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Stone/DiEugenio documentary premiere at Cannes

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Thanks Dave.  

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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks Dave.  

Are you going to the festival or is Covid making it almost impossible? 

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I am not sure about that yet but will let you know.

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On 6/7/2021 at 8:22 PM, Chris Barnard said:

Are you going to the festival or is Covid making it almost impossible? 

Not just Covid to consider.  I imagine air fare, local transportation, lodging and meals are quite expensive for such a venue.  On a retired educators income it might be daunting.  But, I don't think he's posted since Wednesday so maybe he "made the scene" after all.  Maybe he had sponsorship given his role in the film(s).  I hope so.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Not just Covid to consider.  I imagine air fare, local transportation, lodging and meals are quite expensive for such a venue.  On a retired educators income it might be daunting.  But, I don't think he's posted since Wednesday so maybe he "made the scene" after all.  Maybe he had sponsorship given his role in the film(s).  I hope so.

I am very close to France, I had considered it. But, the new regulations getting back to the group of islands I live in looks prohibitive (more quarantining). I think you could stay outside of Cannes and Shuttle in, then it wouldn’t be silly money. 

I hope he’s made it too. It would be fabulous with the weather we’re having of late. 

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I have a question for Jim D. Is there a timeframe for when the general public will get to see this, and do you know know on what platform (theater, streaming service)?I'm really wanting to see this ASAP so any info you can release would be helpful! Thanks in advance!

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1 minute ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

I have a question for Jim D. Is there a timeframe for when the general public will get to see this, and do you know know on what platform (theater, streaming service)?I'm really wanting to see this ASAP so any info you can release would be helpful! Thanks in advance!

If it’s anything like Oliver Stone’s “untold history of the USA” it will be excellent. 

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On 6/11/2021 at 11:59 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Not just Covid to consider.  I imagine air fare, local transportation, lodging and meals are quite expensive for such a venue.  On a retired educators income it might be daunting.  But, I don't think he's posted since Wednesday so maybe he "made the scene" after all.  Maybe he had sponsorship given his role in the film(s).  I hope so.

I don't know what I was thinking when I posted this.  Joseph McBride in the first post on the thread states it runs July 6 - 17.  I'm off by a month.

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I don't. know when it will be on in the USA.

I had some guy from Germany who emailed me and said he wanted to buy it for this network there.  But I told him he should do that at Cannes.

I imagine it will sell to foreign distributors there.  I don't know how many American distributors will be there.

I just saw the two hour version and it looks good.  They are working on the four hour version now.  I imagine they will show the two .hour version at Cannes.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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11 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The idea is probably to sell it to foreign markets first and the trend will catch on.  Hopefully the CBC will air it. People in the USA can see it from there probably.  Creating a buzz.  But here is my question:  How many documentaries have the following people in them:

Robert RIchardson: three time Oscar winner

Oliver Stone: three time Oscar winner

Whoopi Goldberg: Oscar winner

Donald Sutherland: Emmy winner

Add it up, that is 7 Oscars and an Emmy.  Has any JFK documentary ever had this kind of combination of name value?  I will go further, has any documentary ever had this kind of combination? I don't mean those with recreations, because Oliver does not do those for his documentaries.  This is purely a documentary.  Can you recall any other one which had that kind of name and award value to it?  I can't.

But in addition to that, how many JFK documentaries have ever had the number and quality of experts and witnesses we have?  We did 29 interviews for the production with people of experience, skill and knowledge in their general field and in this case. People like the Church Committee's JIm Gochenauer and the Canadian author Paul Bleau  have never been in a documentary before. Same thing with Robert Rakove and Phil Muehlenbeck. Again, no JFK documentary has ever had this kind of wide and deep panel of authorities in it.  Why should the public be deprived of listening to all of these people with the latest information on both JFK and his assassination?  



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Well, Ollie better do a lot better than the Zionist Controlled Arnon Milchan version that landed way short of essential truths.   Else, he is going to be tossed under the Bus for eternity.   Last Chance for ole Ollie.

It better contain deuterium !

And Don Trump as the Health Savior for the world !

We better not see Any Masonic Magic replacing Milchan Either.



Edited by Jim Phelps
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Will Ollie Keep this up?    If he does, the entire world will notice.


The vid calls out Japan WWII Saturation Fire Bomber Curtis LeMay, who happens to be a Royalist and Imperialism backing Canadian Mason, that hated JFK with a Passon.   LeMay ran the SAC and did the movie A Gathering of Eagles  to Hero make himself.   Meanwhile, the JFK gang was making the Lemay Pun movie called "Dr. Strangelove" that has LeMay actor ride a nuke out the Bomb Bay drop doors.

Seems old Ollie left that out.   Humm.

How much more did Ole Ollie leave out?    Looks like a whole whole lot.

Perhaps the term "Fake Jews" translates to the Masons in Ollie speak.  (Timeline 1
:12 doesn't appear in the book)   Masons use deals linked to Solomon's temple allegory to do some  "crafty"Jewish appearances.   Lots of the Jewish religion seem to join Masons.   Both the Soloman's temple priests kept secrets, and the Masons seem to hold they hold similar secrets.   The highest secrets in ancient religions connect to deuterium as a very Holy Hidden knowledge.

I suppose the July Film Debut may explain these issues in a more obvious and less coded fashion.



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38 minutes ago, Jim Phelps said:

Will Ollie Keep this up?    If he does, the entire world will notice.



Jim: the idiot in this video can't even match verb to subject in reading the first sentence of Stone & Kuznick's book.  Then he drops syllables in multisyllabic words in the second sentence, demonstrating that he doesn't understand the meanings.  Dante created a circle in Hell for such people, and I'm all for it.

Edited by David Andrews
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