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2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Ben I saw this ad in your Taibbi article and I realize this is what lead you to the Taibbi piece in the first place!
We're happy that you've finally recognized your problem, and we support your decision and wish you a speedy recovery.
Help is only an out stretched hand away.  But of course, that's where the struggle begins!
Beat it with Jesus!
May God Bless, Ben
Which poses a question, can a site be judged by it's ads?
Inline image

That two-handed act thing seems overdetermined.  No wonder that guy needs help.

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Kirk / David

The Jesus/masturbation meme was, of course, just one of hundreds of dastardly Internet Research Agency graphics which the Senate Subcommittee on Intelligence resolutely declared to represent an attack on American democracy, designed to "sow chaos" and exacerbate (no pun intended) divisions.

The Jesus graphic in fact may on its own have tipped the election in 2016, as most everyone knows that Hilary owned the self-pleasuring vote in Wisconsin (and much of it in Michigan too) - that is until the graphic in question showed up on certain Facebook groups, after Manafort handed Kliminik the polling data, and the evil Russians created chaos.
(insert tasteless Facebook whistleblower joke here).
Edited by Jeff Carter
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3 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:


Kirk / David

The Jesus/masturbation meme was, of course, just one of hundreds of dastardly Internet Research Agency graphics which the Senate Subcommittee on Intelligence resolutely declared to represent an attack on American democracy, designed to "sow chaos" and exacerbate (no pun intended) divisions.


Divisions?  It could be the cure for abortion in Texas.

See my forthcoming article, "Lee Harvey Oswald in Texas Incel Culture."

Edited by David Andrews
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8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Ben I saw this ad in your Taibbi article and I realize this is what lead you to the Taibbi piece in the first place!
We're happy that you've finally recognized your problem, and we support your decision and wish you a speedy recovery.
Help is only an out stretched hand away.  But of course, that's where the struggle begins!
Beat it with Jesus!
May God Bless, Ben
Which poses a question, can a site be judged by it's ads?
Inline image


Your advice is divine.  

But this is no joke---these are the ads through which Russians collusionists tipped the 2016 election to Trump. 

So we are told.  So be forewarned.  

Also, one of the Jan. 6 rioters-insurrectionists tried to sell Pelosi's laptop to Russia's SVR. See how the Trumper's are?

They steal laptops and give them to the Russians. Just like the Biden laptop. 

So wipe that seraphic grin off your face, and get down to business.

Trump-Moscow is no joke. 



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3 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:


Kirk / David

The Jesus/masturbation meme was, of course, just one of hundreds of dastardly Internet Research Agency graphics which the Senate Subcommittee on Intelligence resolutely declared to represent an attack on American democracy, designed to "sow chaos" and exacerbate (no pun intended) divisions.

The Jesus graphic in fact may on its own have tipped the election in 2016, as most everyone knows that Hilary owned the self-pleasuring vote in Wisconsin (and much of it in Michigan too) - that is until the graphic in question showed up on certain Facebook groups, after Manafort handed Kliminik the polling data, and the evil Russians created chaos.
(insert tasteless Facebook whistleblower joke here).


        As our resident Kremlin apologist around here, I was expecting you to chime in here at some point on the subject of Konstantin Kilimnik and Russian interference in our 2016 election on behalf of Donald Trump.  In our previous debates, you always pooh poohed the notion that Kilimnik was a GRU man.  Here we go again...


        But I've got to hand it to you 🤥 for using Kirk's onanist humor to try, once again, to minimize the significance of the Kremlin-directed "cyber warfare" on the U.S. since 2015, as if it were all a joke.  It's not.  It's more like GHWB's old Willie Horton ads on steroids.

       In reality, the lion's share of Russian social media activity in the U.S. in 2016 was focused on fracturing U.S. society along various ethnic, cultural, and religious fault lines, while associating Hillary Clinton with "menacing" minority groups like blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants, and LGBT people, in sync with the 2016 Trump campaign messaging.

       (See the 2016 Russian memes below. *)

      Paul Manafort had used similar propaganda and dirty tricks on behalf of the Kremlin and Yanukovych in Ukraine.

       And Putin's Gerasimov "asymmetrical warfare" strategy (with Trump) worked brilliantly to divide and weaken the U.S.  Just look at our society now-- five years later!

       We're hopelessly divided.

       Trump's angry, white, un-vaxxed, gun-toting cult is now fully prepared to start a civil war in order to keep black people, Mexicans, Musllms, atheists, and liberals from raising taxes on plutocrats and establishing a functional social democracy in the U.S. comparable to those of Canada and Western Europe.

        Quite an achievement for Vlad-the-Journalist-Impaler, eh?


*  Russian memes used in the U.S. social media in 2016

Album cover, Movie, Fictional character,

russia ads



Edited by W. Niederhut
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27 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The fight in Washington is over who controls the selling, and who is the honored buyer. 

Ben - care to expand on that a bit? 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Ben - care to expand on that a bit? 

Hey Paul, nice to hear from you. 

I hate to be so cynical, but both establishment parties are deeply embedded into networks of sponsors, the media and, of course, the global security state. 

So who gets to direct the largesse of federal outlays, the capricious application of taxes, and also control the vast regulatory state and foreign-military policy apparatus?

There is an old saying: "First you have a movement, or a real cause. Then the movement becomes politics. Then politics becomes a business. At last, the business becomes a racket."

Washington long ago entered the racket stage.

I am not here to defend Trump, or Trump's ugliest backers.  Trump is not defensible as a person. 

But the mainstream media and establishment Washington had their long knives out for Trump from before the day he set foot in the White House.  

The Donks and 'Phants fight for control of the treasures, whether against each other or Trump. 

The whole Russiagate story is a cotton-candy confection, a nutritionless gossamer of fantasy that melts away into nothing.

And the Wuhan lab leak theory was "debunked"? Really? 

I could go on.  The narrative was what mattered, not the reality. 



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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The whole Russiagate story is a cotton-candy confection, a nutritionless gossamer of fantasy that melts away into nothing.




Geez... way to completely ignore the data.

You, obviously, need to do some remedial reading on the subject of Trump's longstanding involvement with the Russian mafia, Putin, and Putin's Russian oligarchs.


Russ Baker published a detailed expose on the subject in March of 2017, more than a year before Mueller was ever appointed by Rosenstein to investigate Trump's obstruction of the investigation of Michael Flynn's December 2016 phone calls to Sergei Lavrov.


Craig Unger and others published detailed pieces on the subject.



Are you aware that Felix Sater boasted in 2015 that Putin was planning to install Trump in the White House?

And how do you explain Trump's shocking 2018 Helsinki press conference with Putin?

It was so bad that even George F. Will accused Trump of treason.



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10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


Geez... way to completely ignore the data.

You, obviously, need to do some remedial reading on the subject of Trump's longstanding involvement with the Russian mafia, Putin, and Putin's Russian oligarchs.


Russ Baker published a detailed expose on the subject in March of 2017, more than a year before Mueller was ever appointed by Rosenstein to investigate Trump's obstruction of the investigation of Michael Flynn's December 2016 phone calls to Sergei Lavrov.


Craig Unger and others published detailed pieces on the subject.



Are you aware that Felix Sater boasted in 2015 that Putin was planning to install Trump in the White House?

And how do you explain Trump's shocking 2018 Helsinki press conference with Putin?

It was so bad that even George F. Will accused Trump of treason.




The "guilt by association" meme is older than either of us. Phone calls?  Meetings? 

As I said, Trump the person is indefensible.

But the idea of peaceful co-existence with Russia, or meeting with Russians, or even tacit co-operation with Russia on a transactional basis, is certainly defensible. (BTW, I think Putin is a thug). 

Trump seems to have grasped that the global security state-media blob wants an enemy, and that enemy is Russia. But being Trump, he bungled and garbled everything, stepped squarely into every booby-trap and road-turd possible. If Reagan was the teflon President, Trump was the velcro President. 

As a digression (but not really, stay with me), China's GDP is about seven times as large as Russia's, and their population is about 13 times the size of Russia's. China is the largest buyer of commodities on the planet, and everyday exhibits manufacturing prowess. 

China is run by overt communists, the CCP, and getting more commie by the day, and now claims the whole South China Sea as Beijing's, along with parts of India and Taiwan. 

Russia is run by klepto-capitalists, the kind the US power elites usually makes alliance with, and has a shrinking population, and a one-trick-pony economy of selling oil. 

But...until Trump, China was the good guys and Russia the dangerous bad guys. Many still see it that way. 

How did this happen? How did the Russian capitalist nation become the enemy, and a Chinese communist nation the good guys? 

Why? BlackRock, WalMart, Apple, GM, Disney, the NBA et al are tight with the CCP, using their manufacturing platform, or investing in China land, or hoping to sell entertainment product. 

Trump endangered that relationship. 


And now the Donks are calling for more internet censorship. Russia meddled in the election, and the kooks are posting untruths. Anyone who opposes the Donks is a Moscow stooge or a racist. 

W.-  We just have different views on this matter. That's OK.  I thought George Will's column was establishment PR, and an angry shout from the national security state.  Oh gee, do you suppose Will carries water for the establishment right? 








Edited by Benjamin Cole
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What would JfK think? What would he do?

I attended a Zoom conference the other night and cyber threats. I think it’s obvious that nation states can no longer rely on physical muscle to be top dog. There can no longer be a top dog when state or non state actors can hack into nuclear power lands and weapons facilities. Time to make peace. I never liked Red baiting. I don’t think of China as the Yellow Menace. Are we still at odds with Communism? Do we dare to think we sit on moral high ground? 

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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

What would JfK think? What would he do?

I attended a Zoom conference the other night and cyber threats. I think it’s obvious that nation states can no longer rely on physical muscle to be top dog. There can no longer be a top dog when state or non state actors can hack into nuclear power lands and weapons facilities. Time to make peace. I never liked Red baiting. I don’t think of China as the Yellow Menace. Are we still at odds with Communism? Do we dare to think we sit on moral high ground? 

Paul B:

What moral high ground? 

The CCP has thrown a Hong Kong publisher, Jimmy Lai, into prison and left him there. For publishing newspapers. Google it. 

Did Apple announce it would back out of China?  BlackRock? The NBA? HSBC?

I happen to prefer largely free-market systems, and democracy.

That said, one weakness of capitalism is that it is an amoral system (not immoral, but amoral). 

If Apple makes money working with commie dictators, then they will. But problems can arise when amoral multinationals control US foreign-military policy.  As they do. 

This obvious moral failing is smoothed over 1,000 times everyday by corporate PR, or the painting of "Black Lives Matter" on NBA courts. Apple's PR is impressive--in image-making, they are against the 1984 state. Except in real life, not in China and Hong Kong. 

To be sure, many nuances to the issue, and there would be no winners in a nuclear war. 

That Trump threatened and upended the parts of the cozy relationship between US capitalists and Beijing is a fascinating tale. 

My guess is JFK would be a non-interventionist in general, and would have counseled all along avoiding too much commercial dependence on foreign nations, as dependence breeds entanglements. 









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No moral high ground, even though we claim it all the time in America. But the main point I was trying to make is the absolute futility of adversarial politics in an age where software is everything. The only way out for humanity is to make peace, and I am well aware of what a difficult task that would be. But we don’t even try, and until we do there is less hope every day. 

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