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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, one of the things I mean about the anti Trump wave and Biden only having to ride it is this:

The phenomenal  success of Mary Trump's book.  I mean from what I read, this book sold 900,000 copes the first day.

It is number one in every category on Amazon.  Which is really saying something.

And this is just after Bolton.

It shouldn't take a book to hurt Trump's chances for reelection. The fact that he has any chance is a sad commentary on America, never mind that he got elected in the first place.

The last I recall his approval rating was 39 percent. The idea that 39 percent of the people approve of this sorry excuse for a human being tells me that this country morally and politically is in very bad shape. If he gets reelected (or loses but of course claims fraud and refuses to leave and we have fighting in the streets), all I can say is that America deserves what it gets.





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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

What would you expect from a trump supporter? "For a few years now, I have proudly and repeatedly spoke [sic] in the Chicago City Hall chamber, wearing my Trump 45 gear."


Seems like the ideal Trumpstapo supporter.

Edited by Ray Mitcham
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Federal Agents ‘Beaten Back’ Into Portland Courthouse by 2,000 Protesters, Including Parent Groups



The size of the crowd in Portland is on another level tonight.



Federal officers sent to Portland to “quell” protests have had this efffect



What You Need To Know About The Battle of Portland by Robert Evans July 20, 2020



Virtually all crime, including violent crime, has been lower in the city of Portland during the last several weeks. The Acting Secretary’s statement was filled with a number of other inaccuracies as well. The bulk of the letter is a dated list of all the alleged crimes committed by Portland protesters, who are generally referred to as “violent anarchists”. Under the heading for 07/05/2020:


This is certainly very sneaky. By stating it “appears” to be a pipe bomb the statement avoids addressing the fact that no actual pipe bomb has ever been found and no one has been charged for possession of one. Despite the Acting Secretary Wolf’s claims that these demonstrators are intensely violent, the vast majority of the crimes he attributes to them are simple acts of vandalism:"


Steve Thomas

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17 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

How many villages did Trump bomb on Bolton's advice?

I'm pretty sure the answer is zero.


What would be in it for Trump? Trump doesn't do anything that doesn't benefit Trump. Just like he's been ignoring the pandemic, after the virus failed to disappear like he said it would (and he still says it will), because there's no way he can benefit from it (other than to exercise some leadership, of which he's incapable). Oh, today he's going to give a briefing on the virus, but without the task force present. Boy, that should be really informative. More lies, anyone? Disinfectant, despite his brilliant suggestion, won't cure anyone of the coronavirus, but I would suggest using it in the briefing room after he leaves it.



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21 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

So Bolton would eventually leak something useful, like the Ukranian talking points to Vindman.

How many villages did Trump bomb on Bolton's advice?

I'm pretty sure the answer is zero.


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Trumpers sure do love that Fascism.


For decades, conservative activists and leaders have warned that “jackbooted thugs” from the federal government were going to come to take away Americans’ civil rights with no due process and no recourse. Now they’re here—but they’re deployed by a staunchly right-wing president with strong conservative support.


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You should stop ascribing traits to people you don't know on a personal level.

Tell that to Mary Trump, or any number of psychiatrists including one here.

It's a common flaw among liberals.

I'm not a "liberal." I'd call myself a middle-of-the-roader. Stop ascribing traits to people you don't know on a personal level.

It comes across as an assumption of superior intelligence because of the perception those that challenge your views are, by nature, your intellectual inferiors. 

I make you feel inferior I can't help it.

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22 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Maybe he just likes to watch adults lay on the floor and pound their fists like a 3 year old screaming why? why? why?

I know that's why I keep coming back here.

You should stop ascribing traits to people you don't know on a personal level.

It's a common flaw among liberals.

It's a form of hubris.

Says Wheeler, ascribing traits to people he doesn’t know on a personal level.

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11 minutes ago, Ray Mitcham said:

Trumpstapo beating an innocent Navy Vet for no reason at all. Is this the kind of action Wheeler is proud of?


Trump is giving us a foretaste of what comes with a second term (and beyond). And 39 percent of Americans are said to approve. That's what the country has come to.



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Trump's police state creation is now frighteningly and sickeningly real.

These growing crowd beating and tear gas spraying scenes by hard to identify military combat garbed soldiers against their fellow Americans, starkly and scarily brings to mind the 1969 "right against left" political repression film "Z" with Yves Montand.

If anyone here can do so, I highly recommend it's viewing.

We rented this film "Z" from Netflix a few months ago.

It's a real life and real time relevant warning film in many important ways.


And what a way to treat an American Citizen Navy Veteran who was not doing anything violent in his right to exercise his free speech in public.

I would hope all military serving veterans find this fellow vet beating by these fiercely aggressive combat troops reprehensible.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Says Wheeler, ascribing traits to people he doesn’t know on a personal level.

And describes Biden as addled regularly. Can we describe you as hypocritical or do we have to sit down and have coffee first? Anyone with even the barest of experience in psychology can identify Trump as a narcissistic sociopath. It doesn't take Jung to figure that out.

On another note: why would any program director air something as useless as Trump hamming it up at a news briefing? By now there is less than nothing coming from his mouth. Why don't they just report the idiocy? I don't get it.

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