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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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17 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Now this is something that is valid and i agree with it.

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I didn't know it was that many, five?

Man, Crossfire Hurricane was out of control.

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58 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

To be “exonerated” means being absolved from blame or wrongdoing. The C/I investigation was unable to uncover anything that could lead to blame or wrongdoing, and so there was nothing to "absolve". You are flipping US legal standards on their head. The full weight of US investigatory and surveillance capabilities are not supposed to be directed at US citizens based solely on innuendo and rumour. The continued FBI surveillance and disruption tactics directed at MLK are case in point, and were (once long ago) roundly condemned.

In this case, the astonishing fact that fully five individuals connected to the Trump campaign - including the campaign manager and prospective National Security Advisor - were subject to active Counter-Intelligence investigations during the presidential campaign and following into the transition and administration periods, is completely unprecedented in US history. The predicates for these investigations have not risen much above rumour and innuendo, but an IG investigation has confirmed this low bar is entirely acceptable. Under these circumstances, I can’t see how any political challenge to the establishment status quo can ever be successful.


     This is total bunk, and that's putting it charitably, especially in the context of your repeated dodging and denial of the facts we have posted for you (here and on the "Mark Zaid" thread) about Trump and Putin's Russiagate scandal, and cover up.

    Before re-posting the same old bunk, please answer some basic Russiagate questions, without changing the subject.

1)  Did Russia actively interfere in our 2016 U.S. elections on behalf of Trump?

2)  Did multiple Trump campaign staffers, and Trump, repeatedly lie about their secret, undisclosed 2016 contacts with Russians?  Why did they all lie?

3)  Did the Obama administration impose sanctions against Russia on December 29, 2016 in retaliation for interfering in our 2016 election?

4)  Did Flynn lie to the FBI about his December 29, 2016 phone call to Kisylak, in which he sought to reassure the Kremlin about mitigation of the retaliatory U.S. sanctions by the incoming Trump administration after January 20, 2017?

5)  Did Trump repeatedly attempt to obstruct the investigation of his 2016 campaign and transition team contacts with Russia-- and also refuse to answer key questions asked by Robert Mueller?  Did Paul Manafort and Roger Stone?  Why?  

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Trump's quote to the world via a July 2016 nationally broadcast speech to the press:

"Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Trump told a roomful of TV cameras and reporters (including this fact-checker). "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens."

How this mind blowing outrageous statement by Trump didn't create a front page, media fire storm furor of such magnitude his campaign should have been over right then and there, is one of those totally illogical moments in national media political coverage history that will always be a disturbing mystery to me.

How and why the national media let Trump get away with this was simply crazy.

If Hillary Clinton had said this same quote ( or Obama) with Trump as the intended target, media news reporting computer systems here and abroad would have shut down from the outrage shock overload!

And how hard is it to document organized crime groups purchasing Trump Condos here and in Panama ( where Trump's family claimed only their name was on the tower but they received over 14 million for this) where they often never occupied these and eventually "sold them" which conveniently provided secondary cover for money laundering?

And how hard would it be to go through the records of Trump's hotels and see large blocks of room bookings and rentals at the same time ( Saudi's? ) and again, where nobody actually stays in the rooms?

If I am on a Trump corruption case jury and am presented with these facts and hundreds of other similar sleazy dealings by Trump over decades...I would be casting my guilty vote the second I sat down to do so.

One would be forced to do the same if they were in their right and law respecting mind.

Why is there even a debate regards Trump's life long trail of corruption?




Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is odd to me.  At this forum we look askance as using the NY Times, or the Post, on controversial issues of history--the JFK case, 9-11--but somehow, in this case, they are supposed to be authoritative.

Funny coming from a writer who readily repeats Bill Barr talking points on the Mueller investigation and the Flynn case.

6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

And we do not just post the link, we post the actual article, like somehow that gives it some kind of imposing expertise?

It’s more likely to be read.

6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

It does not.  Propaganda is propaganda. And that is what this is.

So say all the Trumpers.

6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Anything to get Trump.  And I mean anything.

Some of us don’t think Overt Fascism is a suitable replacement for Neo-Liberalism.

Democratic Socialism only has a chance with Democrats in power.

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Take a look at this interview, from years ago, between a guy who wrote a book called Collusion, and an informed honest journalist who knew the case.  For anyone to say that somehow the idea that there was no collusion is bunk, that goes against all rules of evidence and logic. 

And just recall, all the points that Mate makes in this interview have gotten stronger, while Harding's case has gotten much weaker since. Note how calm and collected Mate is, just asking logical questions based on fact, and look at how Harding starts stuttering and faltering in his reply.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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This explains the inexplicable: Trump’s “response” to Covid-19. 

“Jared Kushner has reportedly been telling Trump to do fewer coronavirus tests to improve the stock market”



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Michael Flynn’s judge said he arguably ‘sold your country out’ and even mentioned ‘treason.’ Will he now let Flynn go free?




[The answer is no. This traitor faces prison time.]


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6 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

This explains the inexplicable: Trump’s “response” to Covid-19. 

“Jared Kushner has reportedly been telling Trump to do fewer coronavirus tests to improve the stock market”



And it gets worse.

Yesterday Trump actually told a crowd in Allentown, Pennsylvania that we would have fewer COVID cases if we did less testing!

The bizarre comment is a good illustration of how Trump thinks about science in relation to public policy-- "No data, no problem!"

Trump has repeatedly muzzled and marginalized scientists in the EPA and various health agencies in order to promote his policy nonsense about climate change, pollution, and even the COVID pandemic being "hoaxes."

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25 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

And it gets worse.

Yesterday Trump actually told a crowd in Allentown, Pennsylvania that we would have fewer COVID cases if we did less testing!


Thanks. Trump in Allentown:

“So we have the best testing in the world.  It could be that testing is, frankly, overrated.  Maybe it is overrated.  But whatever they start yelling, “We want more.  We want more.”  You know, they always say, ‘We want more.  We want more’ — because they don’t want to give you credit.  Then we do more and they say, ‘We want more.’….

“And don’t forget: We have more cases than anybody in the world.  But why?  Because we do more testing.  When you test, you have a case.  When you test, you find something is wrong with people.  If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.  They don’t want to write that.  It’s common sense.  So we test much more many, many times."


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59 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

Thanks. Trump in Allentown:

“So we have the best testing in the world.  It could be that testing is, frankly, overrated.  Maybe it is overrated.  But whatever they start yelling, “We want more.  We want more.”  You know, they always say, ‘We want more.  We want more’ — because they don’t want to give you credit.  Then we do more and they say, ‘We want more.’….

“And don’t forget: We have more cases than anybody in the world.  But why?  Because we do more testing.  When you test, you have a case.  When you test, you find something is wrong with people.  If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.  They don’t want to write that.  It’s common sense.  So we test much more many, many times."


I know, Do you remember, near the beginning when there was that quarantined ship off the coast of San Francisco Bay, and Trump said. "I don't want them to come ashore, because it will double the overall total of people who've come down with the virus!!!!!!" (to something like 32 people!!!)

To laugh is almost criminal because you're talking about people's lives!  But a clip with that quote would be a great anti Trump campaign ad.

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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

Thanks. Trump in Allentown:

“So we have the best testing in the world.  It could be that testing is, frankly, overrated.  Maybe it is overrated.  But whatever they start yelling, “We want more.  We want more.”  You know, they always say, ‘We want more.  We want more’ — because they don’t want to give you credit.  Then we do more and they say, ‘We want more.’….

“And don’t forget: We have more cases than anybody in the world.  But why?  Because we do more testing.  When you test, you have a case.  When you test, you find something is wrong with people.  If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.  They don’t want to write that.  It’s common sense.  So we test much more many, many times."


Trump's public comments like those above are so beyond rational anymore...they are crazy!

The man is not right mentally.

Our main stream media reports this almost daily insanity in a few news blurbs, but then moves on.

Trump's irrational craziness should be front page news constantly. Newspapers and news organizations across the nation should be SHOUTING for his resignation.

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