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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Thanks for your comical "update" on the J6 hearings, as perceived by people living in the MAGA-verse.

     I can, certainly, understand why you guys would want Hutchinson's firsthand witness testimony to be "inadmissible." 

     It's quite damning.  

     But, I must give you credit for providing some daily comic relief here, and a valuable perspective on how Trumplicans view the Congressional J6 hearings that they have so assiduously refrained from watching. 🤥

      So, Hutchinson wasn't "vetted," eh?  Did you hear that flamer from Glenn Greenwald or Tucker Carlson?  

      And she wasn't a firsthand witness of the activities and conversations of Trump and Meadows, (Ornato, Cipollone, Engel, et.al.) who had a White House office nearly adjacent to the Oval Office?   

      Did you read that silly spin at Breitbart or the Gateway Pundit?

      "Cheney-crats" and monkeymen in the trees?  

      Matt was kind enough to provide documentation about the Trump mob guns on the Washington Mall, and you promptly changed the subject.  Now you dismiss those Trumplicans with guns are mere "monkeymen in trees?"

      (BTW, do you really think Trumplicans are any less tribal and homicidal than other simians?)

       As for Liz Cheney, she has done an admirable job investigating Trump's serious crimes against the United States.   

       I never thought I would approve of a Cheney, but she deserves her Profile in Courage Award.



Liz Cheney is now outfitted with a heavy raincoat and yolk-deflecting goggles, after the ton of eggs that fell on her after the Hutchinson boondoggle-extravaganza. 

Maybe you can find of Profile in Courage medal under the gloop. 

And to think I thought she was a mere establishment apparatchik. mouthing acceptable narratives. 

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30 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

So...is this an earnest attempt to untangle the truth from Ornato and Hutchinson (an earnest effort at truth-seeking being a novelty in DC)...

Or...are the long knives out for Ornato by the Cheney-crats as a matter of political expediency? 

Stay tuned as the J6 committee battles the soaps for ratings....

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After Patriot Front arrests in North Idaho, meet the new right-wing ‘Conflict Entrepreneurs’

by Marc C. Johnson, Idaho Capital Sun June 30, 2022


The 31 members of the white supremacist group calling itself Patriot Front who were arrested last week at a northern Idaho Pride Day celebration may seem, at least at first blush, to be little more than a handful of neo-poopoo losers and cranks, White men who hate the idea that the United States is a nation of ethnic and religious diversity. But it would be a mistake to dismiss these dangerous men as anything less than what they are, domestic terrorists. “

Patriot Front has demonstrated in Philadelphia, leafleted in Vermont and the campus of the University of West Virginia and led anti-immigrant protests in California. In Brooklyn a year ago, members vandalized a George Floyd statue and defaced a mural in Richmond commemorating Black tennis great Arthur Ashe. Patriot Front members have been involved in anti-abortion rallies, as well.

The group’s national reach and level or coordination is obvious given that those arrested in northern Idaho came from at least 11 states and just happened to show up packed into a rented U-Haul truck wearing hoods and carrying shields and apparently some weapons. The objective was clearly to provoke a confrontation, create chaos, grab headlines and then slink out of town.

Consider this: One of those arrested in Coeur d’Alene came all the way from Alabama.”


Steve Thomas

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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So...is this an earnest attempt to untangle the truth from Ornato and Hutchinson (an earnest effort at truth-seeking being a novelty in DC)...

Or...are the long knives out for Ornato by the Cheney-crats as a matter of political expediency? 

Stay tuned as the J6 committee battles the soaps for ratings....


     Thanks for your latest observations about the Congressional J6 hearings you didn't watch.  🤥

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No one is contesting Hutchinson's testimonial recollection of the Trump "ketchup on the wall/smashed plate" incident as shown her by the valet who had to clean it up.

She even pitched in to help him clean the ketchup!

Hutchinson was asked whether she knew of ( or heard of ?) other incidents of Trump behavior where he exhibited similar physical acting out, rage/temper tantrum throwing behavior.

She replied "yes."

One would assume many people around Trump in his years as President witnessed similar rage/ item throwing acting out behavior.

Even his own family.

So, taking into account the entire picture of Trump's history as being of this type of explosive acting out temperament and behavior ( don't forget his other famous grabbing incident ) the story of him acting out in his limo and grabbing the steering wheel and clavical area of SS agent Bobby Engel just after his ellipse speech, can't be dismissed based on a claim that it just couldn't have happened because Trump would never do such a thing.

Only that he wasn't in a physical position in the vehicle to be able to do this.

Also, it makes total sense that Trump "was" probably livid about being taken back to the WH when he wanted his driver to take him instead to the Capital building crowd area.

If Trump could go so far over the lines of social propriety and even sexual assault criminal laws to grab what he bragged about grabbing years earlier ... grabbing a steering wheel wouldn't be anything to him.




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On 6/30/2022 at 4:40 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

I cannot say thrusting an unvetted witness (Hutchinson), who was easily discredited....


You are again revealing your pro-Trump bias and that you yourself drink the red koolaid.

First, you claim that Hutchinson was unvetted when you really have no idea how vetted she was. Then you claim that she was discredited when in reality it may  be her testimony that discredits her accusers.


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45 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


You are again revealing your pro-Trump bias and that you yourself drink the red koolaid.

First, you claim that Hutchinson was unvetted when you really have no idea how vetted she was. Then you claim that she was discredited when in reality it may  be her testimony that discredits her accusers.


Ben - I agree with this comment. You’re siding with Trump and his people. To paraphrase - the man doth protest too much. Unless I’m mistaken about what that quote means. The same for the Russia thing. Manafort was certainly guilty as charged. What exactly he was up to with his Russian friend is not clear, but whatever it was they went to great lengths to keep it secret. 

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What if Hutchinson took the 5th 150 times like so many of Trump's people?

Even after Trump himself said only members of the Mafia take the fifth.

Or just raised her middle finger to the committee when asked to testify?

The woman has some integrity.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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