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You must really check out this morning's ABC Rusty Bowers interview video below. 

Jonathan Karl interviews Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers on "This Week." #ABCNews #ThisWeek #RustyBowers #Jan6.


Bowers is man of deep U.S. constitution respecting integrity who courageously has chosen to stand up and speak out via national TV regards the many nefarious constitution threatening actions of Donald Trump, including specifically one which he believes was clearly criminal - the intimidation call to Georgia's top election official Secretary Of State Brad Raffensperger.

In Trump's typical embarrassingly immature junior high school bully insult throwing style he called Bowers a "Rino Coward" the other day at one of his ego feeding propaganda rallies right there in Bower's home state of Arizona.

Bowers ( like dozens of others ) has been subjected to various retribution minded punishments by the vindictive Trump forces.

Yet, he feels he must be strong and stay the course in standing up to and informing our country of the threat of Trumpism... which highly respected conservative retired Federal Judge J. Michael Luttig has framed as "a clear and present danger to our democracy."

This Trumpism debacle is playing out so similar to the fall of "McCarthyism."


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On 7/30/2022 at 11:07 AM, Joe Bauer said:

Anyway, it was cringing to see how Trump has blown up even more than normal. His backside especially. HOLY TOLEDO!

Like seeing a hippo in golf pants.

And his face was so haggard and puffy red he looks like a walking heart attack.

His hair looked even worse! 

Wild, unkempt, sloppily cut.

Guess his make-up people didn't come along for his self-promoting golf trip.

Trump is history. We all know it.

The blustering buffoonery was fun and even legendary and almost got seriously out of hand, but the act is old, tired and finished now.

Trumpism is now more "Rumpism" in social discussion.

He should make a deal with the McDonalds Corp. with a new "huge oversized" buttocks shaped bun burger and call it the "Trump Mac."


Hey Joe,

You might want to reconsider making fun of the way people look. Trump's obesity, for example. When you make fun of Trump's obesity, you also make fun of the obesity of certain forum members. IMO. Besides that, it strikes me as a juvenile thing to do. (Though I know a lot of adults who do the same. So maybe it's just me.)


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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Here's a question that I've been stumped about.

What would have Trump done had he gone to the Capitol?


Intelligence Official, Malcom Nance, who has studied insurgencies and uprisings all over the world, said it is his belief that there would have been a massacre.

Steve Thomas

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Interesting, Steve, So what Nance means is once they got word that Trump had arrived and they saw an escalation. They just would have laid waste to everyone in the Capitol  who probably didn't take an order to get down on the floor?

I agree with Sandy. It is true that you devalue the discussion when you start making fun of Trump's appearance. Not that we  haven't all at least indirectly done that.We'd hope that other people of different views don't just dismiss this thread as being a bunch of liberals forever bashing Trump, in any way they can, without using reason. It's not worth censoring of course, but even  using a reference that Trump people all go to Walmart could be seen by others as being "liberal elitism". 

In the 2016 campaign, When Hilary Clinton characterized Trump voters as "deplorables"  I thought it was very polarizing and a big campaign mistake. Obviously Trump creates a lot of tension and there is cause for letting out steam. But so often on the Trump side, the criticism of the Democrats has nothing to do with issues but are just scoffing, derogatory comments designed to "own the libs." It might be nice to keep in mind that we shouldn't be the same. JMO

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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Hey Joe,

You might want to reconsider making fun of the way people look. Trump's obesity, for example. When you make fun of Trump's obesity, you also make fun of the obesity of certain forum members. IMO. Besides that, it strikes me as a juvenile thing to do. (Though I know a lot of adults who do the same. So maybe it's just me.)



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I've gotten some negative forum member feedback on my doing so twice now.

Does this include me and other members posting Trump political cartoon pictures that depict him as comically obese as well?

I do see the offense to others here who may be overweight themselves. Heck, I weigh 215 lbs on a 6 ft. frame myself.

After 6 years of seeing and hearing Trump making almost daily fun of others, often in the form of the most base and even crude insults, I guess this has gotten to me to the point of losing my normal sense of forum decorum posting propriety myself.

I'll cut the weight jokes. 



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9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Yes, Kirk, it has been a very slow process, but Ben finally seems to be getting in touch with reality about Trump's January 6th coup plot, and Trump's coup accomplices in the "Deep State."

Lately, Ben seems to be preoccupied with doing "research," or at least posting about, the characteristics and motives of the J6 Capitol invaders.

The Congressional J6 committee actually did a good job exploring and highlighting the characteristics of the J6 mob in the hearing where they interrogated the young cabinet maker from Ohio who entered the Capitol with the mob on J6, and the former Oath Keeper from Colorado with the facial tattoo.

The ex-Oath Keeper described Stewart Rhodes and his associates as an extremist right wing "militia" that, basically, aspired to overthrow the U.S. government.  (I hope that guy is in a witness protection program.)

The young man from Ohio was a Trump fan-- motivated by Trump's Big Lie and the Trumpaganda in the M$M and on social media-- who came to D.C. with buddies to "Stop the Steal."

Hopefully, Ben will eventually take the time to watch that hearing on You Tube.


You should not disparage primary research, which all of us (at least to a greater extent) can do now with the internet. 

Go ahead and read the primary materials I have cited.   

You will on the basis of primary materials--

1. Conclude the 800 people arrested for occupying the Capitol are not armed, with the exception of one. There was no "armed mob." 

2. Many of the occupiers believed, and texted in real time, they were "let in." 

3. There were at least three federal assets inside Proud Boys, active in communicating and planning activities leading up to 1/6. 


What did people believe about the JFKA on the basis of M$M coverage and the 24 volumes of the WC? 

Should we now take on faith the 1/6 hearings and M$M coverage?

Stay detached. Stay skeptical, use your JFKA training. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Any thoughts about how much and in what ways the entire political landscape will change if Biden becomes incapacitated well before his term is up?

Incapacitated to the point that Biden would be unable to perform his duties as President.


When Harris takes office, I hope her physical appearance is not savaged. 

You ask an interesting question. 

Biden was, of course, the chair or ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for 12 years.

In shorthand, Biden is a Deep State apparatchik, and acted accordingly during the Obama Administration.  

He is also a finance-industry lackey.

Mother Jones used to write stories like this: 

"How Joe Biden helped build a financial system that’s great for Delaware banks and terrible for the rest of us."

That was waaaaaayyyy back in 2019....before anyone knew Biden would be the next President. 

OK, so Biden is Wall Street's guy, and a globalist.  Well, so says Mother Jones. 


I can't imagine anything changing under President Harris, except the pronouns.

There is no way Harris would even try to stand up against the DC establishment. 

You might get a regulation that in the US military, the use of gender-specific pronouns is prohibited. 

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     I wonder if people on this forum are aware of the relentless 24/7 anti-Biden propaganda in the right wing media during the past two years.  I mainly hear about it from media watchers.  It is at least as pervasive, and destructive, as the anti-Hillary propaganda in the right wing media in the years prior to the fateful 2016 Presidential election.

     Joe Bauer posted an informative review of Donald Trump's own daily slurs against any perceived adversaries and critics during the past six years, but even those pale in comparison to the steady stream of anti-Biden invective in the modern MAGA-verse-- everything from the "Let's Go Brandon" trope to deep fake videos and incessant slurs about Biden's alleged senility, bicycle accidents, COVID infections, etc.

     People in the MAGA-verse are actively cheering for Biden to stumble.

     California Governor Gavin Newsome has correctly pointed out recently that Democrats need to start punching back against the daily RNC/Karl Rove/Rush Limbaugh/Fox News/Trump denigration of progressiv-ism in America.

     As an example, the Today Show recently released an amusing video in which they accurately re-directed absurd Fox News anti-Biden tropes to Donald Trump.

     I hope this doesn't offend any expatriate closet Trumplicons on the forum.  🤥


Edited by W. Niederhut
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15 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

     I wonder if people on this forum are aware of the relentless 24/7 anti-Biden propaganda in the right wing media during the past two years.  I mainly hear about it from media watchers.  It is at least as pervasive, and destructive, as the anti-Hillary propaganda in the right wing media in the years prior to the fateful 2016 Presidential election.

     Joe Bauer posted an informative review of Donald Trump's own daily slurs against any perceived adversaries and critics during the past six years, but even those pale in comparison to the steady stream of anti-Biden invective in the modern MAGA-verse-- everything from the "Let's Go Brandon" trope to deep fake videos and incessant slurs about Biden's alleged senility, bicycle accidents, COVID infections, etc.

     People in the MAGA-verse are actively cheering for Biden to stumble.

     California Governor Gavin Newsome has correctly pointed out recently that Democrats need to start punching back against the daily RNC/Karl Rove/Rush Limbaugh/Fox News/Trump denigration of progressiv-ism in America.

     As an example, the Today Show recently released an amusing video in which they accurately re-directed absurd Fox News anti-Biden tropes to Donald Trump.

     I hope this doesn't offend any expatriate closet Trumplicons on the forum.  🤥


I don't watch M$M TV shows, so I am unaware of this coverage. 

Are you aware that Mother Jones defined Biden as a lackey for commercial banks? 

I provided a link. 

Now, you say, the right-wing disparages Biden. Probably true. My take is that M$M coverage in the US follows the red-blue kool-aid pissing wars. A trained and gullible audience lines up to take sides. 

So...we should disregard the Mother Jones coverage of Biden?

Biden is not a lackey of commercial banks? 

We should not ponder if a special prosecutor is required on the Hunter Biden case? 

The fact that 'Phant coverage of Biden is abysmal and a mirror of Donk coverage of Trump...means the Biden family is absolved in advance of any investigation? 

My view is the M$M is purposely divisive and diversionary. To quote a fellow forum member, a "weapon of mass distraction."

W--Do not become distracted!



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