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32 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

There were likely more Nazis invading the U.S. Capitol on 1/6 than there are in the entirety of Ukraine.



Right On!

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Charlie Kirk calls for his audience to post bail for Pelosi attacker: "If some amazing patriot out there in San Francisco or the Bay Area wants to really be a midterm hero, someone should go and bail this guy out...Bail him out and then go ask him some questions"

How long will it be before David DePape becomes the right wing's new Joan of Arc?

Steve Thomas

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

There were likely more Nazis invading the U.S. Capitol on 1/6 than there are in the entirety of Ukraine.

You think 50% of your country are Nazis,  which is one of the biggest misconceptions and issues in your political discourse, Matt.
When confronted with people who actually identify as Nazis, you close your eyes and claim they don’t exist. 

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Well there you have it Cliff. This is the zoo we've inherited.
As you've seen, We now have a poster shrieking in a desperate soliloquy for Putin to launch a blitzkrieg on the people of Ukraine, and rationalizes it as a desire for peace, when in reality it's  to satisfy his adolescent masochistic need for flogging for his self righteous shame about being an American. Over and over with his posts, you're left with a rather empty feeling  that some people can't do anything for anything other than selfish reasons.
Ben I hope you don't work as a security guard in Chiang Mai. Because all I've ever seen from you is sort of Alfred E. Newman "what me worry" hippy dippy attitude about having anything worth protecting except Ukraine, as someone whose instincts were to show endless compassion for the people who broke into the Capitol over the  police protecting it.
Of course Brian Sicknick's death became an endless topic of scoffing diatribe  for Ben, whose so repetitive, he can't  even remember his last post. Ben launched into Brian's Sicknick's death for the MSM's first 24 hour misreporting that Sicknick was hit by a fire extinguisher, but then afterward , mercilessly completely discounts  the fact that he died the next day from a heart attack after trying to protect the Capitol, as being in any way related to the riots!
Just such carelessness, But if I was serious about protecting my sh-t, Ben.. I would take one Matt over a hundred of you.
Below is a 1/6 Capitol policeman, (with the tatts) who would have been killed by the 1/06 rioters if he hadn't cried out that he had kids and one guy of the mob shielded and ended up protecting him. The occasion of this clip is Brian Sicknick's wife is getting involved in a political ads against election denier  Kari Lake's similar campaign scoffing at the Capitol Police and praise of the rioters.
Our unnamed "kiddie section" which also includes Chris should view this. I fully expect Chris to shriek out loud (SOL) at the realness of this guy, and again retreat to the tough love white male cocoon of the religious authoritarian Jordan Peterson.
heh heh
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12 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Our unnamed "kiddie section" which also includes Chris should view this. I fully expect Chris to shriek out loud (SOL) at the realness of this guy, and again retreat to the tough love white male cocoon of the religious authoritarian Jordan Peterson.
heh heh

Scraping the bottom of the content barrel a little aren’t you? Obviously triggered you again somehow. ☺️ You should get back to the safety cocoon of your white male cowboy movies, where the narratives are questionable. 

PS Never any shrieking from me, we’re brought up to have a little more decorum on this side of the Atlantic. 🎩 

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54 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Well there you have it Cliff. This is the zoo we've inherited.
As you've seen, We now have a poster shrieking in a desperate soliloquy for Putin to launch a blitzkrieg on the people of Ukraine, and rationalizes it as a desire for peace, when in reality it's  to satisfy his adolescent masochistic need for flogging for his self righteous shame about being an American. Over and over with his posts, you're left with a rather empty feeling  that some people can't do anything for anything other than selfish reasons.
Ben I hope you don't work as a security guard in Chiang Mai. Because all I've ever seen from you is sort of Alfred E. Newman "what me worry" hippy dippy attitude about having anything worth protecting except Ukraine, as someone whose instincts were to show endless compassion for the people who broke into the Capitol over the  police protecting it.
Of course Brian Sicknick's death became an endless topic of scoffing diatribe  for Ben, whose so repetitive, he can't  even remember his last post. Ben launched into Brian's Sicknick's death for the MSM's first 24 hour misreporting that Sicknick was hit by a fire extinguisher, but then afterward , mercilessly completely discounts  the fact that he died the next day from a heart attack after trying to protect the Capitol, as being in any way related to the riots!
Just such carelessness, But if I was serious about protecting my sh-t, Ben.. I would take one Matt over a hundred of you.
Below is a 1/6 Capitol policeman, (with the tatts) who would have been killed by the 1/06 rioters if he hadn't cried out that he had kids and one guy of the mob shielded and ended up protecting him. The occasion of this clip is Brian Sicknick's wife is getting involved in a political ads against election denier  Kari Lake's similar campaign scoffing at the Capitol Police and praise of the rioters.
Our unnamed "kiddie section" which also includes Chris should view this. I fully expect Chris to shriek out loud (SOL) at the realness of this guy, and again retreat to the tough love white male cocoon of the religious authoritarian Jordan Peterson.
heh heh

Kirk is your full name Kirkland like the Costco products because your generic all filler attacks are more boring than the MSNBC propaganda you and the other A-symptomatic geniuses in the thread post like the MSNBC Dad in this joke. 

Fox News Dad is > MSNBC dad as you continue to illustrate with your blue pilled Ruth Paine is just a nice lady arguments  and MAGA is the real deep state. NO WONDER you are buddies with a guy who thinks the Umbrella man shot JFK and ICE bullets were involved.. Clifff aka ICE MAN did the driver shoot the shell fish toxin? No wonder you have QANON friends, Kirk how many QAnon friends do you have in the Bay Area? 

You're left with an empty feeling because your Boomer memes show your age and how out of touch Champagne libtards from the land of cats are, because they're not dank memes. I kinda liked you at first but you have shown to be what you project on Ben. Just a dishonest person who try's to remain vague enough about things as to not get criticized but heaps unjustified criticism on others. AKA you're malevolent watch the  SF choir video that's you and the people you support 😉 


The only shrieking around here comes from MSNBC propaganda like what you just peddled 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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58 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

NO WONDER you are buddies with a guy who thinks the Umbrella man shot JFK and ICE bullets were involved.

And like all Trumpers you just make stuff up.  I never said anything about Louis Witt.  Rosemary Willis backs his account: she said Witt was more pre-occupied with his umbrella than watching the parade.

Free Louis Witt!

The “ice bullet” scenario started with Humes, Boswell and Finck the night of the autopsy when they were at a loss to explain a shallow back wound with no bullet.  If you don’t know who they are, look them up.

58 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

aka ICE MAN did the driver shoot the shell fish toxin?

My bets are on Black Dog Man.  Willis testified to the HSCA that the figure behind the pergola wall was “conspicuous” and then “disappeared in an instant.”

58 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

<cut the rest of the all-cap shrieking>

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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17 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

<cut the rest of the all-cap shrieking>

Well thanks ICE MAN for quoting the voices in your head! LOL

Please source the Rosemary Willis quote because she told other people she does't remember the shooting because she was too young. How did she notice Witt when she was running next to the Limo until the shots happened. Or is this part of the QANON theory your friends believe in? 

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1 minute ago, Matthew Koch said:

Well thanks ICE MAN for quoting the voices in your head! LOL

More all cap shrieking.  

1 minute ago, Matthew Koch said:

Please source the Rosemary Willis quote because she told other people she does't remember the shooting because she was too young.


1 minute ago, Matthew Koch said:

How did she notice Witt when she was running next to the Limo until the shots happened.


1 minute ago, Matthew Koch said:

Or is this part of the QANON theory your friends believe in? 

Desperation is an odiferous perfume, is it not?

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2 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Is that your blog?

You can go back and quote me Cliff it still doesn't change the fact you quoted the voices in your head😉😝 

I concede and say Touche on the Willis thing, I remember reading that having seen it again. And to be totally honest to you I've tried to look into the Qanon theory but haven't been about to pin down a theory about what exactly it is because I've never met anyone who believes in it and when try to research it I just find MSNBC people like you telling what Qanon people believe in general terms. So I'm prone to believe it's the Russian Trust OP that the Soviets played after the Revolution. https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/q-anon-bears-striking-resemblance-to-bolshevik-psy-op-from-1920s-known-as-operation-trust/

I view people who believe in it as being useful idiots and the people who attack the useful idiots as helping the people who ran the OP. The US media calls it a conspiracy and uses that to justify crackdown on all Conspiracy "theories" they say also that JFK assassination researchers believe in that theory.

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