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Secret Service participation in 1/6 coup attempt

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Apparently Mike Pence refused to get into a car with his Secret Service agents on 1/6 because he feared they would "fly him to Alaska" in order to prevent him from certifying the electoral college results. WOW

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12 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

It would make sense that if VP Pence were to have been unable to complete overseeing the tally of votes, that would have constituted a coup...

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“We got very lucky with Mike Pence,” said Raskin.

That there was a conspiracy on 1/6 is not in doubt; many have been charged with that already. The question is whether or not *all* of the conspirators will be charged. The riot at the Capitol was only one part of that conspiracy. Remember that in the ideal conspiracy, the master planners are not punished- someone lower on the totem pole shoulders the blame. If this is starting to sound familiar to you, it's because you've seen this before: The hijackers on 9/11, and Lee Oswald on 11/22/63.

Just like with those events, the populace is in shock in the immediate aftermath, and the fog of war sets in, making critical thinking difficult. I know people that cannot watch footage of the rioting between the Trumpers and Capitol Police because it is too traumatizing for them. The truth behind what happened on 1/6 is tragic for our democracy, but it must come out.

Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland is on the House Select Committee that will be getting to the truth of 1/6, and he explains what the initial plot was here: 


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On 7/16/2021 at 12:10 AM, Matt Allison said:

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Apparently Mike Pence refused to get into a car with his Secret Service agents on 1/6 because he feared they would "fly him to Alaska" in order to prevent him from certifying the electoral college results. WOW


      Thanks for posting this.  This could turn out to be the stuff of American history-- a coup plan to block Pence from certifying the election results by having the Secret Service move hm to Andrews AFB on January 6th.

     My two questions.

1)  Why did Pence tell Tim Geibels that he refused to get in the limo, because he didn't trust the other Secret Service agents driving the vehicle?

2)  Why did Ornato tell Kellogg on January 6th that their conversation about having the Secret Service move Pence to Andrews AFB "never happened?"

      I wondered if someone had tipped Pence off about Trump's plan to physically remove him from the Capitol if he insisted on certifying the election results.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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 A riot breaks out at the Capitol and Pence is whisked by his detail down to the basement where his limo is waiting to move him to a secure location. Trump didn't intend to have Pence killed but once he was away from the Capitol Trump would have commanded the Secret Service to make sure that Pence did not return to the Capitol which would have prevented the certification of the Electoral votes from being finished.

Now tie in the stand down/delay that was given to the DC National Guard and it all ties together. Trump and his Secretary of Defense had no intention of calling in the Guard to stop the riot. They fully expected Pence to be gone and if Pelosi or Schumer or AOC were caught and subsequently killed- well then all the better. This was a planned operation and it is clear why the Republicans do not want anybody looking into the events of January 6th.

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W. - Exactly; Pence 100% did not trust the agents driving the limo. There is little doubt there was more than one SS agent involved in the coup plot; recall that as soon Biden became President, certain SS agents in his proximity were immediately removed and transferred. IMO, there are indications Ornato might, at minimum, have guilty knowledge, and fully expect him to be subpoenaed. 

Republicans have doubled down on covering this up, which leads me to believe there's been real fear in DC about how dangerous the atmosphere remains. I believe that's why the investigation has been acknowledged by DOJ, but there are no press briefings at all about its progress. Putting some space and time between Trump's exit from office and upcoming revelations about the plot, is helpful in encouraging tensions to cool, and demonstrating that the new administration is in full control- that the rule of law is being respected again.


Chuck- yep, agree completely.



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I would prefer not to see him as president, but Pence seems a better man than we've given him credit for being.  And I believe he was targeted as a "traitor" worthy of the scaffold by an entity above the mob on 1/6.

We should understand, however, that the recent news stories and book reviews citing his opposition to Trump are in the service of rehabilitating Pence and diminishing Trump.  At this point, he's a war hero, and the go-to GOP candidate for 2024, which is still some time away.  Don't be surprised if the GOP does a volte-face, rejects mob baiting extremism, and returns to traditional conservatism with Pence as stalwart figurehead.  He looks like Eisenhower compared to the rest of the party, and the GOP has several years to ease into the transition, looking over their shoulders all the while.

Edited by David Andrews
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8 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

W. - Exactly; Pence 100% did not trust the agents driving the limo. There is little doubt there was more than one SS agent involved in the coup plot; recall that as soon Biden became President, certain SS agents in his proximity were immediately removed and transferred. IMO, there are indications Ornato might, at minimum, have guilty knowledge, and fully expect him to be subpoenaed. 

Republicans have doubled down on covering this up, which leads me to believe there's been real fear in DC about how dangerous the atmosphere remains. I believe that's why the investigation has been acknowledged by DOJ, but there are no press briefings at all about its progress. Putting some space and time between Trump's exit from office and upcoming revelations about the plot, is helpful in encouraging tensions to cool, and demonstrating that the new administration is in full control- that the rule of law is being respected again.


Chuck- yep, agree completely.



In a somewhat different way, this is eerily reminiscent to me of Lady Bird having set out a nice white suit for Jackie to change into from the bloody pink suit in order to have her photo taken with LBJ at his swearing in...to which Jackie, refusing, defiantly said, "I want them to see what they have done."

This speaks volumes...VP Pence stood alone, knowing, in a worst-case-scenario, that Pres. Trump had set him up...an unthinkable situation could have resulted if Pence had not held his ground...

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12 hours ago, David Andrews said:

I would prefer not to see him as president, but Pence seems a better man than we've given him credit for being.  And I believe he was targeted as a "traitor" worthy of the scaffold by an entity above the mob on 1/6.

We should understand, however, that the recent news stories and book reviews citing his opposition to Trump are in the service of rehabilitating Pence and diminishing Trump.  At this point, he's a war hero, and the go-to GOP candidate for 2024, which is still some time away.  Don't be surprised if the GOP does a volte-face, rejects mob baiting extremism, and returns to traditional conservatism with Pence as stalwart figurehead.  He looks like Eisenhower compared to the rest of the party, and the GOP has several years to ease into the transition, looking over their shoulders all the while.


       I agree with your take on the rehabilitation of Pence.  I've been following the Pence stories in the media fairly closely since January 6th, and I've noticed that he has carefully refrained from criticizing Trump, other than saying that he and Trump "will probably never see eye to eye about January 6th."  In fact, Pence has continued to praise the man who almost succeeded in having him lynched by an angry mob on January 6th.

       Republicans like Pence and Kevin McCarthy, apparently, know what happened on January 6th, but they don't want to alienate the Trump/GOP base by speaking up, or supporting an investigation.  Even Mitch McConnell condemned Trump immediately after January 6th, before later doing his own volte face and opposing an investigation.

        Let's recall that this latest revelation about a Secret Service directive to move Pence from the Capitol to Andrews AFB on January 6th didn't come from Pence, himself.

        If Pence was warned in advance that Trump might try to have him physically removed from the Capitol before the certification of the election results, he should speak up.  But that will never happen.  In that sense, he's an accessory to the crime.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


       I agree with your take on the rehabilitation of Pence.  I've been following the Pence stories in the media fairly closely since January 6th, and I've noticed that he has carefully refrained from criticizing Trump, other than saying that he and Trump "will probably never see eye to eye about January 6th."  In fact, Pence has continued to praise the man who almost succeeded in having him lynched by an angry mob on January 6th.

       Republicans like Pence and Kevin McCarthy, apparently, know what happened on January 6th, but they don't want to alienate the Trump/GOP base by speaking up, or supporting an investigation.  Even Mitch McConnell condemned Trump immediately after January 6th, before later doing his own volte face and opposing an investigation.

        Let's recall that this latest revelation about a Secret Service directive to move Pence from the Capitol to Andrews AFB on January 6th didn't come from Pence, himself.

        If Pence was warned in advance that Trump might try to have him physically removed from the Capitol before the certification of the election results, he should speak up.  But that will never happen.  In that sense, he's an accessory to the crime.

The King of the Bankrupt, Donald J.Trump, has triggered an avalanche of moral bankruptcy. 

"Everything Trump Touches Dies"  -Rick Wilson

Edited by Robert Burrows
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