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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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18 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Lots of conundrums out there. 

Example: Yes, free markets generally work better to raise living standards. 

Pure free markets trend towards the vulgar, the coarse, the erosion of social stability...on a global scale, free markets would likely eliminate half the cultures and many languages on the planet. 

Globalism results in the long (very long) term reduction employee-class leverage. 

The Donks are globalists, the establishment GOP are globalists. Follow the money. 

But allow government to run the show...you get the CCP/Beijing. Or some government-corporatist tosses you in jail as your speech is  "stochastic terrorism." 

Best to hide out somewhere!

Be aware of corporatist myrmidons. 




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9 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Lots of conundrums out there. 

Example: Yes, free markets generally work better to raise living standards. 

Pure free markets trend towards the vulgar, the coarse, the erosion of social stability...on a global scale, free markets would likely eliminate half the cultures and many languages on the planet. 

Globalism results in the long (very long) term reduction employee-class leverage. 

The Donks are globalists, the establishment GOP are globalists. Follow the money. 

But allow government to run the show...you get the CCP/Beijing. Or some government-corporatist tosses you in jail as your speech is  "stochastic terrorism." 

Best to hide out somewhere!




A lot of the guys in my local community want big government devolved, there are a few anarcho-calitalists. I can totally see how being critical of a system  that serves as a mechanism to pass tax payers money to corporations, can quickly also morph into something undesirable should they get their way. It’s a bit “Atlas Shrugged” here and many are fans of William Rees-Mogg’s “Sovereign Individual”, which I think you’d like. People can quickly become survival of the fittest types as their wealth increases. We need balance. This thing now just seeks a cess pool. Its just a question of how long until it collapses under its own weight. Neil Oliver was pretty optimistic for once when comparing the Oligarchs of now to Akhenaten in his video I posted earlier today. Erasing the past to usher in a new system, he ultimately failed. 

We live in interesting times. 

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On 11/11/2022 at 6:51 AM, Matthew Koch said:

Kirk mentioned people being silenced is total BS they changed they profile picture to Elons and tried to make it look like he was saying vote for Democrats

Matthew, You just emotionally reacted to the banner, but my first sentence under this was " Musk didn't tweet this". This is the problem with people who don't listen or don't have any sustained attention span.
I was posing a question for the free speech absolutists here. Does a billionaire have rights to curtail free speech on his forum? Go to top of page  961 and read below the banner..
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8 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Matthew, You just emotionally reacted to the banner, but my first sentence under this was " Musk didn't tweet this". This is the problem with people who don't listen or don't have any sustained attention span.
I was posing a question for the free speech absolutists here. Does a billionaire have rights to curtail free speech on his forum? Go to top of page  961 and read below the banner..

If I misread and I included you wrongly then I apologize Kirk. 

The rest of what I said about Kathy Griffin is accurate she should have been banned. 

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News flash! Masto wins Nevada Senate race! CNN projects Democrats take Senate without Georgia!

The House is incredible, according to CNN. Republicans 211, Democrats 204. With 20 close contests still in doubt!

Of those, Republicans leading in 10. Democrats leading in 10 which would put the Republicans at 221, all they need is 218!

But there are 4 districts in California and 2 in Arizona where the Democrats are losing by less than 1%! A couple of districts have been under 50% counted! I don't know why. If the Dems were to win all 6 they are currently losing by under 1%, and keep the ones they are leading in. The Democrats win with 220! But that seems very remote!

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

False equivalence thinking on your part. ✔️ 

There’s a difference equating the worst of American foreign with Hitler?

False dichotomy on your part.

1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

You surely are intoxicated, mentally ill or very low intelligence to be asking this after the previous dialogue. I stated quite clearly that this is one component, just one.

Which has nothing to do with what I wrote about Putin and Trump — points you appear incapable of addressing

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Stray thought on FTX....

Sam Bankman-Fried, who I never heard of before, was evidently a huge donor to the Donks. 

From the left-ish Politico:

"Crypto megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried helped bankroll Democrats’ overperformance in the midterms. But any friends he may have had in Washington won’t be there for him as his crumbling business empire threatens to torpedo the entire digital currency market."

By one account, Sam BF had $6 billion in crypto funds for clients, but only 10% of that is left. 

What if....we are looking at this story backwards? 

The Donks have lots of smart tech-guy affiliations, like most of Silicon Valley.

So the party creates a Sam BF as a funding mechanism. 

Sam BF does his looting and funnels the money into Donk coffers.

The understanding: Sam BF will not be sent to jail. Oh sure, lawsuits and prosecutions. But Sam BF keeps a bil for himself, gives $5 billion to the Donks (think dark money) and then gets banned for life from the securities and investment community. 

But no slammer time. And holidays on the Greek isles for the next 20 years. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Breaking headline from the New York Times:


Midterms Live Updates: Democrats Keep Control of Senate With Victory in Nevada

Senator Catherine Cortez Masto narrowly defeated her Republican challenger, Adam Laxalt, giving the Democrats 50 seats even before the Georgia runoff on Dec. 6.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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24 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Breaking headline from the New York Times:


Midterms Live Updates: Democrats Keep Control of Senate With Victory in Nevada

Senator Catherine Cortez Masto narrowly defeated her Republican challenger, Adam Laxalt, giving the Democrats 50 seats even before the Georgia runoff on Dec. 6.

Walker is toast.  He doesn't matter now.

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18 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Yep. The GOP only cared about him when they thought he could help them grab the majority.

Now no one in their right mind will vote for him.

Maybe the chump's last big mistake?  Indictment this week would be cool.  Before he can try to squirm out with a run.

For Herschel and Donnie.



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6 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


Like Sarah Palin was really a qualified candidate for VP despite her lack of even general knowledge of basic national and international issues of importance?

Inarticulate speaking "is" a worthy indicator of a candidate's unqualified make up for election to our highest offices of democratic representation.

Chris Rock just throws out sh##. Anything for a laugh.

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20 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Like Sarah Palin was really a qualified candidate for VP despite her lack of even general knowledge of basic national and international issues of importance?

Inarticulate speaking "is" a worthy indicator of a candidate's unqualified make up for election to our highest offices of democratic representation.

Chris Rock just throws out sh##. Anything for a laugh.


Does what you just said above apply to Kamala Harris? 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Maybe the chump's last big mistake?  Indictment this week would be cool.  Before he can try to squirm out with a run.

For Herschel and Donnie.



The original.


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Trump demands taxpayers pay his legal fees in suit blocking January 6 subpoena days before rumored campaign announcement...


Once upon a time, I was the President, you know.

Steve Thomas

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