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13 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

You’re showing a very naive understanding of history. If you think proletariat are responsible for these conflicts, you’re out of your mind, Bob. Also, you’ve gone very tribal, assuming I am some kind of proud British patriot, which I am not. My heritage is mixed, I have a sense of right and wrong. 

No. You have a sense of stratified Crown superiority which I suspect you have no awareness of. It's a curious remnant of your culture that usually isn't perceived from the inside out but can be seen from the outside in.

We see it in the Canadians where I live who hilariously have some sort of inferiority complex which drives them to unfurl their not quite adequate sense of self and claim superior understanding - as Goodfinger said " like so many impotent beach boys".

Edited by Bob Ness
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3 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

No. You have a sense of stratified Crown superiority which I suspect you have no awareness of. It's a curious remnant of your culture that usually isn't perceived from the inside out but can be seen from the outside in.

We see it in the Canadians where I live who hilariously have some sort of inferiority complex which drives them to unfurl their not quite adequate sense of self and claim superior understanding - as Goodfinger said " like so many impotent beach boys".

If you try and make an argument about Britain vs USA when it has no context, you’re bound to lose the high ground, your approach shows a lack of imagination and understanding. A bit like when you come with all the profanity, it just makes you seem moronic and devalues anything you do have to say. 

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7 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Sorry Chris, I didn't realize your fragility extended all the way to daring to describe your hero, a genocidal murderer, as a madman.

But I'm sure you'll be happy to know that your hero doesn't stop at simply executing innocent men, women and children, but animals too!


If you want play that game, Matt, and misrepresent me with this babbling, that’s cool. If you cross that line of deceit then you’re open to getting it back. You’re actually projecting what’s bothering you. 

You’re the one avidly supporting actual poopoo’s (fascists), cheerleading a war and ignoring a genocide in Yemen, based on your racial preferences as a white supremacist, right? You care about Ukrainians because of their skin colour but, not brown people in other conflicts. 
What a curious value set you have. Do you still think that’s all virtuous? You’re not, you’re just a big hypocrite. There is nothing to be proud of. 

In contrast, I am against the war and other conflicts going on around the world. I do not support Russia or Zelenski, Or NATO. I just want to see the a detente, a rapprochement. I’d have been the one protesting against the Vietnam war in the 60’s. Based on your posts here you’d have been the “better dead than red” Johnson/Nixon supporter, completely convinced that bombing democracy into Asia was a solution. 

You don’t even know who you are, Matt. You’re more confused than scooby doo and the reason is because you don’t think, you just repeat MSM sound bytes and that’s why you come unstuck. Which makes you a propagandists dream. 🙂 

There is a line in the Brian De Palma film “Scarface” when Tony arrives from Cuba and is being questioned. He describes life in the country he has just fled, he says something like; “They tell you what to think, they tell you what to feel, you work 10 Hours a day and earn nothing.” 

That’s you, Matt. Think about it. 

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"A little yin-yang here for ya, folks." (Joni Mitchell, Miles of Aisles.)


According to Chris Conrad, curator of the Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum in Oakland, California, 420 started as a secret code among high schoolers in the early 1970s.
A group of friends at San Rafael High School in Marin County, California, who called themselves "the Waldos," would often meet at 4:20 p.m. to get high.
For them, it was an ideal time: They were out of school but their parents still weren't home, giving them a window of unsupervised freedom. They met at that time every day near a statue of Louis Pasteur, the scientist who pioneered pasteurization.


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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

April 20 is such a weird day.

Tens of thousands of people will get together and smoke marijuana together.

Tens of thousand of N*** will get together worldwide and celebrate Hitler's birthday.

It's very weird.

.Steve Thomas

In addition to Hitler's birthday, April 20th is also the anniversary of;

1)  The Ludlow Massacre of 1914, when the Colorado National Guard murdered 17 striking miners and their families on behalf of the Rockefeller's Colorado Fuel & Iron Company.

2)  The Columbine High School massacre of 1999.

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55 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

In addition to Hitler's birthday, April 20th is also the anniversary of;

1)  The Ludlow Massacre of 1914, when the Colorado National Guard murdered 17 striking miners and their families on behalf of the Rockefeller's Colorado Fuel & Iron Company.

2)  The Columbine High School massacre of 1999.


And the Deepwater Horizon explosion

And the day the Ottoman Empire ended and Turkey became a Republic.

Steve Thomas

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Matt, Re Snowden: another at least on the surface, pro Putin apologist bites the dust, but in fairness to Snowden, probably the last place he would choose to be is Russia if not for the fact that he probably couldn't go anywhere else and not be arrested.

Re: Putin's claims of "De Nazification"

I'm amazed at some of knee jerk adoptions of Putin's "denazification claims" in Ukraine. Would the question be weighed near as seriously if charismatic leader Putin hadn't invoked it? How great is the neo N-z- problem in Ukraine?. Particularly in light of recent history  where the Ukraine people in democratic elections, elected a Jew with near 75% of the vote. Forget electing a President by 75% of the vote. Have we in the U.S., ever elected a Jew? And we don't have problems with neo Nazis and fascists? We had to find out  in a phone call from Pelosi to General Milley where he agrees that he and all of his subordinates will not take phone calls from Trump, that the only reason we don't have a more serious problem is that the Military is behind the anti fascists.

But still, that's not enough for Oliver Stone in a recent interview to scoff at those skeptics of  Putin denazification claims for war saying the fact the Zelensky is a Jew and is President doesn't mean shi-t!!. As if Zelensky is just some domestic pawn, in a greater game. ( yes, more conspiracies Oliver? or is it just politics?) Obviously he's already staked out his territory on that claim as that is the major theme in his pro Putin "Ukraine on Fire" film. As well as his film interview with Ukraine former President, billionaire in exile  Yanukovsky.

In a lot of ways,, we're faced with a country of people who can't admit they were wrong. And despite shrieks of liberties being infringed. We're too open a society to engage in a Soviet style "deprogramming". We can go after those who cause or commit illegal acts, and only hope that time brings these moonie,  potential  followers, and political parties down from their illusions.

I have an older brother's Stones age but of a middle class background, so  I know what influences were weighing on them in the mid 60's. I understand people who would applaud people of privilege offering to go to Viet Nam when they so obviously could have avoided it, like Oliver and John Kerry. But personally while I appreciate everyone who was willing to sacrifice for his country,and I'm sure it was a unique life changing experience that no one else can really know.  I have to wonder just what imagery, what sort of naive, false identifications Stone and others of some privilege had.

But the same could be said on one level of Zelensky. We all have an allegiance to the country we were born in. Obviously he has a lot of historic persecution among his countryman to forgive, being Jewish. But he's not a naive person. He's aware of the obstacles that have to be overcome, and he's up to doing it, even if he ends up failing. But in the case of this war. I think he's going to end up keeping the  good majority of his country.(The rest will be bombed unmercifully and inherited by a giant, deadbeat  country, what a future!) And, he doesn't need a lot of scoffing by  rich well off westerners. I'm also sympathetic to those who want peace, but it should come as no surprise, by looking through history, that some people do think there are things worth fighting and dying for.

But whatever some of us may think of Israel, who would better hold Zelensky's feet to the fire about the extent of Anti Semitism in his country as they did in this interview with Zelensky during his visit there in January of 2020. They asked him about the Holodomor, the Soviet-imposed deliberate famine of 1932-33, which killed millions, and the Holocaust, and   he's asked about the influence of Banderas and other historic nationalist figures who at one point collaborated with the Nazis below, as well as about the legalities of his interactions with Trump..



The naming of streets after Ukrainian nationalist heroes has been quite controversial. What are you doing about that?

Zelensky:This applies not only to streets but also to monuments. It’s a question of how people with different history, with different attitudes, can live together in practice.

It is a very complicated and sensitive issue. There are heroes that are honored in the west and in the center of Ukraine, and there are other Ukrainians that have their own heroes and think otherwise. And I understand the different feelings. And that’s why I’ve said several times, very clearly: When we have so complicated a history, let’s build a common history. Let’s find those people whose names do not cause controversy in our present and in our future. Let’s name the monuments and streets for those people whose names do not provoke conflict.

Nowadays, we have our own modern heroes — people who have made history, scientists, people in space exploration, great sportsmen, many writers… people who are widely respected in all parts of Ukraine. Let’s keep politics out of this issue.

What kind of Jewish home was yours? Orthodox, not at all Orthodox?

Zelensky: Not Orthodox. An ordinary Soviet Jewish family. Most Jewish families in the Soviet Union were not religious. You know religion didn’t exist in the Soviet state as such.

Of course, I believe in God. But I speak with him only in those moments which are personal for me

Is religion important to you now?

Zelensky: (Pauses.) I had one attitude when I was a boy, and another now. I never speak about religion and I never speak about God because I have my own personal opinion about it. Of course, I believe in God. But I speak with him only in those moments which are personal for me, and important, and where I feel comfortable in those places.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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On a more serious note, I'm wondering if Tucker Carlson has convinced Ben to start tanning his testicles this week.  🤥

Tucker Carlson Pushes Testicle Tanning in 'End of Men' Special - Rolling Stone

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6 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

If you try and make an argument about Britain vs USA when it has no context, you’re bound to lose the high ground, your approach shows a lack of imagination and understanding. A bit like when you come with all the profanity, it just makes you seem moronic and devalues anything you do have to say. 

Hahaha atta boy!

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

On a more serious note, I'm wondering if Tucker Carlson has convinced Ben to start tanning his testicles this week.  🤥

Tucker Carlson Pushes Testicle Tanning in 'End of Men' Special - Rolling Stone

Yeah W. , I saw that  and I immediately thought of Ben tanning his testicles as well, then maybe deep freezing them to help them regain shape!                     heh heh heh

But on the other hand. I do agree with Ben's statement here.

Ben: First I blame Europeans---this is on their doorstep. The Germans, French, Brits, Poles have plenty of capacity for humanitarian interdiction. 

Yeah,history repeating itself. They certainly were  cavalier about this to the end. All this warning was just some paranoid dream kicked up by the American Deep State. Now they're rushing to get tickets to Nato!

Ben: The US looks inert also. 

Yeah, we'll see. But isn't that what everybody says about the "deep pockets?"


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Matt, Re Snowden: another at least on the surface, pro Putin apologist bites the dust, but in fairness to Snowden, probably the last place he would choose to be is Russia if not for the fact that he probably couldn't go anywhere else and not be arrested.

I actually feel some pity for Snowden, as I think he was used. He bought into the whole "America Bad, Russia Ok" BS, and now he's finding out that like all other useful idiots, he was used for a while and then discarded once his utility had ended. No one in Russia cares what his opinion is about their country. I imagine he's quite depressed at the moment.

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9 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

April 20 is such a weird day.

Tens of thousands of people will get together and smoke marijuana together.

Tens of thousand of N*** will get together worldwide and celebrate Hitler's birthday.

It's very weird.

.Steve Thomas

In honor of 4/20 (don't miss his patriotic cowboy boots).


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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

I actually feel some pity for Snowden, as I think he was used. He bought into the whole "America Bad, Russia Ok" BS, and now he's finding out that like all other useful idiots, he was used for a while and then discarded once his utility had ended. No one in Russia cares what his opinion is about their country. I imagine he's quite depressed at the moment.

I confess that most of what I know about Snowden comes from watching Oliver Stone's movie, which I trust somewhat implicitly.

If the screenplay is accurate, Snowden is a bona fide tragic hero who sacrificed himself to tell Americans the truth about our illegal Deep State surveillance of the public.  (I was disappointed with Obama for denouncing him.)  Then he had nowhere to turn for sanctuary, (in Hong Kong) except the Russian Federation.

One of my former patients worked for the Department of Defense, and I once made the mistake of expressing some sympathy for Snowden in one of our sessions.  He looked at me coldly and said, "He's a traitor!"

I quickly shut up and said, "Tell me more about this."   🤥

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I ask forum members to treat each other courteously.

We are all trying to understand the world through the fog of the M$M and government misinformation. 

We have different perspectives.  I hope to try to understand other perspectives. 

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