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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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56 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

It was to drive the MSM and Trump haters in general to a new level of derangement.

It seems to have worked!

Trump required a couple of Secret Servicemen to accompany him in a hermetically sealed SUV, which will require them to quarantine for 14 days and hope they didn’t get infected.

Trump and Wheeler both could care less...And Wheeler wonders why I accuse him of fascism.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Imagine if you had a wedding, or in this case a Rose Garden ceremony where 3 senators and the POTUS contract covid! Is that a bad omen? If ever there was weird karma, that's it.

1)RBG dies a month too soon and the Republicans don't care if they look hypocritical. They're going to get that Supreme Court Justice any way they can, and slide her through with the slightest majority.  2) they have a ceremony, and after they're all lovey dovey and hugging each other and not wearing masks. Now Trump's caught the virus. 3. 3 Republican Senators who are going to vote for Barret now are out with covid. But it looks like that won't matter.


Ron, what do you think about your Governor Abbott's plot to suppress the vote in Texas by limiting ballot boxes to one per county, restricting use a single drop-off location in a county that stretches over nearly 2,000 square miles .

“To force hundreds of thousands of seniors and voters with disabilities to use a single drop-off location in a county that stretches over nearly 2,000 square miles is prejudicial and dangerous,” Mr. Hollins said on Twitter.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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16 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Imagine if you had a wedding, or in this case a Rose Garden ceremony where 3 senators and the POTUS contract covid! Is that a bad omen? If ever there was weird karma, that's it.

1)RBG dies a month too soon and the Republicans don't care if they look hypocritical. They're going to get that Supreme Court Justice any way they can, and slide her through with the slightest majority.  2) they have a ceremony, and after they're all lovey dovey and hugging each other and not wearing masks. Now Trump's caught the virus. 3.) Republican Senators who are going to vote for Barret now are out with covid. But it looks like that won't matter.


Ron, what do you think about your Governor Abbott's plot to suppress the vote in Texas by limiting ballot boxes to one per county, restricting use a single drop-off location in a county that stretches over nearly 2,000 square miles .

“To force hundreds of thousands of seniors and voters with disabilities to use a single drop-off location in a county that stretches over nearly 2,000 square miles is prejudicial and dangerous,” Mr. Hollins said on Twitter.


Regarding Abbott suppressing votes, it sucks.  But a 2000 sq mile county in Texas means it's squarely red.  A mail drop off box won't make much difference, though they all should have one at the town post office to have the opportunity to express their view without any influence from others.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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I get it, But the moral of the story is, Just cause you got hit by a falling tree, doesn't mean you're not necessarily an as-h-le! ---- Or maybe I'm being unkind.


Come to think of it, maybe nature's striking him down for his protection of Big Pollution Inc.

and that explosion at Arkema, and chemicals and benzene and sh-t!

.........But then, maybe I'm being more unkind.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Trump was sent from God!’: MAGA country brings the rally to a stricken president


“MAGA Country had gathered to celebrate and pray for their leader — an impromptu festival-meets-vigil for its venerated, living saint.

And then suddenly, there he was. After hours of listening to their cheers and acknowledging them via tweet, Trump emerged from his isolation chamber to greet the crowd, creating his own impromptu spectacle. In a brief appearance, Trump rolled past in his motorcade, waving from the window of his massive armored SUV, offering blessings from a hermetically-sealed Popemobile.

On Fox News, Trump’s favorite hosts were vowing to fight for Trump, because “you fought for us,” as Laura Ingraham put it.””

Fox News is touting Trump’s bravery.

  • I am you and you are me

  • Together we fight the oligarchy

  • God is on our side

  • I will die for you…


Trumps isn’t fighting for us.

Donald Trump is fighting for his life because he is vain and stupid.

Steve Thomas

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22 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

And put Secret Service Agents at risk just to drive the haters "to a new level of derangement". How asinine!  Guy sure can't see past his own nose, can he? All the more reason to not be allowed to govern. 




"Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what your country can do for ME!"


Edited by W. Niederhut
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11 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

It was to drive the MSM and Trump haters in general to a new level of derangement.

It seems to have worked!

How come you don’t want to discuss 1963 and 2001 on the other thread Niederhut?


That Trump would further jeopardize not only his own health, but the health of his Secret Service agents, and their families, so that he could needle his political opponents and the press just further illustrates the depth of his narcissism and sociopathology. At this point, anyone who can still support him should probably be considered a sociopath too.

Edited by Robert Burrows
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That was not the reason.  The reason was to bolster his base.

What Trump does not understand is that every time he does something like that, like his totally offputting debate performance, he shrinks his base.  He is now down 53-39.

I never thought someone like Biden could win in a landslide, but....

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Robert said:That Trump would further jeopardize not only his own health, but the health of his Secret Service agents, and their families, so that he could needle his political opponents and the press just further illustrates the depth of his narcissism and sociopathology. At this point, anyone who can still support him should probably be considered a sociopath too. 

Exactly Robert, Imagine asking a Secret Service agent to ride in a car with an infected President for no other reason than a photo op. Again, Trump making those under him his slaves.

Press Secretary, Kayleigh Nc Enany now infected.

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6 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The problem is that no matter what advice Trump is given it is disregarded, because Trump thinks that he knows more about everything than anybody. 

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