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24 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Fine. Let's see what holds up in court. 

Eastman's scholarship on the Constitution at one time was highly regarded Maybe he became nutty. He had no authority over anybody. I am not qualified to know if Eastman's interpretations of the Constitution hold water.

There is yet zero evidence of connection between the Trump Administration and the scrum at the Capitol. 

But as I say, let Trump go to court, let all the facts come out, let defendants have adequate counsel, let a jury render a decision.

If Trumps skates, fine, if he is exonerated, fine, if he goes to jail, fine. 

As Durham found out, and as the prosecutors against Tom Barrack found out, getting a conviction is a lot harder than making accusations. 

Although, if the federal government prosecutes a nobody represented by a public defender...then they can win a conviction 

The scrum? I challenge you to use that term in the presence of Fanon and his brothers!  lololol. Or Pence for that matter.  What an insult to intelligence.

Eastland was a legal adviser to Trump, presumbly in his capacity as sitting president in late 2019/first weeks of 2020. Are you going to split hairs and argue he wasn't in the administration? Eastland wrote the manifesto that placed Pence in the crosshairs. Trump had told the Proud Boys to Stand Back and Stand By months prior.  Proud Boys and or Oath Keepers were protecting Trump advisor Roger Stone who launched Stop the Steal. Proud Boys and Oath Keepers stormed the Capitol. Among those outside and inside were insurrectionists chanting HANG MIKE PENCE. Oh, and let's not forget McCarthy and the Beast.

I know nothing about prosecuting a crime, but I'm guessing that the process includes something along these lines.  

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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9 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

C'mon koch.  I thought your PM to me was worth a 2-3-7 day suspension, at a minimum.  If I were a moderator and you sent that to me, you'd be History.  Now here you go again, deep, on the gender.  Which caused your PM in the first place.  Replying to my request to tone down the gender stuff, Gentlemen. 

Your original comments about a woman scorned, then, I feel like I know what it's like to have a teen age daughter.  Then Chris comments in support about "try again princess" and "mother bear is a little wound up".

Leslie doesn't need a white knight, she's been married 36 years, four more than I.  Seems she has one and can defend herself much more than adequately without him, or me. 

Now you come back with Feminism is basically Aids, mommy bear is scared, a racist Karen.  Chris supports you with Buttercup.  Then pleads for peace.  She ought to feel slighted, a Chris said.   

Ron, perhaps a little more due diligence is required on your part. Leslie actually self-identified as “momma bear”. If you have a genuine problem with people being patronising, perhaps you should charge half the people in this thread?!  What I was trying to do was deescalate the conversations as others who don’t like tit for tat, were complaining. By you stoking the fire now, you’d certainly like it to keep going, thats clear. I personally do think what Matthew said to you via DM was over the line, then so was your response here on the thread to him. Are you a scorned man, Ron? What can Matthew do to make things right? 

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29 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

C'mon koch.  I thought your PM to me was worth a 2-3-7 day suspension, at a minimum.  If I were a moderator and you sent that to me, you'd be History.  Now here you go again, deep, on the gender.  Which caused your PM in the first place.  Replying to my request to tone down the gender stuff, Gentlemen. 

Your original comments about a woman scorned, then, I feel like I know what it's like to have a teen age daughter.  Then Chris comments in support about "try again princess" and "mother bear is a little wound up".

Leslie doesn't need a white knight, she's been married 36 years, four more than I.  Seems she has one and can defend herself much more than adequately without him, or me. 

Now you come back with Feminism is basically Aids, mommy bear is scared, a racist Karen.  Chris supports you with Buttercup.  Then pleads for peace.  She ought to feel slighted, a Chris said.   

Ron this is getting to be a little pathetic that you are bringing this up over and over. You held the cards and instead of holding them you decided to throw them and away and told me to go F myself. So I'm assuming whichever mod that deleted them looked at it as being equal but IDK. I admitted that was in poor taste and apologized which you obviously won't accept. Gotta admit I did find it funny you thought a White Knight was a KKK member and not the common term.. I still think Leslie is a woman scorned and I don't think that's inaccurate. Seeing now that Leslie is a Feminist Misandrist that slight dig was taken all the way to the bank. If you could for sake of fairness, mention all the things Leslie has said to me about I think you'd see that my digs are not nearly as serious has her attempting to connect me to people like Richard Specer a Neo National Socialist or that I'm using Antisemitism Dog whistles and really am talking about Joos. I put Leslie on ignore in an attempt to deescalate the situation similar to the me and Niederhut got into it.. But if she's going to continue to malign me and attempt to frame me as a Neo National Socialist because I share Jack Posobiec's twitter than I'm going to continue to poke the bear.

Personally I think the mods should give all of us a 7 day suspensions and delete the thread and if we can't be civil after that then further recourse should be taken like post restriction or bans. Because it's not just me or just Leslie that has committed unbecoming behavior alot of people have. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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5 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Ron, perhaps a little more due diligence is required on your part. Leslie actually self-identified as “momma bear”. If you have a genuine problem with people being patronising, perhaps you should charge half the people in this thread?!  What I was trying to do was deescalate the conversations as others who don’t like tit for tat, were complaining. By you stoking the fire now, you’d certainly like it to keep going, thats clear. I personally do think what Matthew said to you via DM was over the line, then so was your response here on the thread to him. Are you a scorned man, Ron? What can Matthew do to make things right? 

Are you an official moderator of this site, Chris, or just a self designated hall moderator?  

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1 minute ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Are you an official moderator of this site, Chris, or just a self designated hall moderator?  

I thought I may be entitled to defend myself, considering my name was mentioned twice in the post. Is that ok with you? Or, have you turned milk-monitor or prefect? 

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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Thiel and Yarvin strike me as creepy. 

The Biden Administration is bailing out SVB, not me. 


Biden Admin will make whole the customers as it should ... and someone should delve into what was going on in the lead up.

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Leslie, we've been doing the scrum with Ben for a couple of years now.   It reminds me of this song.  In turn, Duane too, start and finish especially.


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1 minute ago, Matt Allison said:

I think this past week or so has conclusively proven that there are no true moderators on this site.

Thanks, Captain Obvious got any more mind blowing revelations? 

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8 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ron this is getting to be a little pathetic that you are bringing this up over and over. You held the cards and instead of holding them you decided to throw them and away and told me to go F myself. So I'm assuming whichever mod that deleted them looked at it as being equal but IDK. I admitted that was in poor taste and apologized which you obviously won't accept. Gotta admit I did find it funny you thought a White Knight was a KKK member and not the common term.. I still think Leslie is a woman scorned and I don't think that's inaccurate. Seeing now that Leslie is a Feminist Misandrist that slight dig was taken all the way to the bank. If you could for sake of fairness and mention all the things Leslie has said to me about I think you'd see that my digs are not nearly as serious has her attempting to connect me to people like Richard Specer a Neo National Socialist or that I'm using Antisemitism Dog whistles and really am talking about Joos. I put Leslie on ignore in an attempt to deescalate the situation similar to the me and Niederhut got into it.. But if she's going to continue to malign me and attempt to frame me as a Neo National Socialist because I share Jack Posobiecs twitter than I'm going to continue to poke the bear.

Personally I think the mods should give all of us a 7 day suspensions and delete the thread and if we can't be civil after that then further recourse should be taken like post restriction or bans. Because it's not just me or just Leslie that has committed unbecoming behavior alot of people have. 

Matthew, did you pull your female classmates' pigtails in grade school and one of them slapped you and you yelled to the teacher, "she hit me"?

It's not uncommon for adolescents to dissemble when their aggression is called out, so I'm sympathetic that might be transpiring for you as we speak.  

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4 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Leslie, we've been doing the scrum with Ben for a couple of years now.   It reminds me of this song.  In turn, Duane too, start and finish especially.


Brilliant!!!  (and love the brothers, btw.) and I'll bet we share bunch of favorite Texas bands.

By the time I master the Lay of the Land on this insane thread, I'll probably be long gone. Don't know how you endure.

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9 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

I thought I may be entitled to defend myself, considering my name was mentioned twice in the post. Is that ok with you? Or, have you turned milk-monitor or prefect? 


And for the record, "mother bear" was an official title, not meant to expose me to insults but as Hank's way of identifying feminine ferocity when appropriate.

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Leslie you have bragged about being a Mommy Bear, having an Irish temper, being a Nasy Woman so I don't think anything I have said is really over the line. I don't agree with Pamela Brown or Lori Spencer and we have cordial back and forths but they also not try to assassinate my character by saying I'm a devotee to Richard Spencer's Alt Right or am making Dogwhistles about Joos.. So it's really just your behavior I'm reacting to and when you decided to civil, I will mirror that effect. 😉 But seeing that you have done this with Robert Montenegro and got the effect you desired I got to tell you I have more mental fortitude than he does and honestly I don't think his post is as crazy as I initially assumed, now having dealt with you. 🐻 

You'd think if you were right about J6 you could prove it was an insurrection, instead we get I trust the Liz Cheney Commission. Alec Baldwin has killed more people than the J6 mostly peaceful rioters 💯


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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Biden Admin will make whole the customers as it should ... and someone should delve into what was going on in the lead up.

Under law, the SVB deposits were uninsured. Deposits were insured only up to $250,000.

These are not mom-and-pop "customers". These are Silicon Valley companies.

Their bank failed, and you, the taxpayer, will pay for it. 



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