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Irregular Periods and Horrible Headaches: How Tear Gas Is Making Portland Sick



"PORTLAND, Oregon — For many of the past 78 nights, clouds of tear gas have wafted through downtown Portland and its surrounding neighborhoods.

Local cops and federal officers have recently turned Portland into the biggest test case for sustained exposure to tear gas, possibly in American history. They’ve repeatedly doused parts of the city in gas and other riot-control munitions since protests over the police killing of George Floyd began in late May. The city was gassed so heavily in July that clouds showed up on the Federal Aviation Administration’s radar, according to The Nation.

The use of chemical weapons, like tear gas, was initially banned in international warfare by the Geneva Protocol in 1925 and then again by the United Nations’ 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention — which the United States signed. The compound is composed of chemicals like chloroacetophenone and chlorobenzylidene malononitrile that are designed to irritate the mouth, nose, and throat.

In the last two months alone, a number of U.S. cities have moved to limit or ban the use of tear gas. But many police departments are still allowed to use the substance. Since the protests began in late May, protesters in more than 100 cities have been tear gassed. And the effects can be severe. The Centers for Disease Control states on its website that exposure to large amounts of gas or “long-lasting exposure” can lead to blindness, respiratory failure, and even death.

Steve Thomas

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On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2020 at 9:53 PM, Robert Wheeler said:

Brand new documentary “Shadowgate” is out today.

Intelligence agency isn’t of Private Contractors to manipulate the press and social media, like message boards and such.

Watch as the media messaging does a 180 over the next few weeks.

USPS panic narrative will soon be irrelevant. No pandemic, no need for mail in votes.

The Deep State Dies in Darkness.


Shadow Gate Filmmaker Millie Weaver Arrested While Trying To Release Her Documentary




Tommy Edison talks about independent journalist and filmmaker Millie Weaver’s arrest on Friday as she tried to release her highly anticipated and controversial documentary, Shadow Gate.


[Ted Rubinstein writes on Facebook today: "Millie Weaver is using this to raise funds from the rubes."]

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I don’t know Doug - don’t you think Infowars is a covert entity of some kind? 

Paul - I'm watching it now, but may not finish tonight.  I'll post a review of what I think is valuable and what dubious (according to my limited knowledge and reading) on this thread tomorrow.

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Since this old Woody Guthrie slogan has been bandied about on the forum recently I thought this was worth posting.  🤥

(Incidentally, in a tweet today, Trump urged Americans to, "Save the Post Office."  That's sort of like Herman Goering urging German citizens to protect the Reichstag from arsonists.)


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49 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Since this old Woody Guthrie slogan has been bandied about on the forum recently I thought this was worth posting.  🤥

(Incidentally, in a tweet today, Trump urged Americans to, "Save the Post Office."  That's sort of like Herman Goering urging German citizens to protect the Reichstag from arsonists.)


Bill Bramhall's editorial cartoon for Sept. 2, 2019, following a growing number of pundits claiming "Trump Fatigue."
Bill Bramhall's editorial cartoon for Sept. 2, 2019, following a growing number of pundits claiming "Trump Fatigue." 
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Since this old Woody Guthrie slogan has been bandied about on the forum recently I thought this was worth posting.  🤥

(Incidentally, in a tweet today, Trump urged Americans to, "Save the Post Office."  That's sort of like Herman Goering urging German citizens to protect the Reichstag from arsonists.)


Woody lives on.


In your face but the end is worth watching it.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Trump is now saying that God is talking to him.

In the Judeo-Islamic-Christian sphere of luminary-divination, and related semantic etymology, thoughts, practices, i.e. the Abrahamic religions, there are two Gods, my dear Mr. Thomas.

There is Yahweh-Yeshua Ha-mashiach, a redeeming focal, unstoppable fiery force of star-like illumination and salvation who will do battle against slavery, corruption and lies and ultimately defeat death itself.

Then there is Temeluchus Ba'al Zabul-Satan, who means to act as a fowler, or a spiritual birdcatcher if you will, who will cast all who follow him into a bottomless pit of darkness, blood, excrement and fire, never letting truth, justice or peace exist wherever it may go, the father of all lies, murder, theft, rape, militaries, governments, monies, institutions of slavery and hierarchy.

Perhaps, the men who rule this world, with their titles of manager, general, director, president, pope and king, are being spoken to by a god.

Just not a god of intellectual freedom, agrarian reform, social responsibility, universal peace and spiritual enlightenment.

I believe a god does speak to Mr. Trump, and it is the god of Mammon...

Edited by Robert Montenegro
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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Trump is now saying that God is talking to him.


We know God talks to folks like Donnie Swaggart. I heard Brother Donnie preach last Sunday that the socialist and communist rioters in the streets are actually Satan trying to destroy America, God's chosen country. So he urged us all to get registered to vote and to "use our legs" on election day to defeat the devil. IOW go to the polls, none of that fraudulent mail-in stuff. You'll be protected by God just like he protects the congregation packed into Swaggart's church. Donnie always tells his unmasked congregants before his sermons, and before they bring out the big offering boxes, to turn around and greet someone. A few weeks ago he said, "You're not supposed to shake hands but I won't tell." I make it a point to tune in each week to see if anyone on the Swaggart team has gotten sick or died. So far they're all still standing and praising the Lord. Could covid be a hoax after all?





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6 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Trump is now saying that God is talking to him.

I have no doubt that Trump hears voices in his head, but I kinda sorta don't think it's God.

Steve Thomas.

I think it might be Vlad Putin on speaker phone.

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19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

I think it might be Vlad Putin on speaker phone.

Trump: "I can prove there's a God. He speaks Russian and I can understand it."



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