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Oswald said someone took his picture and superimposed his face on the backyard photos

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Had to have been Friday night, right?



Now how did those manipulated photos drop into the Paine garage in time for the 2nd search on Saturday?



*** Gif is not my creation, credit to author ***


Edited by Tony Krome
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Good match except for the black eye

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13 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

Had to have been Friday night, right?



Now how did those manipulated photos drop into the Paine garage in time for the 2nd search on Saturday?


*** Gif is not my creation, credit to author ***


Who was the author of the gif?

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Some one manipulated the gif showing Oswald had a broad chin.  And, if you look closely they broadened the nose also.

Edited by John Butler
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What an absolutely crazy, unprofessional, irresponsible and just plain STUPID press packed mad house right inside the halls of the Dallas, PD that evening.

Shouting press people crammed together so closely the police had a hard time even getting Oswald by and through them! Huge mobile TV cameras which required lots of heavy cable throughout the halls and rooms?

Oswald put in front of this packed in like sardines world press reporter crowd and cameras and allowed to answer questions without the presence of an attorney which could have opened himself up to incredibly self-incriminating statements.

Oswald mentions right off he hasn't been provided any legal assistance. He was asking for this! They should have stopped the press show right there and gotten Oswald back to his holding cell.

What an outrageous and disturbing lack of security and professionalism common sense on the part of Chief Curry and whoever else allowed this circus right inside their building.

All so the press could see Chief Curry's men weren't physically abusing Oswald? Hog wash!

When did anyone ever see a large city police department allow the interior of their main police department building to be over-run like that by hordes of press reporters and with huge mobile cameras and cable making the scene even more cramped and crowded when they were still in the process of interrogating a suspect of great criminal importance actions?  

And then to bring the suspect right in front of this horde of reporters to be questioned without any legal rights advising and protecting counsel?

If Oswald had someone ( even a public defender attorney ) there, this person would have fielded the questions, not Oswald.

You never saw Jack Ruby paraded right in front of the press like that just hours after his arrest for whacking Oswald.  Why not? If it was good enough for Oswald, heck Oswald denied everything and not one witness could say they actually saw Oswald shoot at JFK, yet millions of Americans watched Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV!

The way the Dallas PD paraded Oswald around like that ( including the Sunday morning perp walk into the DPD basement) and allowed their DP building to be over-run by the press like that will always be one of the most outrageously negligent acts of entire Police department incompetence ever in American history. Still 58 years later, it is hard to watch.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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14 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

What an absolutely crazy, unprofessional, irresponsible and just plain STUPID press packed mad house right inside the halls of the Dallas, PD that evening.

Note that Oswald is wearing the CE150 evidence shirt at midnight, allegedly the same shirt he was wearing at the Tippit crime scene.


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13 hours ago, Tony Krome said:


Compare to the end of the film.


This just shows the accuracy of the Harvey Oswald identification characteristics that come primarily from his mug shot at the DPD.  Be sure to expand the film frame above and compare it to a later frame in the film.  The cover up continues with this film.



Edited by John Butler
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Below is a comparison of the different cameras used to film Oswald at the midnight press conference that are seen in the film clip posted in this thread.


The neck shadow captured by the camera on the left has the effect of squaring off the chin.

If you have read accounts of people that were familiar with Oswald, you will note that they remark that Oswald had this peculiar way of pursing his lips. Try it yourself, it slightly alters your chin shape, in Oswald's case, even more so.

Regardless of member's fascination with chins and jawlines, if Oswald was correct in his analysis of the backyard photos, his superimposed head could have been captured at the Friday night press conference, and manipulated through the night to eventually end up in the Paine garage. As highlighted in the original film reel footage, there was no need to place his face on top of someone's square chin, his whole head could have been superimposed on someone's body.

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