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I have a PDF copy, which I'm told is possibly clearer than what was in the book.. Here's a blow-up of the text from April 30th 1963, which is quite small on the page in the print version. Very thoughtful analysis by Greg above.

It would be easier to judge the 1963 Lafitte volume if we could see the dozens of other volumes that he apparently had.


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Does the Lafitte Diary now become the next fracture in JFK research? The next Z-film alteration, or Doorway/Prayer Man, or degree of Oswald (un)wittingness?

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On 11/24/2021 at 2:53 PM, David Andrews said:

In French, are the surnames Souetre and Soutre pronounced the same, so that a francophone such as Lafitte would confuse them?  Y a-t'il des indigenes presents pour commenter?


In Paris, jewel thief Roger Sartet escapes from custody with the help of the Manalese, a small but well-organised Sicilian Mafia clan..



The National Police (French: Police nationale), formerly known as the Sûreté nationale,



14 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

"Coup in Dallas" - More Conspiracy Nonsense! (onthetrailofdelusion.com)

Many people might be surprised that I buy an awful lot of conspiracy books. I'm interested in how they frame their arguments and I like to examine their footnotes.

Looks like that name [Suarte'] is just stolen. Reminds me also of Harvey and Lee where the most needed footnotes do not exist.

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12 hours ago, Karl Hilliard said:


Looks like that name [Suarte'] is just stolen. Reminds me also of Harvey and Lee where the most needed footnotes do not exist.

Well, yeah, but we're talking about people who knew each other (Lafitte and Souetre), and stereotypically would have had the hauteur of francophones who would get upset about the different spelling of names pronounced homonymically with sweat (Souetre) and suit (Soutre), at least by English-speaking philistines that couldn't throw a quick, half-sounded r noise at the end of each.

You know - huffy Frogs looking for a fight, and not nice, equitable people like you'd find in Dallas or New Orleans.  That's who'd be fussy about spelling.

Or, are you saying that Sweat might have given his name to Lafitte as Suit

Edited by David Andrews
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On 11/23/2021 at 8:08 AM, Larry Hancock said:

Paul,  I received an early review copy of the book and have had ongoing conversations with Leslie.  I also invited her and Alan to present on the book at last weeks Lancer conference but that was declined due to their prior book promotion plans.  I assured Leslie that I don't do book reviews or spend time publicly critiquing other peoples work - I also shared some initial issues with her at that time.

At that time I also shared with her my own research on Soutre which I had done as far back as SWHT an then again following the publication of Ralph's book.  That has been discussed in this forum previously but you can find it here:


We had a healthy discussion on that.

I need to reread the part of Skorzeny training Soutre to find the source and validation for that, I noted the remarks in my first scan of the book but did not dig deeply into that.  I'm reading that section in detail now and will post on it, so far what I have found was Soutre having providing training for a U.S. Army commando unit out of Germany.  I had follow up on that from Ralph's and found that to be a pretty much one off thing as the Army commander who had authorized the training felt that Skorzeny's WWII tactics had become a bit dated and his troops had not picked up anything they already didn't know.

I'm certainly not ignoring the book but given that I have worked with Alan previously and have been in contact with Leslie on different points for over a year I think I owe it to them to provide my feedback directly to them.

Larry - are you referring to the two entries on Souetre that I can locate on your website? The link asks for a website and sign in info to get started.

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I contacted Hank about 3 years ago on FB because I enjoyed High Strangeness but found a few chapters not believable. He was very courteous and replied to my questions in detail. Then he asked me if I had heard of Col. Jack Crichton? I said yes, and that to me he was a person of great interest. Then, after asking me not to keep his confidence he mentioned the connection between Crichton and Otto Skorzeny. I had no idea who he was, but started digging up anything I could. I posted many of those finds here on various threads, but there was little followup discussion. I could see the possibility that they knew each other, since both of their bios interesect in Madrid circa 1952 in reference to oil drilling rights being negotiated with Franco’s government. ever since that revelation that Hank shared with me I’ve been waiting for his book to be published. My last FB message to him went strangely unanswered - he had always been so generous and forthright with me. Three months later I found out that he had suffered a stroke and died. That began a further quest on my part to find out what would happen to his most recent research for the book that has now been released, thanks to the efforts of his co-writers Alan Kent and Leslie Sharp. After being assured of Leslie’s bonafides and her good faith I found a way to contact her, and we began communicating. 
She does mention me in the text of the book and in the acknowledgements, which was very nice of her. I don’t think of myself as a researcher, just a very interested party, someone who has, ever since day 3 when Ruby shot Oswald, smelled conspiracy. Many of you know that eventually I contributed something to the ongoing body of JFK assassination work, a set of trading cards called Coup D’Etat. I would, again, hardly call my efforts original research, but rather compiling of what I considered relevant information. Over the years I came to know Mae Brussel’s work, and she influenced me greatly, especially with her essay on the poopoo connection. So I would say I was very open to the possibility that Otto Skorzeny was a major conspirator. Her work also caused me to examine the intricate connections between our national security state and poopoo Germany. I admit freely that I see the US as a Fourth Reich, well disguised. 
My message to all of you is just my hope that you will give Albarelli serious consideration. I have no irons in the fire. 

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Paul, I examined the Soutre, Mertz and the French Connections in SWHT 2010, including the French links to Angleton and citations to that, you would find that on p. 367-368.   

Later, after Ralph's book, I re-approached this subject, did a good bit more research on Soutre,  and put it into a post on my blog (not the web site) which includes a chronology and a more detailed examination of the FBI and French security investigation of the Soutre lead.   You should be able to find that at:


If for some reason you can't get to it just email me and I will copy and send it to you - the blog will just be faster since it has embedded citation links.    My email remains larryjoe@westok.net

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From Bernard Fensterwald's lawsuit against the Department of State, et.al January 16, 1981
Physiacally, Souetre is almost 6;tall and weighs between 175-200 pounds.”The FBI's Michel Roux was born on August 31, 1940 at Soyaux, Charaente, France.
In 1964, he was described as a white male, 5'8”, 148-150 pounds, black hair.”

The idea that anyone would have confused them is dubious at best.

By 1962, Jean-Rene Souetre had been the Captain of a company of over 100 French paratroopers for more than five years.. I doubt he needed "training" by anyone.

Here's a picture of Jean-Rene on the occasion of his marriage in the prison camp at St. MAURICE L'ARDOISE in 1962. That's him in the middle in battle fatigues.


Steve Thomas

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On 11/26/2021 at 10:59 AM, David Andrews said:

Well, yeah, but we're talking about people who knew each other (Lafitte and Souetre), and stereotypically would have had the hauteur of francophones who would get upset about the different spelling of names pronounced homonymically with sweat (Souetre) and suit (Soutre), at least by English-speaking philistines that couldn't throw a quick, half-sounded r noise at the end of each.

You know - huffy Frogs looking for a fight, and not nice, equitable people like you'd find in Dallas or New Orleans.  That's who'd be fussy about spelling.

Or, are you saying that Sweat might have given his name to Lafitte as Suit

To illustrate, go to the top of this page, enter Souetre and click the speaker button.  Then do the same for Soutre. 


So why does Lafitte write Soutre for Souetre?

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15 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Paul, I examined the Soutre, Mertz and the French Connections in SWHT 2010, including the French links to Angleton and citations to that, you would find that on p. 367-368.   

Later, after Ralph's book, I re-approached this subject, did a good bit more research on Soutre,  and put it into a post on my blog (not the web site) which includes a chronology and a more detailed examination of the FBI and French security investigation of the Soutre lead.   You should be able to find that at:


If for some reason you can't get to it just email me and I will copy and send it to you - the blog will just be faster since it has embedded citation links.    My email remains larryjoe@westok.net

Thanks for that Larry. This time the link worked. I’d like to query you a bit on what you wrote. Are you suggesting that the FBI had no info regarding Souetre being in Dallas on Nov 22? Does clearing Michael Roux clear Souetre? Was he just a public relations face of OAS, or something more? did he participate in the attempts on DeGaulle, who stated, according to David Talbot, that he believed the same guys who tried to kill him killed JFK? 
The last time I asked you about your reaction to Ganis, you stated that he had been invited to speak at a conference, and that he was to give you and possibly other researchers access to some pages of Skorzeny’s papers. I guess you saw them, and dived in. Perhaps I’m not recalling this correctly, but I don’t think you ever wrote here about your impression of those pages. I’d like to know what your impressions were.


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17 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:
From Bernard Fensterwald's lawsuit against the Department of State, et.al January 16, 1981
Physiacally, Souetre is almost 6;tall and weighs between 175-200 pounds.”The FBI's Michel Roux was born on August 31, 1940 at Soyaux, Charaente, France.
In 1964, he was described as a white male, 5'8”, 148-150 pounds, black hair.”

The idea that anyone would have confused them is dubious at best.

By 1962, Jean-Rene Souetre had been the Captain of a company of over 100 French paratroopers for more than five years.. I doubt he needed "training" by anyone.

Here's a picture of Jean-Rene on the occasion of his marriage in the prison camp at St. MAURICE L'ARDOISE in 1962. That's him in the middle in battle fatigues.


Steve Thomas

Steve - Actually according to the book Jean Rene Souetre trained paramilitary forces outside of Madrid under the aegis of Skorzeny. Sorry I misrepresented Hank’s text on an earlier post. 

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Paul, there were a lot of questions in your post and I will be out this morning and most of the day....will return later to complete it but on one question I can quickly answer.  We invited Ralph Ganis to present at the Lancer conference when his book came out.  Stu Wexler and I managed to speak to him privately and in some detail at the conference and then he was kind enough to invite Stu to his home and go through research materials with him.  That did not include anything from the Lafitte diary as Ralph did not have that and it had not become part of his book.  While Stu was doing that I spent a couple of months digging into the book and doing background research on Skorzeny and other individuals/material in the book.  It was at that point I revisited Souetre yet again (you really should read what I wrote about that in SWHT earlier) and did the Souetre blog posts I referenced.  As to my impression of of Ralph's book,  I thought it was interesting history on Skorzeny but it did not change my views in regard to the nature of the JFK plot and attack - I wrote my final view on that on Tipping Point which came out after reading and researching Ralph's book. 

I'll be back to address your Souetre questions by this evening...

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