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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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57 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-elections/exit-polls

I was thinking along those same lines.

Don't know how accurate this will be when it's all said and done, but I don't believe it will change greatly.

But, at this time, take a look at the total vote count difference between them, approx 4.5 million.

Now, look at the total difference just in California, it's fairly close to that 4.5 million.

I understand that difference will grow once California is completed, but this is way too close for a total vote count approaching 150 million voters. 

So, kudos to the majority of African-Americans for being much wiser/smarter in their character assessment of Trump.


That white woman thing does blow my mind Chris!

Extrapolating by yesterdays data. California (87%) counted has 2 million more votes to be counted,  at least at the present rate of a 64% Biden clip, should mean around at least 560k more for Biden. New York has counted less, (79%) has about 1.7 million outstanding votes, but at a lower Biden rate of 55.7%, means about 100k more for Biden. But that's a very conservative estimate if  considerably more of  the % of remaining votes that were mail in ballots, which it appears they are..

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Here Comes the Sun

The Beatles

Here comes the sun, do, dun, do, do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, do, dun, do, do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Little darling, the smile's returning to their faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, do, dun, do, do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear

Here comes the sun, do, dun, do, do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Here comes the sun, do, dun, do, do
Here comes the sun
It's all right
It's all right


Songwriters: George Harrison

Here Comes the Sun lyrics © Concord Music Publishing LLC

Steve Thomas


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28 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

That white woman thing does blow my mind Chris!

Extrapolating by yesterdays data. California (87%) counted has 2 million more votes to be counted,  at least at the present rate of a 64% Biden clip, should mean around at least 560k more for Biden. New York has counted less, (79%) has about 1.7 million outstanding votes, but at a lower Biden rate of 55.7%, means about 100k more for Biden. But that's a very conservative estimate if  considerably more of  the % of remaining votes that were mail in ballots, which it appears they are..

Mine too.

But, broken down among my siblings who are all in their 50's and 60's, it's not as surprising, but disappointing.

4Men/3Women - One male who has passed and one I don't see anymore.

2 Men/1 Woman (all married) - Biden

2 Women (One married, one not) - Trump

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Highly recommend heading over to Twitter for a great laugh and distraction from what has been going on recently. This guy started this thread back on Nov. 1 and has been adding to it by the day. It's our election as seen from the viewpoint of Africans, reported in the same style in which US media outlets report on elections in Africa. A sample is below:


Replying to
#BREAKING Amid reports the first family is digging in following failure to secure asylum abroad, fears grow that tensions in nuclear-armed US could boil over into ethnic violence as the political deadlock over the disease-ravaged nation's chaotic presidential election continues.
Replying to
#BREAKING The former UK colony, with breathtaking natural beauty and richly endowed with natural resources and friendly people, but also riven by deep ethnic divisions, has suffered a series of political, humanitarian and economic crises which have killed nearly 250,000 people.
#BREAKING With millions of unemployed youth roaming the streets, many worry the political stalemate over who is the legitimate ruler of the strategically located north American country could easily trigger widespread violence and are calling for a quick resolution to the crisis.
#BREAKING The troubled country is split between supporters of incumbent autocrat, Donald Trump, primarily members of the white ethnic majority living in the vast rural interior; and a coalition of ethnic minorities and moderate whites which supports opposition leader, Joe Biden.
#BREAKING While many African observers are aghast at the conduct of the US presidential election, others note that by American standards, it was a relatively good election, in a country where gerrymandering and voter suppression are not considered reasons to invalidate elections.
#BREAKING Opinion poll shows majority of Africans think it is ultimately possible to bring an end to humanitarian suffering in the US but aid agencies warn that many are becoming desensitized to images of violence, malnutrition and disease from the unstable north American nation.
#BREAKING Nairobi-based aid group Keya International cuts ties with Ben Githae after viral social media images of the singer holding obese American children drew the ire of US media with accusations of "ignorant African do-gooder celebrities trying to solve Western problems".
#BREAKING AU mediator, Monica Juma, says moderate leaders of the white community in strife-torn US must come out to condemn white political extremism in all its forms including by those within the white community who reject results of peaceful, free and fair democratic elections.
#BREAKING After he fires defence minister who refused to deploy army against unarmed protestors, many fear aging US autocrat, Donald Trump, will declare martial law in the strife-torn, banana-growing republic so as to keep power despite losing last week's presidential election.


Edited by Andrew Prutsok
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23 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

I know that covid-19 has "worked convincingly" on almost 240,000 Americans.

Ron, I was fully aware of the official "covid death count" numbers prior to making my statement.


There was no doubt about who the media was pushing for in my opinion. Russiagate alone would be conclusive of this but the election coverage was consistently biased and even censored. And just to pre-empt the inevitable on this forum, I did not support Trump.




Also, if the Eric Schmidt rumours in regard to being already approached by Biden are true, that is a very bad sign for any who know almost anything about him.

For Robert level intrigue...


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1 hour ago, Dennis Berube said:

 There was no doubt about who the media was pushing for in my opinion.

I agree. In a democracy I think the media felt a patriotic duty to push against something like Trump, and I can't blame them. The support for something like Trump in a democracy in unfathomable to me, unless it's because people in fact don't want democracy. And right now it looks like millions of Americans don't. 

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Well, down here in Georgia's idiotic TrumpWorld it appears there is no cure for the delusions these Republicans are suffering.  The two US Senators who are facing runoffs have asked for the Secretary of State to resign.  Even with the small (10,000 or so) margin that Biden is winning, the SoS says every report of voter fraud is/has been investigated and there is pretty much NO way enough votes would be affected to change the outcome.  He also explained that the President got more votes than any Republican Presidential candidate ever and that Perdue got even more votes than the President and is STILL in a runoff.  Georgia's two Senators are prime exemplars of Trump's enablers.  When things don't go the way they want or expect, whine, cry foul, and make baseless claims.  Worse than a couple of spoiled 5 year olds.  I wasn't sure, but in the same article, it stated that Federal law allowed one to register to vote before a runoff election even if you didn't vote in the general election.  I'm going to try and make sure every Democratic leaning person I know, knows this and registers.  Maybe we can still elect two Democratic Senators in GA!

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So it looks like McConnell and Trump are going all-in on overturning the election results. Anyone who dismisses their efforts is kidding themselves. These are two of the most corrupt, vicious, despicable politicians the country has produced and are fully capable of pulling it off. Our system is not set up to deal with what is coming.

Edited by Andrew Prutsok
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Remember when Hillary Clinton and the Democrats refused to concede in 2016, and launched lawsuits and a massive disinformation campaign about Trump's strange, razor-thin (80,000 vote) margin in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin?

Neither do I.

Meanwhile, here are a few stats posted by Ari Berman today.

Biden is now winning in Georgia (+11,590 votes) by more than Trump won Michigan in 2016 (10,700 votes)

by Ari Berman


Nov 9, 2020

Biden is now leading the popular vote by 4.3 million, larger than the population of 27 states

He's also leading MI/WI/PA by 213,000 votes, 3x larger than Trump's margin of victory in 2016

Biden is now winning in Georgia (+11,590 votes) by more than Trump won Michigan in 2016 (10,700 votes)

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7 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Thanks for the analysis Kirk. I have a feeling this whole thing is just us Trump guys not wanting to let go. I have made peace with whatever comes and frankly am glad I can move on. Politics and the election was eating my brain. I am ready to focus on other things.

I don't know where my politics go from here. I have always been a strong conservative but the GOP does nothing for me. The entire government is in cahoots one way or another and they seem to thrive off of gridlock. The only answer is term limits. There is no reason any politician on any level should serve more than 8 years. 

With all of that being said, I will probably be much withdrawn from politics the next couple of years and will try to focus on things I can actually influence. But the minute things go south or they try a gun grab, I will be there ready to fight for my constitutional rights and values.

There's always a problem with term limits though, as attractive as it sounds. Depending on the level of governance you're talking about, experience within that system is important because you're always up against the bureaucracies who make the system function on a day to day basis.

This is one of the big problems with Trump. Hiring someone like him to be president is about as wise as having a bar tender fly your airplane. The President's job requires an enormous amount of political as well as practical maneuvering and an advanced understanding of the machinations of the multitudes of bureaucracies and their stake holders. Trump's personal failings compound the problem by a factor of ten. He simply doesn't believe that "he doesn't know what he doesn't know" and wouldn't even listen to the people who could help guide him.

The term limits option institutionalizes inexperience as a matter of course and the corruption would slip farther into the hands of the bureaucrats who aren't accountable to the people. It's a problem, no doubt about it. There may be different ways to skin that cat however.


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Nothing to see here.  The Washington Post just reported:

We had all better hang on, there are over 2 months yet to survive and the "law and order" Republicans are seemingly determined to destroy all the foundations underlying the country as we know it.  We are on the verge of Putinist America, starring Donald Trump.
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