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Did Donald Trump Betray The JFKA Truth Movement?

W. Niederhut

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    I would be interested in the forum's opinions about Donald Trump's decision to block the full release of the JFKA records in October of 2017 and April of 2018.

    Why did Trump do it, and was it a betrayal of the JFKA Truth movement?

    At the time, Oliver Stone -- whose film, JFK, led directly to the unanimous passage of the 1992 JFK Records Act by Congress -- said that, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State."

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43 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

A genuinely serious question.

What is the JFKA Truth Movement looking for?

Are they looking for the person or persons that pulled the trigger?


Are they looking for the person or persons that allowed, planned, financed and otherwise managed the whole event and coverup?

I'm sure both are important, but is one (the trigger puller), more important than the other (the planners), to the truther group?


Perhaps we should re-phrase the question.

1)  What are the JFKA research experts hoping to find in the classified documents that Trump has refused to de-classify?

2)  Any thoughts about whether the remaining classified JFKA documents will be released in October of 2021, or thereafter?

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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    I would be interested in the forum's opinions about Donald Trump's decision to block the full release of the JFKA records in October of 2017 and April of 2018.

    Why did Trump do it, and was it a betrayal of the JFKA Truth movement?

    At the time, Oliver Stone -- whose film, JFK, led directly to the unanimous passage of the 1992 JFK Records Act by Congress -- said that, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State."

JMO.  Yes it was a betrayal in multiple respects to us all.  I have to wonder if someone from the power elite of today, with more money and power than him might have told him releasing the records could be bad for His presidency, maybe even his health.  If he thought releasing them would help his ratings that's about the only thing I think would stop him.

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Trump actually did this three times.

On the last day that the original act allowed for anything not declassified by the ARRB to be released, he changed his tune and said everything will not be released.

He then set up a review process that was to last six months.

Well, when that six months was over, he then extended that to 2021.

But what no one writes about except at K and K, is this: he did not just break the spirit of the law, but the letter of the law.


According to Jeff Morley, there are over 15,000 files that are still redacted in whole or in part.


FInally, he pulled that stunt with Ted Cruz which was nothing but a dviersion.  After Roger Stone consulted with Judy Baker--there is a match for you--Roger passed on the BS about Cruz and Oswald.  When it did not catch on, as Cohen writes, Trump pushed it directly himself on Fox and Friends and through his buddy at the NE.  Then it did catch on even though its BS.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I think at its core, this is a great question.  Why not release the rest of those files that still exist?  What possible reason(s) could exist to withhold them at this late date?  

Of course, it would be difficult to verify that anything released now was the original document in its original form.  Very few people are still alive who would be able to confirm or deny anything there.

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We are actually dreaming aren't we? If we think some release of documents tells us who pulled the trigger or was the mastermind of it. The glimmer of hope is that the government aren't thorough enough with redactions or destroying relevant detail that could give further things away. What's with redactions? Everyone is dead, that says it all, it's just the continuing attempt to pervert history. 

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Looks like this thread has become 4WD, White Wing Wacko Wheeler's  "Q anon"  annual contribution to the JFKA forum. And his now group validated fantasy conversations between the most pivotal political figures of his life, the Bushes and Trump. And of course starting with his completely irrelevant obsession with Mueller and his compromised investigation.

Like everyone here I held out a smidgeon of  hope for maybe some leads. Trump's campaign promises made absolutely no difference in that prospect for me.

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I think Trump’s knowledge of deep secrets regarding the event is zero, and the whole subject came to his attention the fortnight of the original scheduled releases. He agreed to everything being released as it seemed like a popular response, then on the day, when greeted with various ‘We can’t release these, Mr President!’ messages and excuses and explanations, he responded with annoyance and a shrug, and agreed to the new plans simply as that was what so many advisors were urging.

If the endless date-extensions and excuses for not releasing things became a big public issue, he might have stronger conversations and make more demands about it, but at this point I doubt he’s thought about the subject for a very long while.

And if Harris and Biden win the election, you won’t be seeing many, if any new JFK releases for some time. Not to mention all the other subjects they’ll happily cover up.



Edited by Anthony Thorne
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2 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

I think Trump’s knowledge of deep secrets regarding the event is zero, and the whole subject came to his attention the fortnight of the original scheduled releases. He agreed to everything being released as it seemed like a popular response, then on the day, when greeted with various ‘We can’t release these, Mr President!’ messages and excuses and explanations, he responded with annoyance and a shrug, and agreed to the new plans simply as that was what so many advisors were urging.

If the endless date-extensions and excuses for not releasing things became a big public issue, he might have stronger conversations and make more demands about it, but at this point I doubt he’s thought about the subject for a very long while.

And if Harris and Biden win the election, you won’t be seeing many, if any new JFK releases for some time. Not to mention all the other subjects they’ll happily cover up.




    Your take on this may well be correct.  At the very least, it gives the lie to the false narrative that Trump is an "outsider" who would take on the Deep State, etc.

     I was somewhat hopeful in early 2016 that Trump might actually be a 9/11 Truther, and I still believe that he knows a lot more about his Manhattan colleague  Larry Silverstein, the Port Authority, and what happened to the WTC on 9/11 than he has let on since early 2016.  He has been dead silent.

     As for the JFK assassination, the country has waited for almost 57 years now-- and for over 27 years since the passage of the JFK Records Act -- to finally learn the truth about the conspiracy to murder of JFK.

     Trump sabotaged the Congressionally-mandated release of the JFKA records in 2017 and 2018.  That's a big deal.  Yet, he has received almost no significant criticism for that crucial decision in our mainstream media, or even on this JFK forum.  I think that's the main reason I started this thread.

    I don't know how or why Trump "got rolled by the Deep State" on this one, but it happened, and it should be acknowledged and discussed.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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I object to your hijack of this thread about Trump and the JFKA Records Act.

Can we please stay on topic here?



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On 9/21/2020 at 1:45 PM, W. Niederhut said:

    I would be interested in the forum's opinions about Donald Trump's decision to block the full release of the JFKA records in October of 2017 and April of 2018.

    Why did Trump do it, and was it a betrayal of the JFKA Truth movement?

    At the time, Oliver Stone -- whose film, JFK, led directly to the unanimous passage of the 1992 JFK Records Act by Congress -- said that, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State."

Great question!

I think that to betray someone or something you have to first have some kind of loyalty to it. I don't think DJT has ever had any loyalty whatsoever to the truth much less the JFK matter.

Like everything he exploited the subject for his own possible gain, using the subject to both try to paint Ted Cruz as connected to the assassination with bogus claims and later he tried to exploit the subject for favor among the populace by posturing as someone who was going to "release the files"

Ultimately he is, in my estimation, a sociopath and a narcissist who wouldn't do anything to further understanding of the assassination unless it could somehow enrich himself or result in some sort of personal gain. 

The guy is pathological. 

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23 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

How is it a betrayal? In order to “betray” a cause one must be committed to it in the first place.

Donald Trump has only been committed to one cause in his entire life, and it sure as hell ain’t the JFKA.

100% agreement

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12 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

I think Trump’s knowledge of deep secrets regarding the event is zero, and the whole subject came to his attention the fortnight of the original scheduled releases. He agreed to everything being released as it seemed like a popular response, then on the day, when greeted with various ‘We can’t release these, Mr President!’ messages and excuses and explanations, he responded with annoyance and a shrug, and agreed to the new plans simply as that was what so many advisors were urging.


I agree. I think Trump agreed to withholding documents at the urging of advisors because he simply didn't want to be bothered with it. Too much of a strain on his attention span. Just like he didn't want to bothered with COVID-19. He agreed to a ban of travelers to the U.S. with Chinese passports and that was it, the virus would "just disappear," and he still says it will.


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