKandBENTLEY.jpg.c6de070758e88efe90bc92bfadf64256.jpg

Very interesting.  Where the heck is McDonald?


TL Baker report mentions himself in 3rd person ??

These reports were all done 8 or 9 days later.  Plenty of time to coordinate their stories about what went on in the theater.

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OK, back to the pistol (and the rifle for that matter).  So were all the documents and statements for their purchase created after the fact - or was there a Hidell persona in play earlier, for some other purpose?    Does that mean Lee Oswald never had either a pistol or rifle in his possession - and yes I know this is all old stuff, just interested in what scenarios Ed and David individually see in play.

As I said before if you throw something away I can follow it more easily if you a) present it as a pure after the fact frame (as with the theater scenario in this thread) or b) part of an alternative scenario already in play before the assassination.

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The pistol ultimately came from the same place as the rifle and ammo... Century International Arms in Montreal.

I have to run now... but will address your questions...  the article I link to above does go into some of it...

More soon


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4 hours ago, Ed LeDoux said:

Yes revolvers were planted by cops 

Are you disputing know fact again?

Or is Oswald immune from these devices as they framed him for a cop killing?

Which excuse does Roe pick this time....


No Ed, don’t get all melodramatic again. 2 brands of shells found at the Tippit Murder scene, same 2 brands of 0.38’s found on Oswald. 
I already know your answer, everyone in Dallas County framed Oswald. 
How many conspirators are you up to now Ed, with this pistol plant fantasy? Got to be at least 50. Did they hold a Pre-Assassination meeting at the Dallas Memorial Auditorium to discuss who was going to plant the gun, plant the holster, get Fritz to invent the North Beckley story, get the Johnsons to go along with Fritz and frame Oswald....

Seriously, is this some kind of joke? 

Edited by Steve Roe
Correct grammar
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On 2/27/2020 at 8:13 AM, Ed LeDoux said:

He did have the possibility of meeting Ruth and Marina for a shoe shopping expedition they were planning to do that afternoon. (postponed due to Kennedy death)
Recall Lee did ask Marina to buy shoes for Junie.
The shoe store sighting has always said to me Lee checked the store but since his wife wasn't there he went to the theater to waste time... or simply saw what kids shoes they had in the display...?

Please correct me if I misunderstood the new scenario for Lee Oswald, however, this is what I get from Ed's posts: Lee Oswald somehow got to Oak Cliff (route unknown), to the shoe store where he was supposed to meet Marina  and Ruth Paine with their children and buy shoes for June. The randezvous was cancelled because of Kennedy's assassination but he went to that shoe store anyway. As Marina and Ruth and children did not turn up (but the meeting was already postponed so why would Lee expect them to come), he went to Texas Theatre just to spent time there. 

I find this scenario improbable and logically inconsistent but what is of greater concern is that nowhere in this scenario is there any stop at a place where Lee could change his clothing. Lee Oswald left, at least some people still assume so, 1026 North Beckley about 7.30 AM on Thursday, November 21. He went to work and after work, instead of returning to his rooming house, he went to Irving with Buell Wesley Frazier. He then came straight to work on the next day, November 22, without being able to change his clothing. Thus, he had the same work clothes on him the whole Thursday and Friday morning. 

The point is that Lee changed both his pants and his Briarloom shirt before his arrest. That has been discussed in another thread, however, if someone is able to prove that Lee Oswald wore the same dark brown shirt CE150 both on Friday morning and Friday afternoon after his arrest,  he/she can be congratulated for clearing one of the greatest mysteries in JFKA case because, under such scenario, Lee Oswald could not be Prayer Man. The dark CE150 would not fit the shirt seen on Prayer Man in Darnell, only the light-red CE151 shirt would. 

Take away 1026 North Beckley (or some other credible address) as a place where Lee Oswald changed his pants and shirt after he left the Depository and Lee Oswald can be discarded as Prayer Man. 

Late edit: it is easier to see that Lee Oswald, if he was Prayer Man,  changed his slacks after he left the Depository because those he wore at the time of his arrest were very dark, possibly black, while Prayer Man's pants are of much lighter colour.



Edited by Andrej Stancak
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I would like to make an additional point about the Revolver. 

On this photo from the National Archives (the one I posted earlier), enlarge the photo and zero in on the Serial Number. 

Near the Serial Number is a clear engraved or scratched in "PB", Paul Bentley. 

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