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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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10 hours ago, Jim Harwood said:

Kamala Harris comes out of that whacked out San Francisco political milieu famous in the late 1970's for the promotion of koolaid mass killer the Reverend Jim Jones

Harris was 14 years old in 1978.  She lived in Montreal.

She didn't go to work in San Francisco until DA Terence Hallinan hired her as assistant DA in 1998.  If you insist on tying Harris to the zeitgeist in San Francisco in 1998 have at it -- it was the height of the "dot.com" boom when the City's live  music scene was decimated by the closures of nightclubs to accommodate the invasion of tech-nerds.  Rents exploded making it impossible for many nightclubs and rehearsal spaces to stay open, or for musicians/artists to move in.

In the 60's San Francisco gave birth to psychedelic rock 'n roll.  In the late 90's rock 'n roll died in San Francisco.



Edited by Cliff Varnell
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46 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Harris was 14 years old in 1978.  She lived in Montreal.

She didn't go to work in San Francisco until DA Terence Hallinan hired her as assistant DA in 1998.  If you insist on tying Harris to the zeitgeist in San Francisco in 1998 have at it -- it was the height of the "dot.com" boom when the City's live  music scene was decimated by the closures of nightclubs to accommodate the invasion of tech-nerds.  Rents exploded making it impossible for many nightclubs and rehearsal spaces to stay open, or for musicians/artists to move in.

In the 60's San Francisco gave birth to psychedelic rock 'n roll.  In the late 90's rock 'n roll died in San Francisco.



What does milieu mean?
surroundings, especially of a social or cultural nature: 
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Just now, Robert Burrows said:

Further proof of Trump's delusional thought process, as if any was needed. 

"...I am a perfect physical physical specimen." 



What does this have to do with what's going on? 

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1 hour ago, Jim Harwood said:

‘Every Tree in the Forest Will Fall’

Oct. 7 (EIRNS)—On July 27, 2017, the LaRouche Political Action Committee published a report under the title “Every Tree in the Forest Will Fall.” The occasion was the release of the forensic proof issued by William Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA, that the supposed Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee emails and the deliverance of those emails to Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks, was a hoax. Binney showed that there had been no hack at all, but that, in fact, it was an inside job, likely by a Democrat who was furious that the DNC had sabotaged the presidential campaign of one of its own candidates (Bernie Sanders) in order to assure the nomination of another (Hillary Clinton).

“We are at a point where we can sink the entire Trump-Russiagate fraud on both sides of the Atlantic,” that report reads, “and shift the strategic dynamic from the defensive to the offensive,” quoting Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute. “That offensive means burying Wall Street and the City of London’s murderous speculative system, and bringing the United States and Europe into full cooperation with the China-Russia Belt and Road Initiative.”

Now, more than three years later, those trees are finally ready to fall, thanks to the effort of President Donald Trump and his new Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, who have begun to declassify the documents that prove the crime. Most important among them, released Tuesday, is the handwritten note of the corrupt John Brennan, Obama’s CIA chief, after briefing Obama on the fact that Hillary Clinton had (in Brennan’s words), approved “à proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.” A second declassified memo, addressed to then FBI Director James Comey and FBI official Peter Strzok, two leaders of the Russiagate coup attempt, was from a CIA Counterintelligence Operation Lead, stating that Hillary Clinton had approved a plan “concerning U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” Obama was in on this from the start.

As Trump tweeted yesterday: “Can’t believe these con men are not yet being PROSECUTED. Pathetic!”

But Trump also noted in a tweet: “All Russia Hoax Scandal information was Declassified by me long ago. Unfortunately for our Country, people have acted very slowly, especially since it is perhaps the biggest political crime in the history of our Country. Act!!!” It is of note that the LaRouche Political Action Committee issued a petition in June of 2018 titled: “President Trump: Declassify All Documents & Information Concerning British Subversion Of Your Campaign.”

Here we are dealing not only with the criminal acts of Obama and his intelligence community, but with the continuing crimes by those in the intelligence community today. On the one hand, there are former CIA chief Michael Pompeo, now Secretary of State, and his pal, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, as well as FBI chief Chrisopher Wray, who together have done everything in their power to sabotage President Trump’s effort to end the “endless wars” and to establish friendly relations with Russia and China. Pompeo, as CIA chief, was briefed by William Binney, at Trump’s instructions, on the fraud of the “DNC hack” story, but blocked the evidence provided by Binney from reaching the President or the mainstream media (referred to today as the “Lamestream Media” by President Trump).

Then there is the current CIA chief, Gina Haspel, who was the CIA station chief in London from 2014-2017, facilitating the MI6 manufacture of the lies about Trump’s “Russia collusion.” Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch, and a former Army intelligence officer, issued a report on Oct. 6 called “Analysis: CIA Director Gina Haspel and the British Role in the Anti-Trump Plot.” (https://worldisraelnews.com/analysis-cia-director-gina-haspel-and-the-british-role-in-the-anti-trump-plot/) Haspel is now suspected of being the key person blocking Trump’s repeated demands to declassify all the Russiagate documents, with (Trump added) “No redactions!”

Trump is aware of the sabotage from within his administration. He has already publicly denounced the “military-industrial complex” and identified the top brass at the Pentagon as responsible for disobeying his orders to end the “endless wars.” He appears to be hesitant to dump them, and the intelligence community miscreants, before the election. But, just as LaRouchePAC broke the containment of William Binney’s exposé of the Russia hoax, LaRouchePAC is now breaking the story of the military coup plans being concocted by the Democratic Party leadership and the generals who gave us the genocidal regime-change wars over the past two decades — literally hundreds of thousands of people around the world have now heard Col. Richard Black (ret.)’s documentation of these criminal preparations to remove the President from office by force. See “A Stark Warning of an Impending Coup; Track and Arrest the Conspirators!” https://larouchepac.com/20200916/stark-warning-impending-coup-track-and-arrest-conspirators

The danger of global war is increasing daily, as long as the “enemies within” are given room to play their deadly game. Trump is moving, but, as we have seen in both domestic and foreign policy, his instructions are often ignored. Now, with the entire criminal cabal, and their British partners, increasingly exposed to the world by the President— as they have been identified and exposed by the LaRouche movement for many years — the American people, and those of good will around the world, must join in demonstrating to the President that he will have full support for bringing down “all the trees in the forest.”

LaRouche reported in 1987 that Trump was being groomed by Russians to run for president.

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1 hour ago, Jim Harwood said:

‘Every Tree in the Forest Will Fall’

Oct. 7 (EIRNS)—On July 27, 2017, the LaRouche Political Action Committee published a report under the title “Every Tree in the Forest Will Fall.” The occasion was the release of the forensic proof issued by William Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA, that the supposed Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee emails and the deliverance of those emails to Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks, was a hoax. Binney showed that there had been no hack at all



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The LaRouche org is apparently in the Russia/China camp. Trump is promoting this geopolitical shift. It’s fascinating to watch the Trump supporters here and elsewhere buy into this. If we had a a Democratic President doing this they would be screaming. It’s all sickness really, which camp this Empire will align with going forward. It’s all endless war no matter which way you look. The Enemy appears to be any organization that supports and works towards a really new paradigm, not just a shift of loyalties. Such as the UN. Heaven forbid we should ever entertain an end to national borders. Let’s all retreat back to our Nationalistic shells and support hatred in all its ugliness. Nothing new there. White Homo Sapien men are truly a blessing for the world. 

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
I've always thought the Democrats bring a knife to a gunfight with the Republicans, Right now there's an impasse about the next debate.  Because of Trump's infection, Biden wants it done virtually. Trump refused!, Since Trump's bent on destroying any glimmer of hope he has left, I say grant him his wish!
I'd go one further, Since the Republicans say Biden is so weak. To dispel any doubt that Biden is effectual, which would be good for Biden to do. Biden may be able to win over more Republican support by showing he can squeeze as good as the Republicans, and say in essence. "Sorry filthy ass, but you blew your chance at intelligently debating the issues, like you blew your chance to be the hero president who helped beat covid, you treated it like a joke, and it bit you and destroyed what little future chance you have to be President. So deal with it!


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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


I too want to thank Kathy Becket, James Gordon and all or any of the moderators that I don't even know about, for allowing this release valve.

It helps.

Steve Thomas

We appreciate our moderators.

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4 hours ago, James R Gordon said:

Please Take Note:-

An hour ago W. Niederhut - replying to a post by Jim Harwood - said “in your wing nut "history" of Kamala Harris's family, I notice that you managed to omit any substantive….”  Ialso noted that Joseph McBride made a comment elsewhere. I am no fan of Donald Trump but it appears Jim Harwood might be. In posting his comments about Kamala Harris Jim broke no rules at all - yet one member considered he had the right to refer to Jim as a “nut.” No one has the right to insult a fellow member , even if they feel the said member has not included all the facts.

Members have a perfect right to feel aggrieved when referred to in this way.

For the last few years the admin team have either hidden or moved threads regarding Donald Trump because the subject can sometimes bring out the worst in us. With it being so close to the election I would prefer not to not to take action regarding this thread or others on Donald Trump. I am conscious that this US election may be somewhat unusual and may well excite us to voice our opinions.

This may be a difficult few weeks ahead and members - regarding this subject - might feel tempted to be intemperate with their opinions. Feel free to voice your opinions but - at all times - be civil to one another.  I will deal with any thread if we cannot be civil to each other.



I fully understand, and agree, that calling people names in our debates here is beyond the pale.

However, if I may clarify one thing-- my above comment about "wing nut history" was a reference to Mr. Harwood's reference article, not to Mr. Harwood.

Henceforth, I will, certainly, refrain from using the term, "wing nut" in these discussions.

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1 hour ago, Jim Harwood said:
What does milieu mean?
surroundings, especially of a social or cultural nature: 

Huge difference between San Francisco in 1978 and 1998. I started hanging out in the Haight-Ashbury in 1977, moved here in 1989.  Lots of social and cultural changes.

It’s always amusing to see people speak authoritatively about things they know little about.

In the interest of full disclosure I should note that there was a lively live music house party scene out in the Sunset the last few years, but I don’t know if it’s survived the covid.

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We've voted!

Me in a voting place. My wife by mail deposited in a special U.S.P.S. drop box in front of our local library just half a mile away.

We live in California.  Wonder how many have voted already here in our state?

Watched the V.P. debate last night. Couldn't believe how many times the moderator allowed Pence to keep on talking way past his limit. I was expecting some strict control regards violating the time limit rules. Chris Wallace was actually more aggressive in trying to keep Trump under control despite his 145 interruptions.

I had to mute the volume for quite awhile as there were relatives in the room who were somewhat apolitical and wanted to talk about other things such as UFO's, Bigfoot, haunted house stories and the death of Eddie Van Halen.

At one point a young grandchild who was watching the screen shouted "Hey, there's a fly on that man's head!" That stopped the other discussion and we all silently watched the fly.

We speculated about the fly and how it remained on Pence's head for so long.

I threw out a spontaneous thought that Trump will probably say it was a highly sophisticated drone dispatched by Democratic Party dirty tricksters to embarrass Pence.

Still thought like 58% average national poll numbers that Harris was the winner of the debate.

Can't comment on the full substance of the candidate's talking points.

However, from a visual perspective I found Harris the more real person with expressive eyes, sensual mouth and a big healthy white tooth smile.

Whoever fixed her up cosmetically did a great job. She was very attractive looking in a hot exotic way imo.

Pence always looks like a store front window mannequin to me. 

An almost plastic smooth face with a fixed, slight, thin lip smile. Squinty, beady, no expression eyes.

Nose so small and square it looks like it's carved out of wood.

Maximum trim hair cut style with not one hair out of place.

Robotic head movement. Slow deliberate fixed plane turns.

I actually remembered similar faced car crash dummies and in old movies of atom bomb tests where they put dummies in a model home near the blast site to simulate what would happen in a real life situation.

Agree with Kirk Galloway. Tell Trump to jump in a lake if he won't do a virtual debate Biden.

The Repubs have been treating the Dems like this for decades. Time to shove it right back at em. For once, show some spine. Voters will see this as strength against Trump, not the other way around imo.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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