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8 hours ago, John Cotter said:


In relation to one point in your rather incoherent post, it seems that you fail to understand that the relationship between Hitler and Gustave Le Bon is somewhat comparable to the relationship between Hitler and Friedrich Nietzsche.


This is exactly what I said to @Matthew Koch yesterday. By Kirk’s distorted rationale, not only Nietzsche could be included, but, Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe), Shakespeare, Goethe and a whole host of others who the German leader read. Kirk’s emotions are running very high, I forgive him for the foggy, conflicted thinking. 

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3 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

This is exactly what I said to @Matthew Koch yesterday. By Kirk’s distorted rationale, not only Nietzsche could be included, but, Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe), Shakespeare, Goethe and a whole host of others who the German leader read. Kirk’s emotions are running very high, I forgive him for the foggy, conflicted thinking. 

the German leader 

Interesting 'couching' of another mad man, Chris.

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9 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

This has tickled me this morning. I don’t think we should delete it. It’s a fantastic written record of the ‘cognitive dissonance’ amongst some of the democrat voters here. Such a thing should surely be preserved for future amusement. 


     It would be a shame to delete some of the old educational commentaries on this thread -- by James DiEugenio, et.al.

     Not to mention works of considerable literary merit, like my 2022 limerick, Our Trans-Atlantic Pal, Chrissy.  🤓


Our trans-Atlantic pal, Chrissy,

on occasion, was churlish and prissy.

A most sensitive Brit,

he'd, at times, throw a fit,

of the kind that are often called, "hissy." 

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9 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

The assassination in Dallas was an attack on the Presidency ergo an attack on our democracy.  Trump's refusal to accept the election results was also an attack on the Presidency, a mirror of Dallas 1963.

You are 100% correct and thank you for posting this.

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11 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

uh.. no, I read his posts because I thought it was weird that he deleted his profile and came back. Then I found him harassing members on the forum for being of the center right of the political spectrum to the point that he got put on one post a day for calling other members fascist similar to what you are compulsively doing.. I just now scrolled through all of what he wrote and guess what I found? You (Leslie Sharp) mentioned, what a crazy coincidence pardon the pun! 

Here's what he wrote about you: 

"I should explain why, as a courtesy, why I deleted all of my posts on this forum and why I am back now.

After I started posting about the late Hank Albarelli's work into the "Stay-behind" elements involved with the murder of President Kennedy, forum member Anthony Thorne placed Ms. Leslie Sharp, a person who was working with my late friend H.P. “Hank” Albarelli Jr. on his book "Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK and Why".

She then started probing me for information.

Specifically, what I knew about Hank Albarelli's research, how and when I met Hank and what I knew about this other unfinished book projects.

I told her that I first contacted Mr. Albarelli because I needed help with a whistleblowers claim I was making against the Veterans Affairs Administration in regards to a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder stressor statement about certain Joint Special Operations Command personnel involved in war crimes I witnessed committed under the NATO International Security Assistance Forces operational structure while I was deployed to Afghanistan.

Incidentally, when I asked Ms. Leslie Sharp about the release date time-tables surrounding Hank's ten books before he passed away, with the following working titles: 

1. "Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK and Why"

2. "Wormwood Exposed: The Truth About Frank Olson and Other Terrible Mistakes"

3. "CIA Femme Fatale: The Secret Life of June Cobb"

4. "An Unauthorized History of CIA Projects QJ/WIN and ZR/RIFLE"

5. "Lee Harvey Oswald and New York City, June 1962: A Complete Investigation and Substantial Questions and Issues

6. "Project ARTICHOKE and the CIA's Development of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"

7. "Exploiting Evil: Project PAPERCLIP, the Pentagon, CIA, and Human Experimentation"

8. "The Secret History of LSD and the CIA"

9. "Operation Midnight Climax: The Life and Time of George Hunter White, Federal Narcotics and CIA Agent Extraordinaire"

10. "Lee Harvey Oswald and The Manchurian Candidate, 1959-1963"

"I was told, under no uncertain terms, that she signed some "...oath of confidentiality..." gag-waiver with the publishers of Hank's work and I could not be given an answer about any element of Hank's research. Ms. Sharp then said, quite bluntly, that she did not believe I was in contact with Hank, because I did not sign such a oath.

Then Ms. Leslie Sharp started saying, for the sake of saving face on my account, I should delete all of my posts about the "Stay-behind" elements, because what Hank Albarelli told me in private conversation was not pertinent to the conclusions he came to in the final product of his book (which I highly doubt, in retrospect).

Then Ms. Leslie Sharp aggressively pushed me to delete my posts in order to "protect the memory of Hank" (pulling on my damn heart-strings).

Then, after I said I would, under no circumstances, not delete my posts, I was viciously threatened by Ms. Leslie Sharp that she would hit me with a "cease and desist" lawsuit by Simon & Schuster if I said or wrote anything more, ad infinitum, about the conversations that I had Hank Albarelli about his research into the JFK murder or anything about his unreleased books.

I am only coming forward now, because I have sought legal counsel of my own on the matter and am now aware of my legal rights, such as they are.

I did nothing illegal by relaying the content of private conversations, and I now consider what Ms, Leslie Sharp did a form of electronic harassment. 

Does anyone know how to I can recover and put back the posts I deleted? 

I will start reconstruction of the posts I made, in a few days, if no one can help me recover the data."



@Leslie Sharp care to explain this? 

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


     It would be a shame to delete some of the old educational commentaries on this thread -- by James DiEugenio, et.al.

     Not to mention works of considerable literary merit, like my 2022 limerick, Our Trans-Atlantic Pal, Chrissy.  🤓


Our trans-Atlantic pal, Chrissy,

on occasion, was churlish and prissy.

A most sensitive Brit,

he'd, at times, throw a fit,

of the kind that are often called, "hissy." 

Well, you could always print it out and pin it to your fridge with some magnets?! 

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4 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

@Leslie Sharp care to explain this? 

I feel no need to "explain" 'this.'

And I suggest you refrain from slurs hurled at a combat veteran who acknowledges openly that he suffers PTSD. He's unable to take you on here, and you know it, but I will on his behalf.

The moderators need to stay on top of your attempted psychological intimidation, and your misogynist rants, imho. 


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3 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I feel no need to "explain" 'this.'

And I suggest you refrain from slurs hurled at a combat veteran who acknowledges openly that he suffers PTSD. He's unable to take you on here, and you know it, but I will on his behalf.

The moderators need to stay on top of your attempted psychological intimidation, and your misogynist rants, imho. 


The fact that you feel no need to explain this tells me that there is a lot of truth to it. Rather ironic that you are up to your usual tactics or character assassination (He Suffers from PTSD) I believe what he wrote about you bulling him is true given that's basically what you have been doing with people who fail to agree with your off base characterization. 

The way the forum works is you either ask for a post that violates forum rules to be removed by the poster and if they refuse to the mods are supposed look at it and if it breaks rules they will take it down. SO, you need to cite my rant because I don't remember going on a misogynistic rant and it appears that you have moved on to gaslighting. 


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