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Heroes of the Kennedy Assassination Research Effort

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9 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I could have exhibited bravery at the 2005 Cracking the Case Conference in Bethesda — but I choked, froze, screwed the pooch.  So did the other 200 people in attendance.

I always chew myself out later for taking the easy way out.  At one time I was all about conflict and confrontation.  Not so much anymore.

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On 4/15/2020 at 6:34 AM, John Butler said:

Thanks Cory.  I'll put their names on the list.  This whole thing is about there being to many praise worthy people for one person to list.

If you could would you write a short, maybe two sentences which is nearly an impossible task to be that brief, description of each.  I'm trying to assemble the whole group with a brief description for each that perhaps would jog someone's memory  or inform someone new to the field that person is interesting enough to find out more information about them and their work.

Kilgallen's work focused at first covering the Jack Ruby trial.  It then went to the assasination.   Was she killed?    Ask Gary Shaw but her work is important.

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50 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

Did I mention Cliff "The body" Varnell?

In the category of Notable Internet Hobbyists I’ve nominated Robert Charles-Dunne, Michael Hogan, Ron Ecker, Bernice Moore, and Kishan Dandiker et al.

I also nominate...(drumroll)... Cory Santos. Like Michael Hogan, I salute Cory’s temperament as much as his acumen.  With both guys I have had strong disagreements without anyone taking it personally. Hobbyist gold!

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I am going to add Jim Marrs list of deaths from 1964 to 1976.  There is 103 names on the list and 82 of them can be considered as violent deaths.  I add heart attacks to this list because the CIA had a poison gas gun or dart gun during that period which through prussic acid or hydrogen cyanide would induce a heart attack and leave no trace.

82 violent deaths:

Gunshot - 21 deaths- Where Marrs had murdered or some other description upon further checking revealed the cause of death was gunshot

Vehicular- 13 deaths- includes air vehicles

Blow to the head or neck- 3

Throat cut- 1

Heart Attack- 24- If this based on the speculation that these deaths could be from violence. 

Fall- 2

Drug Overdose- 2

Electrocution- 2

Murder- unspecified- 7

Suicide- 8

IMO, no other population has suffered death caused by violence as witnesses or connected people to the Kennedy assassination, including those sent to war.

When you realize what happened here anyone getting into the Kennedy Research field or connected to the assassination is a hero when faced with this situation.  More so in the past than today.


Edited by John Butler
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18 minutes ago, John Butler said:

I am going to add Jim Marrs list of deaths from 1964 to 1976.  There is 103 names on the list and 82 of them can be considered as violent deaths.  I add heart attacks to this list because the CIA had a poison gas gun or dart gun during that period which through prussic acid or hydrogen cyanide would induce a heart attack and leave no trace.

82 violent deaths:

Gunshot - 21 deaths- Where Marrs had murdered or some other description upon further checking revealed the cause of death was gunshot

Vehicular- 13 deaths- includes air vehicles

Blow to the head or neck- 3

Throat cut- 1

Heart Attack- 24- If this based on the speculation that these deaths could be from violence. 

Fall- 2

Drug Overdose- 2

Electrocution- 2

Murder- unspecified- 7

Suicide- 8

IMO, no other population has suffered death caused by violence as witnesses or connected people to the Kennedy assassination, including those sent to war.

When you realize what happened here anyone getting into the Kennedy Research field or connected to the assassination is a hero when faced with this situation.  More so in the past than today.


Agree 100%. People even today are attacked because of their views on this issue. The witness deaths to me are the smoking gun of a conspiracy; prove foul play in only one of those cases and a conspiracy is found. 

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One important character suspicious death:

Guy Banister died just 6 months after JFK.

He was 63.

A general search on the internet of his death scene and circumstances doesn't reveal much.

I heard he died naked as did his acquaintance David Ferry 3 years later.

Some questions I have regarding Bannister's death:

His cause of death was listed as coronary thrombosis. Did Banister have medical records and a health history that indicated he was prone for this?

Did his parents die at similar fairly young ages ( 63 is not too old ) and from a similar cause?

Banister's wife was interviewed after his death. Did she go into any detail about his dying and his over-all pre-death health and the actual death scene and circumstances, etc?



Edited by Joe Bauer
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36 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

One important character suspicious death:

Guy Banister died just 6 months after JFK.

He was 63.

A general search on the internet of his death scene and circumstances doesn't reveal much.

I heard he died naked as did his acquaintance David Ferry 3 years later.

Some questions I have regarding Bannister's death:

His cause of death was listed as coronary thrombosis. Did Banister have medical records and a health history that indicated he was prone for this?

Did his parents die at similar fairly young ages ( 63 is not too old ) and from a similar cause?

Banister's wife was interviewed after his death.Did she go into any detail about his dying and his over-all pre-death health and the actual death scene and circumstances, etc?

All Banister's files went missing immediately following his death.

Missing files of deep and involved political activity characters like Banister ( who kept so many a truck would have been needed to carry them all ) upon death is the ultimate red flag of their being a threat to those who stole them.

Infamous 1963 era cool cat jive talkin' New Orleans attorney Dean Andrews once stated that when he heard that Lee Harvey Oswald was passing out pamphlets a few blocks from his office, he ran down to confront dead beat Oswald about his unpaid legal fees owed to Andrews.

Andrews asked Oswald what he was doing and Oswald reportedly replied "It's a job."

The most likely suspect in hiring Oswald was Guy Banister. Who else would pay Oswald to do something so politically weird and to even be able to afford to hire helpers?

Oswald was on unemployment at the time. Drawing what ... $30 a week?

Bannister is not on Marr's list.  I'm going to add him under heart attack.  Coronary Thrombosis=heart attack.  More than likely from what you have said this was a violent death.

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1 hour ago, Kishan Dandiker said:

Agree 100%. People even today are attacked because of their views on this issue. The witness deaths to me are the smoking gun of a conspiracy; prove foul play in only one of those cases and a conspiracy is found. 

I'm not an actuarist.  I would think that the odds on this are greater than astronomical.

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On 4/14/2020 at 3:12 PM, Gary Murr said:

The one individual who spent more time at the National Archives examining and scanning enormous amounts of original documentation, in particular the massive JFK assassination “bulky files” generated by members of the FBI lab, and additionally in my opinion the foremost researcher of the RFK assassination, the late and much missed…

 John Hunt.

What happened to all that stuff Gary Murr ?

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Jumping in for Gary,  Stu Wexler has managed to capture John's material and has been doing work getting ready to upload it and make it available.  That is still in progress...but the good news is that it survives and will help preserve John's legacy. 

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If an exhibition of competence counts as bravery let's put these guys in the Heroic Witness Category:

Secret Service Special Agent Glen Bennett wrote a contemporaneous report on what he saw and heard from the back seat of the follow-up car.

Dr. Charles Carrico wrote a contemporaneous report on what he saw at Parkland.

So did Dr. Ronald Coy Jones.

Admiral George Burkley wrote contemporaneous notes on the Death Certificate.

James Curtis Jenkins filled out the face sheet with pencil during the autopsy.

FBI Special Agents James Sibert and Francis O'Neill sent a cable to FBI HQ soon after the autopsy, which they were assigned to observe.

Mortician Tom Robinson wrote contemporaneous notes on his observations of the body.

FBI SA James Hosty wrote contemporaneous notes on Oswald's jailhouse interview.












Edited by Cliff Varnell
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3 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Jumping in for Gary,  Stu Wexler has managed to capture John's material and has been doing work getting ready to upload it and make it available.  That is still in progress...but the good news is that it survives and will help preserve John's legacy. 

Thanks for the update Larry – this is indeed great news!  And kudos to Stu for taking on this task. From what little of the overall material John  shared with me, I believe that we are all in for a fantastic cache of exiting document revelations that can only add to the overall research history of the events of not only the JFK assassination but also that of his brother,  RFK.



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