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Presidential Debates

Ron Bulman

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 Trump's initial ferry tale promise was that he could make the economy grow at over 5%. (which was "Making America Great Again.)And the revenue engendered would pay for everything .Instead the economy grew at half that last year ( 2.3%). And now after giving the wealthy the tax breaks , and deficit spending from increased military outlays, Trump is cutting spending on the backs of less well off Americans with food stamps and other programs, and has now expressed he he's "looking into" cutting retirement benefits under the  phony guise that he's raised the economic performance to such levels we don''t need entitlement spending as much anymore.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Does anyone think that Trump can make it to November without doing something so horrendous that he can't win even with the electoral college? I'd say the odds are 50-50. But should we hope for it? I suppose it depends on what is is.





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3 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

Does anyone think that Trump can make it to November without doing something so horrendous that he can't win even with the electoral college? I'd say the odds are 50-50. But should we hope for it? I suppose it depends on what is is.



At this point, it's the Nixon syndrome.  He'll be re-elected, but conceivably could face impeachment afterward.  The thing is, he has more money and influence and popular support than Nixon ever had.  And the Democrats don't even have a George McGovern to throw against him.  The only bright spot is that the chances for a Dem win in 2024 are better.

One thing I've noticed: I haven't read every piece of impeachment journalism, but the ones I have read bring up the spook-house spectres of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, yet studiously avoid analyzing the Trump affair(s) in comparison to Nixon.  Why is that?  Nobody wants to get that serious about it, or nobody wants to make Trump mad? 

Edited by David Andrews
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9 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

The only bright spot is that the chances for a Dem win in 2024 are better.


If Trump gets reelected, I seriously question whether there will be an election in 2024.

No, wait, it couldn't happen in America.



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23 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

One thing I've noticed:  . . . studiously avoid analyzing the Trump affair(s) in comparison to Nixon.  Why is that? 

Coincidentally, Trump seems to be thinking about that comparison.  Trump reflects on impeachment: 'I think of Nixon more than anybody else'

Interesting question, though.


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Oh, to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when a divorced man couldn't be president, and the opposition would nip his candidacy in the bud using his current wife's soft-core porn shoots.  See link:


Don't open the link, kids.  The First Lady's been indelicate.

Edited by David Andrews
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On 2/14/2020 at 7:41 AM, David Andrews said:

At this point, it's the Nixon syndrome.  He'll be re-elected, but conceivably could face impeachment afterward.  The thing is, he has more money and influence and popular support than Nixon ever had.  And the Democrats don't even have a George McGovern to throw against him.  The only bright spot is that the chances for a Dem win in 2024 are better.

One thing I've noticed: I haven't read every piece of impeachment journalism, but the ones I have read bring up the spook-house spectres of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, yet studiously avoid analyzing the Trump affair(s) in comparison to Nixon.  Why is that?  Nobody wants to get that serious about it, or to make Trump mad? 

Trump's most successful "main"  base capturing engine all along ( there are others for sure ) has been the massive illegal immigration issue.

It's his most effective broad base "anger" inciting issue.

It is a real and entire nation effecting issue that the Democrats have mistakenly downplayed and still do.

Estimates of 25 to 35 million or even more mostly extremely poor and poorly educated illegals in just 40+ years.

Millions of whom have babies here as soon as they can which gives these children U.S. citizenship and increases the Hispanic ethnic population faster than any other group in the country the last 30 years.

Hispanics ( even today millions of whom are illegal ) make up "over half" of California's 40+ million population now and are the "majority" population ethnic group.

Just 50 years ago ( 1970 ) 2 million Hispanics comprised just 12% of California's entire population. Whites with 15.5 million made up 75% of California's total population.

That's a massive migration influx ( mostly illegally ) with hugely impacting accompanying social, cultural and language and population increase stress change in just two generations.

Largest in our history in that short of time.

The impact of this massive mostly poor single ethnic group migration in a relatively brief time period is honestly society changing, in debatable good and bad ways and unprecedented in sheer numbers.

Spanish has replaced English as the first and dominant language now in many of the urban areas of the state.

Almost all of the traditional social structures in the state have been stressed to unprecedented levels with millions of constantly arriving new immigrants needing and using these costly services.

Welfare, education, health care, crime and criminal justice including law enforcement, courts and incarceration, transportation, housing, over-population with greater and often unmet infrastructure needs and demands, etc.

There are many nation wide social, cultural and economic impact issues that come with massive unchecked illegal immigration and that tens of millions of Americans are way more concerned and angry about ( including traditional xenophobic bias ) than both political parties wanted to acknowledge and deal with until Mr. Shameless seized upon this well of anger and set fire to it like a rabid arsonist.

Nixon didn't have this anger gift issue. His main inflaming torch was a fabricated fear issue that painted the Democrats as Hippie, free love, unpatriotic, law and order threatening drug crazed commies!  

Nixon's and his propaganda machine had much of the country boogie man fearing that if they voted for longer side burn wearing, larger colorful tie and shirt collar sporting George McGovern that hippie drug using hords would come and get their daughters and turn them into Manson cult type sex zombies!

Nixon actually ran on a "Law And Order" respecting platform ( Repubs safe, honest, law abiding versus the Dems as dangerous drug taking hooligans ) that they milked to an almost mass hysteria level. And this perversely exaggerated "Boogie Man" propaganda campaign worked to initiate the most one-sided Republican Presidential vote victory ever!

Yet, as we all know now...the opposite reality truth was that Nixon and his power enablers turned out to be "the most corrupt" law breaking White House occupiers in our history!

They all went to prison! 25 or more!

Yet, a huge majority of voting Americans actually fell for Nixon's false reality media brainwashing that they were in scary trouble if they voted for the long haired hippie Dems led by a misguided dupe McGovern who in reality was a true WWII combat hero and who was 100X more honest and law abiding than the crook Nixon.

The ease with which American's fell for this Republican false reality boogie man  propaganda scam in such massive numbers revealed one of the greatest flaws of our society imo.

It's the same with Trump now. Half the country believing he is a savior versus a crook. To a blind degree. Inspired by massive TV and radio propaganda that tells them daily the opposite of his crooked and amoral history or downplays the constant lies, life long moral indiscretion and constitution violation acts in his bid to emasculate anyone who opposes or even criticizes him ... including our own Congress.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 2/14/2020 at 4:37 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

 Trump's initial ferry tale promise was that he could make the economy grow at over 5%. (which was "Making America Great Again.)And the revenue engendered would pay for everything .Instead the economy grew at half that last year ( 2.3%). And now after giving the wealthy the tax breaks , and deficit spending from increased military outlays, Trump is cutting spending on the backs of less well off Americans with food stamps and other programs, and has now expressed he he's "looking into" cutting retirement benefits under the  phony guise that he's raised the economic performance to such levels we don''t need entitlement spending as much anymore.

    I read a story recently about the fact that HALF of all U.S. seniors (over age 65) are currently unable to afford their basic living expenses.

    And, yet, as you mentioned, Trump and his GOP Robber Baron cabal seem determined to enact further cuts in Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security-- beyond those that resulted from their December 2017 GOP Tax Scam and Healthcare Demolition Act.

      It's truly mind-boggling-- especially for a POTUS who bragged in 2015 that he was "the only Republican (presidential) candidate who promised not to cut Medicaid, Medicare, or Social Security."


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On 2/14/2020 at 9:41 AM, David Andrews said:

At this point, it's the Nixon syndrome.  He'll be re-elected, but conceivably could face impeachment afterward.  The thing is, he has more money and influence and popular support than Nixon ever had.  And the Democrats don't even have a George McGovern to throw against him.  The only bright spot is that the chances for a Dem win in 2024 are better.

One thing I've noticed: I haven't read every piece of impeachment journalism, but the ones I have read bring up the spook-house spectres of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, yet studiously avoid analyzing the Trump affair(s) in comparison to Nixon.  Why is that?  Nobody wants to get that serious about it, or nobody wants to make Trump mad? 

If the prez and his fans are framing Democrats as Socialists then should not they be framing him as Hitler and them as Fascists'?


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Why did Bloomberg even show up?  Kind of dumb.  This field will be down to probably four by Super Tuesday.  

I think Warren knows she is toast and so she is doing a scorched earth attack on everyone.  Desperate tactics.

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If you could go back in time to the Kennedy Nixon debates and tell people some day there could be 3-4 even 5 candidates in either or both parties primaries they would have thought you were nuts.  I guess it's a good thing, but a bit chaotic.  

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On 2/19/2020 at 7:43 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Why did Bloomberg even show up?  Kind of dumb.  This field will be down to probably four by Super Tuesday.  

I think Warren knows she is toast and so she is doing a scorched earth attack on everyone.  Desperate tactics.

Maybe he’s just trying to get as many delegates as he can so that he can wield some influence in what may be a brokered convention. Part of the DNC anti-Bernie operation. 

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On 2/19/2020 at 9:43 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Why did Bloomberg even show up?  Kind of dumb.  This field will be down to probably four by Super Tuesday.  

I think Warren knows she is toast and so she is doing a scorched earth attack on everyone.  Desperate tactics.

He showed up a little better tonight but it just confused the issue given his money.  They all make important points relevant to democracy.  But at this time should Steyer, Amy and Pete withdraw for the sake of the party, and winning in November?

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