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8 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

The fact that you are reposting your posts that have already been replied to and ignoring the reply, basically points to the fact that you have a psychotic disorder, seek help💯 Please!! 

When you offer a semi-literate response to Stone''s finger symbol — not the joke you culled from the MAGA threads you rely on, but a serious analysis of why he's photographed with a crowd of militants flashing the ok symbol, one of whom is also comfortable saluting "the" fuhrer —we can move on.

Speaking of psychopaths, do you remember that massacre?  What did you think about as it was being reported?  Birdwatching?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

A measured approach, Benjamin.

Carlson blows with the wind.  He and his ilk coopted "deep state" to feed Trump's frenzy. I doubt he fully understands that Peter Thiel, for instance, is the NEW AND IMPROVED deep state.  Watch as this SVB story unfolds.  Douglas Caddy is already on the trail.


Are you familiar with Yarvin?

Yarvin is obviously a smart guy, but not my cup of tea. I prefer democracy, transparency, warts and all. 

I have to say, the Donk alliance with the Deep State and allied M$M is probably 1000 times times as powerful as Yarvin. 

Yarvin strikes me as a bonsai tree in a redwood forest. 

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10 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

When you offer a semi-literate response to Stone''s finger symbol — not the joke you culled from the MAGA threads you rely on, but a serious analysis of why he's photographed with a crowd of militants flashing the ok symbol, one of whom is also comfortable saluting "the" fuhrer —we can move on.

Speaking of psychopaths, do you remember that massacre?  What did you think about as it was being reported?  Birdwatching?

Sorry reality isn't a good enough answer for you💯

You are a female version of Robert Montenegro, he clearly has mental problems and so do you. 



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3 hours ago, John Cotter said:

That's not the doublethink I referred to.

As @Matthew Kochsuggested, perhaps you should stick to your ice bullets theory.

John, what sort of firearm leaves a shallow wound in soft tissue?

A 25-lb bow and target practice arrow?



Edited by Cliff Varnell
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1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Yarvin is obviously a smart guy, but not my cup of tea. I prefer democracy, transparency, warts and all. 

I have to say, the Donk alliance with the Deep State and allied M$M is probably 1000 times times as powerful as Yarvin. 

Yarvin strikes me as a bonsai tree in a redwood forest. 

I asked because Yarvin apparently caught Thiel's attention, either before or after Bannon's.  If you've been following the posts about James Angleton's admiration of The Black Prince Borghese who was heavily influenced by Julius Evola, this is an interesting read — in context.  

Rose notes that the intellectual luminaries for many of today’s younger conservatives are no longer those that inspired the turn against social democracy in the late 70s: ‘Instead of William Buckley it is Curtis Yarvin. Instead of Milton Friedman it is Peter Thiel. Instead of George Will it is Angelo Codevilla. Instead of Richard John Neuhaus it is Adrian Vermeule. Instead of Irving Kristol it is Steve Sailor. … In congressional offices, Republican politicians won’t know them all either, but their young aides will. At conservative magazines, senior editors don’t read them, but their junior staff do.’


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20 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Sorry reality isn't a good enough answer for you💯

You are a female version of Robert Montenegro, he clearly has mental problems and so do you. 



hmmmm. Did you meet Robert here ... on Ed Forum?

And did you follow the massacre referred to in my response?  Why are you avoiding discussion of that horrendous tragedy perpetrated by a psychopath who was familiar with the symbolism Roger jokingly flashes>

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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4 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I asked because Yarvin apparently caught Thiel's attention, either before or after Bannon's.  If you've been following the posts about James Angleton's admiration of The Black Prince Borghese who was heavily influenced by Julius Evola, this is an interesting read — in context.  

Rose notes that the intellectual luminaries for many of today’s younger conservatives are no longer those that inspired the turn against social democracy in the late 70s: ‘Instead of William Buckley it is Curtis Yarvin. Instead of Milton Friedman it is Peter Thiel. Instead of George Will it is Angelo Codevilla. Instead of Richard John Neuhaus it is Adrian Vermeule. Instead of Irving Kristol it is Steve Sailor. … In congressional offices, Republican politicians won’t know them all either, but their young aides will. At conservative magazines, senior editors don’t read them, but their junior staff do.’


I will keep my eye out.

In the current environment, threats to freedoms might come from either or both parties. And possibly even most from the "centrists" in both parties. 



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14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I will keep my eye out.

In the current environment, threats to freedoms might come from either or both parties. And possibly even most from the "centrists" in both parties. 



I was wondering about Thiel abruptly withdrawing all of his cash from SVB.  Financial? or Political?  Or both?

How better to try and topple Democracy in America than another 2008?

Curtis Yarvin wants American democracy toppled. He has some prominent Republican fans.

The New Right blogger has been cited by Blake Masters and J.D. Vance. What exactly is he advocating?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

hmmmm. Did you meet Robert here ... on Ed Forum?

And did you follow the massacre referred to in my response?  Why are you avoiding discussion of that horrendous tragedy perpetrated by a psychopath who was familiar with the symbolism Roger jokingly flashes>

uh.. no, I read his posts because I thought it was weird that he deleted his profile and came back. Then I found him harassing members on the forum for being of the center right of the political spectrum to the point that he got put on one post a day for calling other members fascist similar to what you are compulsively doing.. I just now scrolled through all of what he wrote and guess what I found? You (Leslie Sharp) mentioned, what a crazy coincidence pardon the pun! 

Here's what he wrote about you: 

"I should explain why, as a courtesy, why I deleted all of my posts on this forum and why I am back now.

After I started posting about the late Hank Albarelli's work into the "Stay-behind" elements involved with the murder of President Kennedy, forum member Anthony Thorne placed Ms. Leslie Sharp, a person who was working with my late friend H.P. “Hank” Albarelli Jr. on his book "Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK and Why".

She then started probing me for information.

Specifically, what I knew about Hank Albarelli's research, how and when I met Hank and what I knew about this other unfinished book projects.

I told her that I first contacted Mr. Albarelli because I needed help with a whistleblowers claim I was making against the Veterans Affairs Administration in regards to a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder stressor statement about certain Joint Special Operations Command personnel involved in war crimes I witnessed committed under the NATO International Security Assistance Forces operational structure while I was deployed to Afghanistan.

Incidentally, when I asked Ms. Leslie Sharp about the release date time-tables surrounding Hank's ten books before he passed away, with the following working titles: 

1. "Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK and Why"

2. "Wormwood Exposed: The Truth About Frank Olson and Other Terrible Mistakes"

3. "CIA Femme Fatale: The Secret Life of June Cobb"

4. "An Unauthorized History of CIA Projects QJ/WIN and ZR/RIFLE"

5. "Lee Harvey Oswald and New York City, June 1962: A Complete Investigation and Substantial Questions and Issues

6. "Project ARTICHOKE and the CIA's Development of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"

7. "Exploiting Evil: Project PAPERCLIP, the Pentagon, CIA, and Human Experimentation"

8. "The Secret History of LSD and the CIA"

9. "Operation Midnight Climax: The Life and Time of George Hunter White, Federal Narcotics and CIA Agent Extraordinaire"

10. "Lee Harvey Oswald and The Manchurian Candidate, 1959-1963"

"I was told, under no uncertain terms, that she signed some "...oath of confidentiality..." gag-waiver with the publishers of Hank's work and I could not be given an answer about any element of Hank's research. Ms. Sharp then said, quite bluntly, that she did not believe I was in contact with Hank, because I did not sign such a oath.

Then Ms. Leslie Sharp started saying, for the sake of saving face on my account, I should delete all of my posts about the "Stay-behind" elements, because what Hank Albarelli told me in private conversation was not pertinent to the conclusions he came to in the final product of his book (which I highly doubt, in retrospect).

Then Ms. Leslie Sharp aggressively pushed me to delete my posts in order to "protect the memory of Hank" (pulling on my damn heart-strings).

Then, after I said I would, under no circumstances, not delete my posts, I was viciously threatened by Ms. Leslie Sharp that she would hit me with a "cease and desist" lawsuit by Simon & Schuster if I said or wrote anything more, ad infinitum, about the conversations that I had Hank Albarelli about his research into the JFK murder or anything about his unreleased books.

I am only coming forward now, because I have sought legal counsel of my own on the matter and am now aware of my legal rights, such as they are.

I did nothing illegal by relaying the content of private conversations, and I now consider what Ms, Leslie Sharp did a form of electronic harassment. 

Does anyone know how to I can recover and put back the posts I deleted? 

I will start reconstruction of the posts I made, in a few days, if no one can help me recover the data."



Edited by Matthew Koch
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Well, @Matthew Koch, congrats to you and others, you’ve managed to make a swathe of members behave as petulant children. Did you know before hand that it was going to be this easy to whip them into a fever of negative emotions? 


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Stray thought:

In this forum, sometimes alt-r or alt-l groups are mentioned as threats or dangers. 

But I suspect it works the other way around.

The centrists in both parties (aka the purple party) are most aligned with the status quo, have the Wall Street-Silicon Valley-defense money behind them, and will brook no competing narratives, and engage in endless foreign wars on behalf of multinationals and globalists. 

As I say, who can tell the difference between Liz Cheney and Hillary Clinton? 

Was it the alt-r that lied about the Wuhan lab leak?

Was it the alt-l that lied about the JFKA?

That doesn't mean everyone in the alt crowd is omniscient or saintly. 

But who can control the narrative, and marshal thousands of useful idiots? 


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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris seconds Matthew's recommendation of "Everything I don't like is Hitler"


I'm sorry my time zones and proclivities don't  match up much at this time.
Let's be clear here. I've never called anyone here a Fascist. All my opposition being voiced now  just represents their uneasiness at being asked more probative questions about where their leanings lie.
So I see I now have successfully sucked in, and outed some posters here to their true leanings. Yet interestingly enough what lead to this great revealing was a really petty intolerance crying to the mods about a one sentence offhand very indirect reference to a "misunderstood historic figure" such as Hitler. I guess my silly comment about someone's personal "struggle" turned out to in fact be "a prophecy"of  a second coming now to  the forum of what we might have previously thought a "crypto"  right wing ideology, but  now coming to the fore!
I say "crypto" because  Chris by never identifying the leanings of his most esteemed writer certainly doesn't give reason for others to trust him. Le Bon's  leanings are important. Most of us are not so impressed by Chris's repeated recommendations and  don't have the time to research Le Bon. Why not just say who he is? Why specifically you like him?, and how does it specifically apply to today?
Those were always opportunities. But these are questions I found Chris can never answer. But on the other hand of course would cry, to the mods to censure, if he thought he was being unjustly maligned! What a surprise! Go ahead, Chris, just bury the mods in endless controversy because you take offense at the slightest thing, but can't  explain in any depth what your ideas really are. Make into a game, where all the mods have to take time out and study your complaints.
So Chris, Paul and Matthew, You're saying Hitler wasn't as bad as everyone thought. I don't have time to read your recommended reading.
You have the forum. What did Hitler get right? How is he misunderstood? I fully suspect Paul to be the most articulate, if he doesn't launch into the stratosphere and race away from us commoners.

@Kirk Gallaway

I hate to point out the irony here but, you’re pretty much the only one on the forum who has displayed characteristics of the Third Reich. I remember well when you thought it was ok to dehumanise a minority group, calling them filthy slobs and rats, which of course was done during this awful period in WW2 with tragic consequences. I don’t forget these things old boy. It was very revealing in terms of your character. 

I am of the view that a holocaust, genocide, or ethnic cleansing should never ever happen again. However, it appears we are opposites on that, as you’re fine with stigmatising minorities and trying to make them less than human.

It leaves me with the conclusion that someone like you would have gleefully loaded those poor souls onto the trains to Auschwitz. Being bitter and resentful about life is really no excuse, Kirk. 

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49 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

uh.. no, I read his posts because I thought it was weird that he deleted his profile and came back. Then I found him harassing members on the forum for being of the center right of the political spectrum to the point that he got put on one post a day for calling other members fascist similar to what you are compulsively doing.. I just now scrolled through all of what he wrote and guess what I found? You (Leslie Sharp) mentioned, what a crazy coincidence pardon the pun! 

Here's what he wrote about you: 

"I should explain why, as a courtesy, why I deleted all of my posts on this forum and why I am back now.

After I started posting about the late Hank Albarelli's work into the "Stay-behind" elements involved with the murder of President Kennedy, forum member Anthony Thorne placed Ms. Leslie Sharp, a person who was working with my late friend H.P. “Hank” Albarelli Jr. on his book "Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK and Why".

She then started probing me for information.

Specifically, what I knew about Hank Albarelli's research, how and when I met Hank and what I knew about this other unfinished book projects.

I told her that I first contacted Mr. Albarelli because I needed help with a whistleblowers claim I was making against the Veterans Affairs Administration in regards to a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder stressor statement about certain Joint Special Operations Command personnel involved in war crimes I witnessed committed under the NATO International Security Assistance Forces operational structure while I was deployed to Afghanistan.

Incidentally, when I asked Ms. Leslie Sharp about the release date time-tables surrounding Hank's ten books before he passed away, with the following working titles: 

1. "Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK and Why"

2. "Wormwood Exposed: The Truth About Frank Olson and Other Terrible Mistakes"

3. "CIA Femme Fatale: The Secret Life of June Cobb"

4. "An Unauthorized History of CIA Projects QJ/WIN and ZR/RIFLE"

5. "Lee Harvey Oswald and New York City, June 1962: A Complete Investigation and Substantial Questions and Issues

6. "Project ARTICHOKE and the CIA's Development of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"

7. "Exploiting Evil: Project PAPERCLIP, the Pentagon, CIA, and Human Experimentation"

8. "The Secret History of LSD and the CIA"

9. "Operation Midnight Climax: The Life and Time of George Hunter White, Federal Narcotics and CIA Agent Extraordinaire"

10. "Lee Harvey Oswald and The Manchurian Candidate, 1959-1963"

"I was told, under no uncertain terms, that she signed some "...oath of confidentiality..." gag-waiver with the publishers of Hank's work and I could not be given an answer about any element of Hank's research. Ms. Sharp then said, quite bluntly, that she did not believe I was in contact with Hank, because I did not sign such a oath.

Then Ms. Leslie Sharp started saying, for the sake of saving face on my account, I should delete all of my posts about the "Stay-behind" elements, because what Hank Albarelli told me in private conversation was not pertinent to the conclusions he came to in the final product of his book (which I highly doubt, in retrospect).

Then Ms. Leslie Sharp aggressively pushed me to delete my posts in order to "protect the memory of Hank" (pulling on my damn heart-strings).

Then, after I said I would, under no circumstances, not delete my posts, I was viciously threatened by Ms. Leslie Sharp that she would hit me with a "cease and desist" lawsuit by Simon & Schuster if I said or wrote anything more, ad infinitum, about the conversations that I had Hank Albarelli about his research into the JFK murder or anything about his unreleased books.

I am only coming forward now, because I have sought legal counsel of my own on the matter and am now aware of my legal rights, such as they are.

I did nothing illegal by relaying the content of private conversations, and I now consider what Ms, Leslie Sharp did a form of electronic harassment. 

Does anyone know how to I can recover and put back the posts I deleted? 

I will start reconstruction of the posts I made, in a few days, if no one can help me recover the data."



If this is exemplary of your research skills, I understand why you have yet to offer substantive facts relevant to the inevitable end result of the past [60] years. You clearly know nothing of consequence about the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas.  I suspect you've never done your own digging, but left it to others.

And, you know nothing of the dynamics in play during the months following Hank's passing.  I wouldn't sully his memory or his interactions with those he mentored, including Monty, by elaborating here. It's really none of your business.  

Robert Montenegro's deep research overwhelmed you, and it's a shame he was banned from this forum while you are left to run amok.  

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