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9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I don't think you guys heard.

The FBI lied and they knew it.  Carter Page was a CIA asset.

HRC wanted to take the heat off of the email story. 

So her and her colleagues went ahead and started this Russia Gate fable.  Which the MSM swallowed hook, line and sinker.

Did Aaron mate live in Russia also? Was he a HIllary hater?

Did Bob Parry live in Russia also?  Was he a Hillary  hater.  No, he voted for her.

In one of the last talks I had with Bob, we shared the idea that the MSM never took Trump seriously as a candidate, they were all so smartass about him.  They did not think he was going to win.  Its obvious from the videos of that night.  Especially MSNBC.  And we know from the JFK case how the MSM does not like being proven wrong.

So even though HRC was done, they were not.  They began to swallow what had been left behind.  Like the Steele Dossier.  And this was going to be their way of getting even with Trump.  

And Max Holland jumped on board and the Daily Beast swallowed it.


      Are you familiar with Donald Trump's enmeshment with Putin's Russian oligarchs during the past 30 years?

      The fact that the Trump Organization was, basically a Russian money laundry, beginning in the early 90s, after American investors soured on doing business deals with Trump?

      Putin's People: Belton, Catherine: 9781250787323: Amazon.com: Books

      How about Trump's longstanding involvement with the Russian mafia, and Trump associate Felix Sater's boast in 2015 that Putin intended to put Trump in the White House?

      How about the GOP-controlled Senate Intel Committee's findings that Putin interfered in our 2016 election to put Trump in the White House?

      How about the fact that Trump repeatedly denied that Putin had interfered in our elections-- even on an international stage in Helsinki?

      How about the fact that Trump and Manafort altered the RNC platform in Cleveland to weaken U.S. support for Ukraine, in their Donbas border war with the Russian Federation?

      How about the fact that Paul Manafort worked for the Kremlin for years, and lied to the FBI and Mueller prosecutors about his contacts with GRU asset Konstantin Kilimnik-- even after agreeing to cooperate with Mueller's investigation?

     How about Veselnitskaya's meeting with Trump campaign officials in Trump Tower in the summer of 2016?

     How about the fact that Dean Baquet put the kibosh on any NYT stories about Trump and Russia in 2016-- while running weekly headline stories about Hillary's Emails before the election?

     How about Trump lying about his 2016 Moscow Trump Tower business negotiations?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Your last paragraph makes a good point.

Thanks Paul.  Appreciated.

William, are you aware of what happened to Mueller once he appeared before congress?

I have rarely seen such a stumbling, bumbling, aimless performance by a special prosecutor who had two years to come up with something.  Remember what he did come up with? Advertising companies.  Oh, and Cohen never went to Vienna.  Man, the MSM tried to keep that one alive forever. 

Bottom line, Buzzfeed should have never printed the Steele Dossier.  And if you want to see why, watch the debate between Mate and Harding.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Listened to some of Trump's Wyoming rally rantings on Fox News yesterday.

The entire rally visual set up seems so over-dressed red, white and blue flag and poster waving, MAGA hat wearing and over yelling hyped-up audience artificial to me.

It reminded me of those hugely staged evangelical TV preacher shows shown on national TV years ago back in the 1960s.

Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts and other teary eyed, raised face praying animated representatives of the Christian word, working their audiences into body shaking, arm thrusting, "hallelujah" shrieking frenzies.

With loud and dramatic organ musical accompaniment to further work up their almost VOODOO crazed audience.

"HEAL...HEAL...HEEAAAL THIS PITIFUL SINNER" head grabbing and throwing back theatrics!

And throughout this Chevy Chase comedy show would be constantly shown TV screen pleadings for "blessed money donations" with addresses to send these to.

Trump rallies seem like clones of those crazy, phony, exaggerated God fearing religious service shows in the 60's. Where most of the most famous preachers were exposed as hugely corrupted phonies. Roberts, Swaggert, Jim Baker, etc.

Way over acted audience theatrics. Cheering, flag waving, laughing at Trump's bad jokes.

Trump is STILL claiming the 2018 election was rigged.

He flat out called the jailed January 6th Capital building insurrectionists ..."political prisoners!"

His entire angry spiel was attacking the Dems or anyone else opposed to his will, especially Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi and/or bragging about his great achievements and genius.

I swear, if 50,000 American Board certified psychologists had their way...Trump would detained in a psych ward as a dangerous demagogue who has convinced half the country into believing and embracing his own false reality delusions!

Trump rallies are as crazy and phony looking and sounding as those "Halleluja" shouting and head grabbing "HEAL- HEAL" Evangelical TV preacher ones back in the 1960's.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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The Kevin Drum piece is also extremely poor journalism, on top of the weak partisan talking points recycled endlessly by certain frequent contributors on this thread. The “debunking” of the Sussman case has never referred to the actual Indictment - which is easily available. The Indictment contains the primary information, including the timeline of events and the stated intentions of the various players. It is clear this was an operation by the Clinton campaign to deliberately “stovepipe” incorrect and misleading information into the news cycle. To say the Clinton campaign “merely passed along some information they hoped was worth checking out” is a ridiculous parsing of the available information. And this goes for the work of Mueller’s deputy Weissman as well - who on several occasions publicly promoted obviously false interpretations of the documented record, and is continuing to do so apparently.


As Ben observes, the persons located in the Russiagate geography were largely grifters and influence peddlers, yet their words and activities were nearly always portrayed literally by the investigators and MSM - certain to produce a false consciousness and confuse the ability of the general public to stay informed.

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4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

No. Where did Trump go?

Got in the limo right after  the Obamas left and headed straight to Langley.  I was really surprised, thought he would meet w the cabinet or his staff.

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Listened to some of Trump's Wyoming rally rantings on Fox News yesterday.

The entire rally visual set up seems so over-dressed red, white and blue flag and poster waving, MAGA hat wearing and over yelling hyped-up audience artificial to me.

It reminded me of those hugely staged evangelical TV preacher shows shown on national TV years ago back in the 1960s.

Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts and other teary eyed, raised face praying animated representatives of the Christian word, working their audiences into body shaking, arm waving, "hallelujah" shrieking frenzies.

With loud and dramatic organ musical accompaniment to further work up their almost VOODOO crazed audience.

"HEAL...HEAL...HEEAAAL THIS PITIFUL SINNER" head grabbing and throwing back theatrics!

And throughout this Chevy Chase comedy show would be constantly shown TV screen pleadings for "blessed money donations" with addresses to send these to.

Trump rallies seem like clones of those crazy, phony, exaggerated God fearing religious service shows in the 60's. Where most of the most famous preachers were exposed as hugely corrupted phonies. Roberts, Swaggert, Jim Baker, etc.

Way over acted audience theatrics. Cheering, flag waving, laughing at Trump's bad jokes.

Trump is STILL claiming the 2018 election was rigged.

He flat out called the jailed January 6th Capital building insurrectionists ..."political prisoners!"

His entire angry spiel was attacking the Dems or anyone else opposed to his will, especially Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi and/or bragging about his great achievements and genius.

I swear, if 50,000 American Board certified psychologists had their way...Trump would detained in a psych ward as a dangerous demagogue who has convinced half the country into believing and embracing his own false reality delusions!

Trump rallies are as crazy and phony looking and sounding as those "Halleluja" shouting and head grabbing "HEAL- HEAL" Evangelical TV preacher ones back in the 1960's.

Well said, Joe.  I had the same nauseated reaction to Don the Con's Traveling Sh*t Show in Casper, Wyoming yesterday.

The Casper rally was mainly about destroying Liz Cheney's Congressional career for daring to participate in the Congressional investigation of Trump's January 6th coup attempt.

The other House Republicans (other than Kinzinger) are saying as little as possible and/or ducking subpoenas.

Meanwhile, I notice that Jeff Carter is still engaging in his usual pro-Kremlin pettifoggery.  

What can we say about a guy who has insisted that Putin didn't interfere in our elections to put Trump in the White House, that Kilimnik wasn't a GRU asset, that Trump didn't attempt a coup on January 6th, and that Putin didn't intend to invade Ukraine?

On historical issues relating to Putin and Trump, Jeff is batting zero.


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3 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

Got in the limo right after  the Obamas left and headed straight to Langley.  I was really surprised, thought he would meet w the cabinet or his staff.

I did not know this.  Are you sure Bill?

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36 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I did not know this.  Are you sure Bill?

He starts by talking about the dishonest media, then:

"There is nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and the CIA than Donald Trump" and "you're going to get so much backing that your going to say please don't give us so much backing".  Interesting first comments considering how things turned out.

JANUARY 21, 2017

President Trump Remarks at the Central Intelligence Agency

President Trump spoke to employees in the lobby of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters in Langley, Virginia. It was his first event on his first full day as president.


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9 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

btw:  Did anyone else notice where Trump went for a meeting immediately after seeing the Obamas off after the inauguration?

This isn't correct, btw.

Trump's visit to CIA was on Jan 21st, not right after the inauguration.

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"screwed up people".  I guess if he has a mirror in the house he sees at least one every day.  He could stand a mental exam himself (like dad).  He pretty well defines the term "Bat Sh*t Crazy" here, speaking of a bat.  Sounds like maybe he's wired on cocaine.

Don Trump Jr. Suggests Uvalde Shooter Could Have Killed 19 Kids With A 'Bat' (msn.com)

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33 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

"screwed up people".  I guess if he has a mirror in the house he sees at least one every day.  He could stand a mental exam himself (like dad).  He pretty well defines the term "Bat Sh*t Crazy" here, speaking of a bat.  Sounds like maybe he's wired on cocaine.

Don Trump Jr. Suggests Uvalde Shooter Could Have Killed 19 Kids With A 'Bat' (msn.com)

That kind of logic didn’t work in the  UK.  


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11 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

just a guess here using a surfing analogy:

  • There was a wave of dissatisfaction with MSM-approved politicians to surf around 2008 (finally!)
  • Obama rode it to the presidency defeating Mrs Clinton and John McCain
  • Bernie almost rode the same wave vs Mrs Clinton
  • Trump decided to ride the wave where it broke right
  • then Trump destroyed the Rep msm-named "deep bench" in the primaries by calling these pansies names
  • and by telling Jeb that his brother 'had not kept America safe on 9-11'
  • the Dems then in typical Dem fashion ignored the wave and sent out the MSM-approved candidate Mrs Clinton with disastrous results 

btw:  Did anyone else notice where Trump went for a meeting immediately after seeing the Obamas off after the inauguration?

Bill Fite:

A lot of truth in your observations. 

I still think one of the most under-rated political episodes of all time was Don Trump's single-handed, nearly unfunded obliteration of the "Deep Bench" establishment GOP in 2016. 

People forget the Bushes went all out for Jeb!...and Jeb! got 2% of the primary vote in one of the crucial Carolina primaries, which ended Jeb! The entire GOP establishment was crushed by Trump. 

People also forget that, back then, Fox had the long knives out for Trump. Trump the enfant terrible, performed unheard antics, such as refusing to participate in an official Fox TV debate, and bashing Megyn Kelly. No one was going to watch without Trump, so Fox canceled the debate. 

Of course, the Deep State and establishment GOP were nearly one and the same....so you can imagine how the intel state felt about Trump. And Trump was talking about pulling out NATO, or bringing troops home from S. Korea. 

Eventually, Trump would put tariffs on China (multi-nationals did not like that!) and tried to close the southern border to cheap, illegal labor (elites did not like that!).

Biden is talking about reducing the tariffs, and the border is wide open again. So...how does American labor fare against desperate and illegal immigrant labor? Shut down US factories and move them to China? 

The real tragedy of Trump is that he was such a boob, that he did not get to the 10-yard line in fulling his promises. 

A populist President, who puts the middle class first and avoids foreign entanglements, was just that the US needed. And still does. 

The Deep State made sure Trump went down, and that he is always the issue. The left-wing has become useful idiots, led by Rachel Maddow. I assume a couple honeypots from intel-land are keeping her happy and well

None of this makes Trump a nice guy, and sadly he was more buffoon than anything else. 

But remember....the Deep State has 1000 times times the influence and resources that Trump ever had.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome is a M$M-planted virus, worse in some ways than the Wuhan lab leak.  

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