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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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20 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

If charged, will Trump, perhaps, flee the country in Trump Force One-- to Moscow or Pyong Yang? 🤥

Trump PAC Fundraises for New 'Trump Force One' Following Emergency Landing


       I always had a sense that Trump's political career would end like a Batman or James Bond movie, with the Joker escaping in some sort of helicopter or airplane, as in the case of Auric Goldfinger (or Dick Nixon.)

What have I done?”: The Final Hours of Richard Nixon's Presidency | by  Anthony Bergen | Medium

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Kyiv is currently a city of shortages and the Russians are at the gates - JOHN MARONE

WARTIME Kyiv is a city of shortages, and the Russians are at the gates.

Daily Express 3/11


Here's what the 'most favored nation' status means — and why Russia still has it-CNN 3/12


The latest reports are the Ukrainians have blown up bridges that enter Kyiv, obviously in preparation for an assault. 

In response, Biden is proposing that Russia be stripped of its "most favored nation" trade status. 

Biden has not looked strong or shrewd, but rather resourceless, flat-footed and dull. Even feckless. 

Nations such as Greece and Turkey seem to show some spunk. 

It is no secret globalists run US foreign-military-trade policy, although sometimes the bureaucratic imperatives of the Pentagon are asserted. 

Biden has been told to sit on his hands, and so he is.  Who is the Putin stooge now? 



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Joe Biden is trying to prevent a nuclear war, which would end life as we know it. That's it. Period. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

If anyone is upset about what's happening in Ukraine, I suggest they direct their ire towards the genocidal Russian dictator and his supporters.

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3 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Joe Biden is trying to prevent a nuclear war, which would end life as we know it. That's it. Period. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

If anyone is upset about what's happening in Ukraine, I suggest they direct their ire towards the genocidal Russian dictator and his supporters.

Seems to me the fix was in from the start. The globalists (including Biden), at bottom, said Putin could take Ukraine if he could.

Biden promised not to interfere, even before a Putin-boot had set foot in Ukraine.

Biden did not think to arm the Ukrainians a few months ago with the Stingers and RPGs and other useful equipment. 

Ukraine was a woeful failure of diplomacy and military preparedness--on Biden's watch.  

Biden may not be a Putin-stooge, but the results are the same. 

We can only hope that the Russians themselves decide to call this off. And yes, Putin is a thug. But we knew that from Chechnya, from Georgia, from his treatment of political opponents.

So why was Biden so flat-footed, so weak? 

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The only way to stop Putin would be to attack him. That's war. Nuclear war.--Matt

But this defeatism in your sentiments, evidently adopted by the globalist-Biden camp, gives carte blanche to the thug Putin. 

Can't you come up with any better approaches?  

Are not you repeating Putin-speak of the RT types? That it is too risky to challenge Putin and level-headed people must compromise? 

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Republicans Change Their Tune on Ukraine

Benjamin Cole


March 9, 2022 

“In the final years of Donald Trump’s presidency, Republicans portrayed Ukraine as an Eastern European Wild West run by nefarious oligarchs and unlawful politicians, a bad actor that sought to tamper in American elections and channel millions of dollars to Joseph Biden’s son,” the New York Times reports.

“Now such voices are fading, as the bulk of the Republican Party tries to get on the right side of history amid a brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine. Republicans are among the most vociferous champions for the United States to amp up its military response, and are competing to issue the strongest expressions of solidarity with Ukraine’s leaders.”


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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Republicans Change Their Tune on Ukraine

Benjamin Cole


March 9, 2022 

“In the final years of Donald Trump’s presidency, Republicans portrayed Ukraine as an Eastern European Wild West run by nefarious oligarchs and unlawful politicians, a bad actor that sought to tamper in American elections and channel millions of dollars to Joseph Biden’s son,” the New York Times reports.

“Now such voices are fading, as the bulk of the Republican Party tries to get on the right side of history amid a brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine. Republicans are among the most vociferous champions for the United States to amp up its military response, and are competing to issue the strongest expressions of solidarity with Ukraine’s leaders.”


That's a handsome guy you have pictured...but he was never a 'Phant. 

But he left the Donks 20-30 years ago. There is a difference between looking askance at the Donks and being a 'Phant. 

But the issue today is: How has Biden performed, in the one area in which the President ascendant? Foreign-military policy? 

Biden has been president for more than a year. Did he deploy the diplomacy and military tools available to blunt or dissuade a Russian occupation of Ukraine? 

Seems to me Biden has been flatfooted, unimaginative, sterile. A failure. 

The fix was in, and if Putin wanted Ukraine then he can take it. Putin took Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea, and the Donbas. An obvious thug.

But Biden is going to try to revoke Russia's most favored nation status. China has MFN status. 




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This Year's Flu Vaccine Was Basically Worthless

CDC data shows the vaccine was only 16% effective against the predominant strain this winter. Luckily, flu cases remained far lower than usual.---Gizmondo


Funny how politicized everything becomes.

If one dared challenge the benefit of various COVID-19 vaccines, even after the omicron variant, one was characterized as a right-wing nut extremist, an anti-science cretin, and possibly banned from social media. 

But one can say the flu vaccine this year was a dud, and no one cares. The flu is about as lethal as omicron, and infectious also. 

Deer herds and pets can serve a reservoirs for new mutations of C19. Not a polite topic of conversation. Euthanize Fido? Gun down Bambi? 



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16 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

This Year's Flu Vaccine Was Basically Worthless

CDC data shows the vaccine was only 16% effective against the predominant strain this winter. Luckily, flu cases remained far lower than usual.---Gizmondo


Funny how politicized everything becomes.

If one dared challenge the benefit of various COVID-19 vaccines, even after the omicron variant, one was characterized as a right-wing nut extremist, an anti-science cretin, and possibly banned from social media.


     The efficacy of annual flu vaccines has always been variable.  (I've never had one, BTW.)

     But study the March 2, 2022 British analysis of COVID vaccine efficacy in the New England Journal of Medicine.


     It's true that the vaccines were less effective against Omicron than Delta, (especially Astra Zeneca) but it's inaccurate to say that third Pfizer and Moderna boosters were ineffective against the Omicron variant this past winter.

     The un-vaccinated had substantially increased risks of death from Delta and Omicron.

     The problem was the duration of efficacy beyond five months-- as they originally observed in Israel.

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Just now, W. Niederhut said:


     The efficacy of annual flu vaccines has always been variable.  (I've never had one, BTW.)

     But study the March 2, 2022 British analysis of COVID vaccine efficacy in the New England Journal of Medicine.


     It's true that the vaccines were less effective against Omicron than Delta, (especially Astra Zeneca) but it's inaccurate to say that third Pfizer and Moderna boosters were ineffective against the Omicron variant this past winter.

     The un-vaccinated had substantially increased risks of death from Delta and Omicron.

     The problem was the duration of efficacy beyond five months-- as they originally observed in Israel.

Good to know. I am just pointing out that people seem to be able to discuss the efficacy of flu shots without vitriol, but on C19 people go bananas.

BTW, the Gizmondo headline about "worthless" is hyperbole. One could also write, "Flu Shots Help One of Six Recipients." 

My own view is that omicron has made a mockery of anti-pandemic measures, given its incredible infectiousness (200 times first strains of C19) but relative mildness (possibly worse than flu, depending on who you believe). 

The fact that deer herds and pets may act as mutant reservoirs adds to the picture of...well, C19 is endemic. Get over it.  

BTW, the NYT wants you to believe C19 came from a wet market. Why? 




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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:


Oh, so ugly. 

Basically, Putin is raining missiles and bombs into Kharkiv. 48 schools flattened, hospitals hit. 

Biden will not honor Zelensky's request help create a No Fly Zone. But Biden did declare No Fly Zone for Russians...over the US. 

Biden made sure the convoy was stopped.;.well, the trucker convoy headed to DC. Not the Russian convoy pointed at Kyiv. 

Note: None of the usual whining from the globalists. "America cannot be trusted as an ally!"  "America looks weak, and invites further aggression."  

Biden appears feeble, woefully unprepared, unimaginative. Whatever one says, what has happened to Ukraine is a diplomatic and military failure. Happened on Biden's watch. 


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