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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, George Govus said:

This is great.

What Watergate and the JFKA remind us is how much the truth about triggering events is obscured, certainly for a few years, or even decades, after the fact.

Some on this forum believe the truth about 9/11 is nearly the opposite of what most the public believes. 

Keep this mind when pontificating about 1/6.

We are watching the 1/6 TV show now (almost literally---a professional producer was hired to make a slick presentation). 

You can watch various mid-1960s CBS specials on the JFKA on Youtube. 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"What we do hate are the lying bastards on right-wing "news" shows who, through their lies, get people to unwittingly vote against their own interests. And who turn their audience against left-wing politician with fake charges."---SL

And a Trumper says--

"What we do hate are the lying bastards on left-wing "news" shows who, through their lies, get people to unwittingly vote against their own interests. And who turn their audience against right-wing politicians, with fake charges."

Or some variation of the theme....

The red-blue kool-aid pissing contests.


The difference is that what I wrote is true and what you adapted from it is false. The fact that you don't know that reveals to me that either your sole source of information is far right, or that you have difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction.



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3 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


The difference is that what I wrote is true and what you adapted from it is false. The fact that you don't know that reveals to me that either your sole source of information is far right, or that you have difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction.



Frankly, I think that all Ben is doing is just stirring the pot for the attention it gets him.  I find it wearisome.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

BTW, do you ever look at The Hill, or Breaking Points shows? 

Also I do not regard Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi or Aaron Mate as aligned with either party or side.

No one news outlook, or set of books, or political aisle is perfect. But I advocate that one reads widely.


I read a variety of big mainstream news sites -- including The Hill -- and I watch MSNBC for pleasure, to get updates on right-wing silliness.

I don't read any of the others because I don't trust them.

Disclaimer: Yes, the MSM gets things wrong sometimes. But it's nothing compared to the blather you get from Fox. I used to watch both Fox News and MSNBC so that I could see what the spin was for each side. But Fox got so bad that I couldn't stand watching it anymore.


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1 minute ago, Paul Bacon said:

Frankly, I think that all Ben is doing is just stirring the pot for the attention it gets him.  I find it wearisome.


Interesting thought.

For a long time I've thought that Ben is a conservative who gets his information from conservative sites. But he's smart enough to see problems with what he reads. He acknowledges so, but assumes that liberal (actually MSM) new sites are the same.

(Actually, I do believe that the fringe-left news sites might be as bad as Fox news and the others. But very few Democrats read those.)


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1 minute ago, Sandy Larsen said:

But he's smart enough to see problems with what he reads.

I completely agree Sandy.  That is why I grow weary.

4 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

(Actually, I do believe that the fringe-left news sites might be as bad as Fox news and the others. But very few Democrats read those.)

For me, I don't think it's just the fringe-left M$M.  I mostly watch MSNBC and I cringe all the time listening to the frequent bullshit.  I don't buy the obvious propaganda, but I do listen closely to information provided by smart, measured guests.

Ben doesn't get that most of us on the board are smart enough to separate the wheat from the chaff.  In most cases, he seem to think he's the only one.

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I know there are a lot of fringe right news sites, and of course tons of right wing radio. There is very little equivalent on the left. Reminds me of the old Point Counterpoint CNN show which I thought was a right wing pundit and a barely left of center pundit debating. One rarely sees left wing intelligentsia in any media format. The Hate that spews from right wing talk radio has no equivalent on the left. So what conclusions to draw? It takes money to own radio bandwidth, and that money is almost always right wing Republican money. So who is doing the dividing? 

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4 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


The difference is that what I wrote is true and what you adapted from it is false. The fact that you don't know that reveals to me that either your sole source of information is far right, or that you have difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction.



It's pretty standard "Both sides are the same" rhetoric.

As to why Ben claims to be a centrist, yet only repeats stuff from MAGA/Kremlin websites, you'll have to ask him for that answer.

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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I know there are a lot of fringe right news sites, and of course tons of right wing radio. There is very little equivalent on the left. Reminds me of the old Point Counterpoint CNN show which I thought was a right wing pundit and a barely left of center pundit debating. One rarely sees left wing intelligentsia in any media format. The Hate that spews from right wing talk radio has no equivalent on the left. So what conclusions to draw? It takes money to own radio bandwidth, and that money is almost always right wing Republican money. So who is doing the dividing? 

Paul I've been posting about the huge one sided right wing political propaganda commitment to talk radio for years.

I'm sure there are books out there on the subject yet I haven't come across any. Pure laziness on my part for not looking harder.

Like you stated, it has been obviously clear during the last 30 to 40 years that our "nationally carried " radio waves have been inundated with extreme right political and social agenda pushing commentary talk radio.

At one time you had Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Michael ( real name Michael Weiner ) Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Bennett, G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, Alex Jones, and even others incessantly inculcating 50 million listeners with their high energy, fear feeding, left demonizing rants 24/7. All carried nationally.

Without hardly any nationally broadcasts radio programming like this on the left.

Michael Reagan lasted only a year or two. Thom Hartman isn't even broadcast nationally and if so by only a miniscule number of stations.

Most American radio stations have been bought up by right wing interests.

You could hardly turn the radio dial without hearing any number of these extreme right wing propagandists constantly pounding and pounding away at the evil liberals as soft on crime, cop hating, commie sympathizing, black coddling, illegal immigration and queer lifestyle pushing and abortion loving boogie man agents of the devil. 

Fox news has continued this incessant extreme fear and hatred liberal left demonizing propaganda campaign even more powerfully and successfully in the television media milieu the last 30 years.

Together these two massively financed and broadcast ( 24/7 ) propaganda machines have so successfully turned half our society into liberal left, democratic party hating and fearing followers and promoters of this mind set they actually believe the extremely violent and injurious mob attack on our Capital building, it's police and our congress members inside on January 6th, 2020 was... well...okay!

This is where all this massive, decades long, 24/7 left bashing propaganda machine spewings has led us. 

A nation extremely divided by anger, hate, fear, rage, bias, resentment, you name it.

And with this same half of our society willing to let our democracy and constitution be violated so willfully and aggressively it is in danger of being lost!




Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Paul I've been posting about the huge commitment to right wing talk radio for years.

I'm sure there are books out there on the subject yet I haven't come across any. Pure laziness on my part for sure.

Like you stated, it has been obviously clear during the last 30 to 40 years that our "nationally carried " radio waves have been inundated with extreme right political and social commentary talk radio.

At one time you had Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Bennett, G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, Alex Jones, and even others incessantly inculcating 50 million listeners with their high energy, fear feeding, left demonizing rants 24/7.

Without hardly any nationally broadcasts radio programming like this on the left.

Michael Reagan lasted only a year or two. Thom Hartman isn't even broadcast nationally and if so by only a miniscule number of stations.

Most American radio stations have been bought up by right wing interests.

You could hardly turn the radio dial without hearing any number of these extreme right wing propagandists constantly pounding and pounding away at the evil liberals as soft on crime, cop hating, commie sympathizing, black coddling, queer lifestyle pushing and abortion loving boogie man agents of the devil. 

Fox news has continued this incessant extreme fear and hatred liberal left demonizing propaganda campaign even more powerfully and successfully in the television media milieu the last 30 years.

Together these two massively financed and broadcast ( 24/7 ) propaganda machines have so successfully turned half our society into liberal left, democratic party hating and fearing followers and promoters of this mind set they actually believe the extremely violent and injurious mob attack on our Capital building, it's police and our congress members inside on January 6th, 2020 was... well...okay!

This is where all this massive, decades long, 24/7 left bashing propaganda machine spewings has led us. 

A nation extremely divided by anger, hate, fear, rage, bias, resentment, you name it.




Indeed. Let’s see if Ben can spin this one. It’s clear to me that big money has always been against the left with its socialist ideas. This isn’t new, it’s old as the hills. 

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8 hours ago, Paul Bacon said:

For me, I don't think it's just the fringe-left M$M.  I mostly watch MSNBC and I cringe all the time listening to the frequent bullshit.  I don't buy the obvious propaganda, but I do listen closely to information provided by smart, measured guests.



What I've highlighted...

Are you seriously saying that the hosts on MSNBC frequently lie and mislead? If you are, I'd sure like to hear some examples. Because I don't believe it. At least not with Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell and their substitutes. (Those are the two shows on MSNBC that I regularly watch.)


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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Not sure about "fringe left" radio, as I can't listen to US radio. It did seem the right-wing dominated  radio when I left 10 years ago. 

But consider the treatment of these four stories:

1. Russiagate hoax

2. Wuhan lab leak debunked, and censorship required

3. Brian Sicknick was murdered by a mob

4. Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian disinformation story. 

I would say there has been a merging on the Donk political party with M$M and the Deep State, that is a rough parallel to what happened to the establishment 'Phants a generation or two earlier. 

The old Democratic Party, heavily affiliated with labor and having anti-war elements (though yes, LBJ started the Vietnam War), and skeptical of intel agencies, has evaporated---along with what used to be left-wing media. 

One could posit there is no left-wing fringe media, as there is no more left-wing media at all!

In the larger society, I would say the fringe left and right are duking it out to the bottom. The left-wing embrace of ID politics, censorship, and ridiculous language---the "birthing people," and "people who menstruate"---or the right-wing insanity regarding high-powered weapons that are not needed for self-defense.

Another troubling development has been the Donk Party embrace of the neo-liberal world order, which looks exactly like the neo-con world order.  


The Donk Party embraces a huge global guard service for multinationals, open borders for trade and cheap labor, and the attendant destruction of the American middle class. The Detroitification of America. Linking arms with the establishment 'Phants.

What am I "spinning"?




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Biden noted that he personally owned two shotguns and had advised Jill Biden that "if there's ever a problem" to walk outside their home and "fire two blasts". Biden also explained that he felt shotguns were more appropriate for personal security than an AR-15 which, he said, was more difficult to aim and use.--Wikipedia

Gee, and I thought a single-shot revolver, six rounds, was adequate for anybody.  

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14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Biden noted that he personally owned two shotguns and had advised Jill Biden that "if there's ever a problem" to walk outside their home and "fire two blasts". Biden also explained that he felt shotguns were more appropriate for personal security than an AR-15 which, he said, was more difficult to aim and use.--Wikipedia

Gee, and I thought a single-shot revolver, six rounds, was adequate for anybody.  

Great source!

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6 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Great source!

"Joe Biden: buy a shotgun, not an assault rifle, to protect your home

US vice-president in online video Q&A says a 12-gauge shotgun is more than enough to see off intruders:--The Guardian


In truth, shotguns are horrible weapons, but are probably not mass murder weapons.

While I still think no one needs more than a six-round single-shot revolver, Biden may have a point about a shotgun for home defense. 

At one point, sawed-off shotguns were illegal, I do not know if that is still the case. My guess is a sawed-off shotgun is a horrible weapon, but even less effective as a mass murder weapon.

Guns and gun control is a divisive issue. 



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