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We made the Cover of Paris Match!

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Does that tell you a lot or what?

Like they were not at Cannes?

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Does that tell you a lot or what?

Like they were not at Cannes?

Perhaps Jeff Bezos couldn't afford to send a film critic to Cannes... 🤥

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On 7/29/2021 at 8:38 AM, David G. Healy said:

might try this link (?) re parismatch article:


I'm confused.  The cover is shown in your link.  The article is referenced.  It says on sale Thursday.  When I Google ParisMatch or Paris Match Thursday July 29 2021 this is what I get (nothing about PM at all).   Council for the Blind, Dublin Rippers Quilt Exhibit ???

ParisMatch Thursday July 29 2021 - Bing

When I google just ParisMatch their website pops right up, first on the list.

ParisMatch - Bing

But there is nothing on the website showing the actual magazine cover or mentioning the article.  I found two other (French) articles that briefly mention the article.  They are linked earlier in this thread.  If they want to sell the magazine why wouldn't they show the cover and do a brief on the article on the website, which is translatable.  The magazine only went on sale yesterday, maybe the website lags behind it.  Kind of questionable and frustrating.

Paris Match

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12 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

I wonder if that's where the term, "go go girl" originated.

Meanwhile, just for the record, I read the New York Times and the Washington Post every day and, to my knowledge, there hasn't been a single word published in either newspaper all summer about Oliver Stone or JFK Revisited.

Why am I not surprised?

Mini skirts, later hot pants, and gogo boots combined could turn a teenagers head on TV, even in black and white.  Written by Smokey Robinson and three others, 1st performed by them as the Miracles in 1965. 


Edited by Ron Bulman
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I think it was last week's issue Ron, that is why its not on their first page now.

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A good scholarly bookstore could acquire from its distributor a recent back issue of a periodical such as Paris Match. I reckon.

I stumbled across the ten-minute interview Oliver did with France 24 TV. Pardon if I missed this was shared already.



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15 hours ago, John Kowalski said:

Congratulations Jim.



BTW, that interview in Match is the best one he has done.  Someone should  translate it for K and K.

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Jim -  congratulations to you, Oliver, and everyone who is getting these two films out.

I translated this story and the succeeding story in a matter of minutes.  Google Translate is a great tool - even if it is made by Google!


Oliver Stone: "It was the CIA that shot Kennedy"

Paris Match | Posted on 07/31/2021 at 5:25 a.m. | Updated 07/31/2021 at 7:08 p.m.
From our correspondent in New York Olivier O'Mahony

In 1991, in "JFK", director Oliver Stone tackled the Dallas conundrum. Today, he relies on declassified documents to revive the thesis of the CIA-led operation. For “JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass", which he just presented at Cannes, he couldn't find funding in America. He tells Paris Match about his fight to transmit this appetite for truth to young people.

Paris Match. Why go back to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, almost thirty years after the release, in January 1992, of your film "JFK"?
Oliver Stone. Because what happened in November 1963 was a monstrosity that changed America forever. It wasn't until the late 1980s, reading the book by Jim Garrison, the prosecutor who inspired my film, that I got involved in this investigation. The immense success of "JFK" subsequently led to the declassification of a number of documents. With this new documentary, I do not pretend to achieve the same result, but I hope to inspire the younger generation - to which it is dedicated - to take up the torch.

What more do we learn from this new documentary?
I rely on documents declassified after the release of "JFK", and on interviews with members of the latest Commission of Inquiry [Assassination Records Review Board, ARRB] charged with revisiting the tragedy. Forty people are reported to have seen JFK's corpse at Parkland Hospital immediately after the assassination that the official photos shown do not match him, which means they have been tampered with. Forty people! All claim to have seen a gaping wound in the back of the skull, caused by a bullet coming from the front and not from the back. This calls into question the thesis of the lone killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, posted on top of a book depot behind the president's car ...

You say Lee Harvey Oswald may not even have fired a bullet ...
Yes. According to the official thesis, he used a sniper rifle he had just bought at the Klein's store. Except that the one found on the spot, in the deposit of school books, does not correspond to the model in question. Oswald's footprints should have been found there as well, but there were none.

What was Oswald’s role in this case?
The documentary sheds light on his personality and behavior on November 22. Lee Harvey Oswald was actually a patriot and admirer of John F. Kennedy. He made contact with pro and anti-Castro circles; he was both on the side of the Communists and on the side of troubled far-right figures like Guy Banister, a CIA agent.

A double agent?
Rather a provocateur, whom the CIA hired in the demonstrations to distribute leaflets ...

According to the official thesis, he fled immediately after the assassination.

Except that we found witnesses who said the opposite. Three of his female colleagues, who feature in the documentary, say they were on the stairs right after the drama. However, they did not meet him there. And Oswald always claimed he was on the second floor, not the sixth. Before being killed by Jack Ruby, two days after the assassination, Oswald denied everything. He pretended to be the gogo of the case, the one who was going to be blamed.
Do you believe in this version?

Yes. He was not alone. There were several “Oswalds” scattered all over the United States. We tell that, before Dallas, John F. Kennedy was targeted by at least two failed assassination attempts [one in Chicago, the other in Tampa, Florida] and quite similar from an “operative” point of view, each time with a galore with a profile strangely resembling that of Oswald. In the case of the Chicago attempt, the person in question was Thomas Arthur Vallee. In Tampa, it was a Cuban exile, Gilberto Policarpo Lopez.

There is also the infamous "magic bullet" which is said to have first hit JFK before hitting John Connally, the governor of Texas, who was also in the limo. Are you questioning this assumption?

This bullet is in direct contradiction with the results of the autopsy, which show that JFK was hit in the third vertebra from the neck. In the Warren Commission report, that same bullet suddenly "shot up" at the back of the neck to match the path you want it to take, through the throat. At the autopsy, it is mentioned that Kennedy was hit at this point by a "sticking" bullet. In reality, it was an “in” ball, coming from the front. The Warren report holds that three bullets were fired. I think there were at least five, some coming from the front.

You maintain that JFK's doctors were asked to be silent after his death...

Yes. I found the testimony of JFK's personal physician, Dr. George Burkley, who said he was ready to testify, before retracting ...

How did you come across him?

After investigating the autopsy. It was the members of the ARRB commission who raised the hare, in particular one of them, Douglas Horne, who testifies with exemplary precision in the documentary. He explains that the autopsy was "made up" and that John Stringer, the official photographer, supposed to have taken the photos of JFK's brain which are in the file, did not recognize the images that were shown to him, nor even the type of film used ... From there, the investigators, intrigued, sought to approach Doctor Burkley, who had seen it all and signed the death certificate. He agreed to cooperate at first, before changing his mind. After his death, his daughter did exactly the same. And this doctor is not the only one. We also bring to mind Dr Perry, who years after the tragedy told a friend of his that he was “absolutely convinced” that the wound in his throat was from a bullet coming in, and therefore coming from the front. He began by testifying in this sense before saying the opposite ...

JFK's nephew Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom you interview, doesn't believe in the lone killer thesis either.

Yes, just like his father, JFK's justice minister who lost all power in the aftermath of the assassination. The first thing Lyndon Baines Johnson, the new president, does is appoint the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination. Among its members, Allen Dulles, ex-director of the CIA. Fired by JFK after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, he had every reason to hate him.  Remember that John F. Kennedy, after the Bay of Pigs disaster, decided to bring the CIA to heel.
In your opinion, Gerald Ford, a member of the Warren Commission before becoming President of the United States, also did not believe in the Oswald trail.

Indeed, he opened up to Valéry Giscard d´Estaing, which was revealed in 2013. “We were sure it was a set-up,” he said. But we didn’t find out who rode him. ”

You're clearly pointing the finger at the CIA. On what basis?

It should be remembered that John F. Kennedy, after the disaster at the Bay of Pigs, had decided to bring the CIA in line with, in particular, frank cuts in its budget. All of his foreign policy was against the interests of the CIA.

What do you mean?

JFK was a man of peace. He is the last American president to have sincerely acted in this direction. In this case, we are focusing too much on one question: how could all this be possible? My documentary reveals why it happened. JFK, this veteran, decorated for his acts of bravery during the Second World War, was going to change the world. He had seen the horrors of war, the disastrous role of the CIA in action at the Bay of Pigs, and then that of the US military during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was not impressed by the generals who advised him to attack the Soviet Union or Laos in 1961 or Cuba in October 1962. Not only did he resist their wartime spirit, but he signed, in 1963, an unprecedented agreement with the Soviets. John F. Kennedy did not want a "pax americana" imposed on the rest of the world. He wanted genuine peace. A bit like General de Gaulle who preferred to see France leave Algeria rather than endless conflict, which earned him an assassination attempt by the OAS, possibly supported by the CIA ...

Everyone claims that JFK started the war in Vietnam; This is not true, he wanted to repatriate the "military advisers".
You give the CIA a lot of influence!

I note that Lyndon Johnson did the opposite of JFK. He bolstered the CIA and increased American engagement in Vietnam. He did nothing to fight colonialism, which Kennedy opposed. It is also this truth that I wanted to reestablish: everyone claims that JFK started the war in Vietnam; This is not true, he wanted to repatriate the "military advisers".

How do you explain that your documentary was refused by Netflix?

The country has become very conservative. I had to look for funding abroad, in Great Britain. Already, my film about Edward Snowden, a hero in my opinion, could only be made with money from France and Germany. So I came to the Cannes Film Festival to promote this documentary in a Europe more open to such projects. But I am convinced that I will eventually find an independent platform that will allow me to broadcast it in the United States.

Is this lack of interest due to weariness over an over-rehashed subject or, rather, a truth America does not want to see?

There is no weariness. Simply put, America is a country on the decline and on the defensive. George W. Bush was probably our worst president. Obama was just a transitional president: he did nothing to turn the tide, and Joe Biden is in his wake. Censorship has imposed itself. I'm shocked by the way that social media has silenced Trump.  Kennedy was killed by forces which exceeded him and which, since, frightens all his successors.

You have been accused of pro-Russian sympathies for asking soothing questions of Putin in one of your films. Your answer?
I don't need to hate anyone: I'm a director, I have my own signature. No one scares me. Neither Putin, nor Castro, nor Chavez. In my films, I transcribe what they feel and think. I had no reason to tell Putin, who confided in me his views on Syria, Bush or Iran, among others, that he was wrong. Especially since nothing was wrong ...

Do you think the truth about the JFK assassination will ever be known?

But we already know the truth! It was a conspiracy. He was killed by forces which exceeded him and which, since, frightens all his successors. The culprit was a Communist, a typical scenario of a "black op" set up from scratch by the CIA.

Trump had promised to declassify the archives but did not. Are you going to ask Biden to do it?

I should, but it's a waste of time. If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes the letter for me, it might have more impact. What is certain is that there is nothing more that can be done for the people who still believe in Oswald's One-Killer Thesis. They live in Disneyland!
Edited by Bill Simpich
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Here's a Paris Match follow-up to the Stone interview.

The Kennedys' fate was sealed by a community of interest between the Mafia and the CIA

Paris Match | Posted on 08/01/2021 at 6:55 a.m. | Updated 08/01/2021 at 9:37 a.m.
By Marc Dugain
The author of "They will kill Robert Kennedy" delivers his analysis on the assassination of JFK.

The great dramas of history have their genealogy. The story of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and then of his brother, Robert, has its roots in the poor Ireland of the 19th century. Colonized by the Protestant English, the island emptied in waves of successive immigration. Boston is a favorite destination for families driven by the Great Mid-Century Famine.

The man who turns emigration defeat into a stunning victory is Joe Kennedy. He has anchored in him the spirit of the Irish Catholics' revenge and his horizon is nothing less than the presidency of the United States. He first got immeasurably rich during Prohibition where he fought to the point of spilling blood against the Jewish and Italian mafias, suggesting that he himself was the boss of the Irish mafia. Then, he becomes a master at laundering that dirty money into respectable fortune, until he owns the largest studio in Hollywood.

As everything progresses perfectly, a character stands in the way of his wildest dream: Roosevelt blocks his way to the presidential election. Pacifist, pro-poopoo, anti-Semite, Kennedy made the wrong ideological choices and only gets political jump seats. Now he has just one thing in mind, to place his eldest son, Joseph, in the White House. But he died in action in Europe.  When the Second World War ended, Joe's hopes were focused on the second of the siblings, John. To get him elected, he was prepared to do anything, including buying votes in key states in the 1960 presidential election. He did so through the Italian mafia, with considerable sums of money. But Sam Giancana, the boss, expected John to get rid of Fidel Castro, once in the White House, whose revolution has wiped out Mafia interests in Cuba. Elected, JFK is reluctant to act directly and leaves paramilitary troops stationed in Guatemala to prepare the invasion of the island. The Bay of Pigs landing would not have been such a fiasco if Kennedy had provided US air force support. He lets the illegals sink into a failure that produced victims, and a grudge steeped in hatred.

The conspiracy was organized among all those who would rather see JFK die than serve a second term
The mafia noted that the commitment was not kept, but that in addition Kennedy appointed his young brother, Robert, Minister of Justice.  This one, not wanting to recognize anything of the compromises of his father, harasses the mafia. The fate of the two traitors is sealed because the gangsters are at the ankle with the department of black operations of the CIA, which reproached the Kennedys for their softness in the face of communist pressure. When John was elected in 1960, Admiral Burke, Chief of Staff, advised him to attack the USSR to wipe it out before it was too late. Not only did he refuse but, three years later, despite evidence that the Soviets installed long-range missiles in Cuba, he still discredited himself in the eyes of the military by agreeing to withdraw American missiles based in Turkey against the promise of withdrawal from the United States. Russian missiles from Cuba.

With one year left before his re-election - polls credit him with 65% of the intended voters - the conspiracy is organized among those who would rather see him die than serve a second term. By killing him, they also hope to neutralize his brother, more royalist than the king and who refused their father's inheritance. The idea and preparation of the plot emerge in conversations overheard by the FBI. But J. Edgar Hoover, its very anti-Communist director, hates the Kennedys. Bob, who is his direct boss, insults him with his arrogance and appears to him as a leftist, who supports black people in the fight for civil rights.

Members of the Warren Commission, charged with investigating the circumstances of JFK's assassination, in September 1964. Its 888-page report identifies Oswald as the sole culprit. Members of the Warren Commission, charged with investigating the circumstances of JFK's assassination in September 1964. His 888-page report identifies Oswald as the sole culprit.

Hoover does not give the alert. Behind the scenes, a decoy is being prepared: Lee Harvey Oswald, who could play the role of the pro-Soviet lunatic at the appropriate time by killing the president. In Dallas, although he ordered a rifle that was delivered to him in the mail (as if he wasn't afraid to leave marks), Oswald is quietly at the movies when JFK is shot. The procession is targeted from a depository of books and a fence where shooters were posted. The CIA's black operations department and the Mafia, making common cause, provided men disguised as tramps. The shots will eventually hit Kennedy in the head.

How could Oswald, considered a poor army marksman, have executed so many shots in such a short period of time with such a bad rifle?
In a plot of this magnitude, the evidence does not have the strength to lie or to manipulate. Oswald is arrested in the cinema - it is claimed that he killed a policeman who came to arrest him. Aware of having been instrumentalized, he is about to speak when he is assassinated in the middle of the police station by Jack Ruby: a manager of a striptease club in Dallas, a mobster himself and penniless, who does the job. in exchange for forgiveness of his debts and the promise of quick release - didn't he avenge the president?

Nothing holds, but everything fits together wonderfully because everyone has an interest in it. If you have to unbox it, no one will get over it. No more American democracy than Kennedy's detractors, accused of having assassinated him, nor his unconditional supporters who would be sullied by the unveiling of the reality of a myth built on fraudulent arrangements. Everyone has something to lose. Even the brother of the late president, who later sought his succession; Perfectly aware of the plot and its protagonists, he would rather keep the image of the handsome kid struck down in full glory rather than that of the somewhat nonchalant thug's son who gave in to his father's ambitions by accepting his corruption. These Kennedys, some do not want it anymore and, coincidentally, they are the most determined. When Robert, five years later, is on his way to winning the Democratic primaries, he in turn is assassinated by another decoy, an American Palestinian.

For some, denying the plot against JFK is like claiming that no Jews died at Auschwitz. For others, it is a conspiratorial thesis, one of those delusions fueled by paranoiacs whose numbers have been measured since they have emerged en masse on social media. Experts are still battling the trajectory of the bullets to determine if a single killer was present on November 22, 1963. But how could Oswald, considered a poor army shooter, have been able to execute so many shots in such a short period of time with such a bad gun, on the best protected man on the planet?

The first statesman to doubt the lone killer theory and to express it in a small circle was General de Gaulle
The debate continues to heat up on the basis of Johnson's commissioned report to the Warren Commission - on which CIA director Allen Dulles, who is now known to have covered the operation, was sitting. Its conclusions are full of inaccuracies and false allegations brandished in the face of the world as a label of truth. But this debate is intended only for the general public; behind the scenes, we know that this stain of history still paralyzes those who would be tempted to unveil the truth, because the political price would be too heavy. 
Donald Trump, in delicacy with the CIA, thought of letting go but he retracted in extremis, aware of the consequences of such a truth for a democracy formed in part on myths that do not suffer that their setbacks are exposed. 
What we can say today is that the strongest probability is that the assassination of JFK results from a plot fomented by an opaque fringe of the CIA with the approval of its director, allied to Mafiosi sharing the same objectives for the control of Cuba - some for political reasons, others for financial interests. This community of interests armed with certain troubled CIA agents and veterans of the failed Bay of Pigs landing, under the complacent gaze of a military-industrial complex that feared a second Kennedy term during the Cold War. The first statesman to have doubted the theory of the isolated killer and to have expressed it in a small circle was General de Gaulle, who saw a fairly broad similarity between this plot and those mounted against him by the OAS for having let go of Algeria, as Kennedy had let go of Cuba. There is a legend circulating about this: the shooter whose bullet was fatal for JFK was said to have been a Corsican linked to the OAS, recruited for his speed of execution in the tense shots, because he was one-eyed. We would have found the trace of his retribution in Montreal in the form of heroin - but he said so many things...
Author of "They will kill Robert Kennedy", ed. Gallimard, 2017, and "La malédiction d´Edgar", ed. Gallimard, 2005, also adapted for cinema in 2013.
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Dallas, 22 novembre 1963. Une heure avant son assassinat.

KENNEDY - The mystery relaunches

The new film - Oliver Stone accuses the CIA; & The Truth That America Refuses by Marc Gugain

Dallas, November 22, 1963. An hour before his assassination.
Paris Match
Paris Match devotes its front page to the assassination of JFK on the occasion of the presentation in Cannes of a formidable documentary by American director Oliver Stone.

These images are almost sixty years old, but the shock they cause has not aged a bit. In 1991, in "JFK", director Oliver Stone tackled the Dallas conundrum. Today, he relies on declassified documents to revive the thesis of the CIA-led operation. For “JFK revisited. Through the Looking Glass, "which he just presented at Cannes, he couldn't find funding in America. As he tells Paris Match about his fight to transmit this appetite for truth to young people, writer Marc Dugain delivers his analysis.

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So a thought, as there are people here from overseas where the documentary is getting quite a bit of attention:  what can possibly be done to leverage the attention to get foreign governments and institutions to release what they may have on the assassination?  We have pretty good accounts (and it is just plain common sense) that foreign security and intelligence agencies cooperated with and may well have conducted independent investigations into the crimes. Interpol perhaps also has files. Can we get a something going on that front?


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1 hour ago, Stu Wexler said:

So a thought, as there are people here from overseas where the documentary is getting quite a bit of attention:  what can possibly be done to leverage the attention to get foreign governments and institutions to release what they may have on the assassination?  We have pretty good accounts (and it is just plain common sense) that foreign security and intelligence agencies cooperated with and may well have conducted independent investigations into the crimes. Interpol perhaps also has files. Can we get a something going on that front?


Great thought and questions.

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5 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

When the Second World War ended, Joe's hopes were focused on the second of the siblings, John. To get him elected, he was prepared to do anything, including buying votes in key states in the 1960 presidential election. He did so through the Italian mafia, with considerable sums of money. But Sam Giancana, the boss, expected John to get rid of Fidel Castro, once in the White House, whose revolution has wiped out Mafia interests in Cuba. Elected, JFK is reluctant to act directly and leaves paramilitary troops stationed in Guatemala to prepare the invasion of the island. The Bay of Pigs landing would not have been such a fiasco if Kennedy had provided US air force support. He lets the illegals sink into a failure that produced victims, and a grudge steeped in hatred.

The conspiracy was organized among all those who would rather see JFK die than serve a second term

The mafia noted that the commitment was not kept, but that in addition Kennedy appointed his young brother, Robert, Minister of Justice.  This one, not wanting to recognize anything of the compromises of his father, harasses the mafia. The fate of the two traitors is sealed because the gangsters are at the ankle with the department of black operations of the CIA, which reproached the Kennedys for their softness in the face of communist pressure.


Thanks to Bill Simpich for providing these translations to the Paris Match articles.

And congrats to Jim Di for the whole project... and a question….

Although the evidence clearly shows a relationship during this era between CIA black ops and organized crime, do you agree with the implication in the paragraphs above that it was actually Mafia hoodlums (for lack of a better term) who pushed CIA personnel into the assassination plot?

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