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JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass

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19 hours ago, Karl Hilliard said:

Miss ADAMS - And from our vantage point we were able to see what the President's wife was wearing, the roses in the car, and things that would attract men's attention. Then we heard---then we were obstructed from the view.
Mr. BELIN - By what?
Miss ADAMS - A tree. and we heard a shot, and it was a pause, and then a second shot, and then a third shot.
It sounded like a firecracker or a cannon at a football game, it seemed as if it came from the right below rather than from the left above.

Miss Adams' statements are omitted from the final conclusion Report [I guess it was all too troubling for the Commission staff]

Several of the witnesses in the TSBD on the 3rd and 4th floor said much the same thing.

8. Vickie Adams- 11-24-63- She said when the president’s vehicle entered the intersection of Elm and Houston she heard 3 shots. She could not see the shooting since it happened while the presidential limousine was under trees. And, that would be in front of the TSBD.

9. Dorothy Garner- 3-20-64 FBI report- When the shots occurred the presidential vehicle was out of sight, obscured by trees. This would be in front of the TSBD.

10.Yola Hopson- 12-1-63- FBI report- She heard two or more sounds / firecrackers when the presidential limousine was obscured by trees. This would be in front of the TSBD.

11.Steven Wilson- 3-25-64- FBI statement- He said he heard 3 shots while the president was obscured by trees. This would be in front of the TSBD.  

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On 11/21/2021 at 11:34 AM, James DiEugenio said:

To develop that a bit more, the revelations of the ARRB,  and its creation in the first place, were major stories.

As Tunheim says in the film, they must have sent out a hundred press releases.

I can only recall two stories based upon their work, the story about how they certified that Stone, Newman, and Prouty were correct, JFK was withdrawing from Vietnam at the time of his death. And second, the Washington Post story based on the Doug Horne memo about two brain examinations. Two stories in four years. Amid two million pages, and 60,000 documents.

In fact, the MSM did the opposite.  In 2003, five years after the  ARRB had closed, Peter Jennings hired Gus Russo. Knowing he would do all he could to not only not show the public what the ARRB had done, he would conceal what happened.  So he trots out Dale M and his satirical Single Bullet Fact.  Which we utterly destroyed in our film. There never was a magic bullet. Period. End of story.

Thanks to ABC,  it took 58 years for the public to know that. But anyone who watches the film will never take CE 399 at face value again. With that, the Commission collapses.


"So he trots out Dale M and his satirical Single Bullet Fact.  Which we utterly destroyed in our film. There never was a magic bullet. Period. End of story.

Thanks to ABC,  it took 58 years for the public to know that. But anyone who watches the film will never take CE 399 at face value again. With that, the Commission collapses."


Jim, when it comes to destroying the Warren Commission's Single Bullet Theory, I will do you one better.

Here is Dr. Robert Shaw, John Connally's surgeon, announcing to the world's TV, radio and newspaper media on Friday evening that the governor STILL HAD A BULLET IN HIS LEG! IT WAS "YET TO BE REMOVED"!

That's right - hours after the assassination, long after the "magic" bullet had been discovered on a stretcher, a bullet was still in Connally's leg, yet to be removed!

But the Warren Commission would claim that it was NOT in Connally's leg at that moment. No, said the Commission, that bullet (CE 399) was in the hands of the Dallas Police, soon to be turned over to the FBI for examination after a flight to Washington, D.C.!

No wonder the Warren Commission pretended they knew nothing of this press conference - the single bullet theory never existed in real life. CE399 was never in Connally's leg. It was a lie right from the start.

Jim, if it is somehow not too late to make the four hour version of "JFK Revisited", please urge Oliver Stone include this clip from Dr. Robert Shaw on the night of the assassination as Shaw forever disproves CE 399, beginning at the 4:50 mark:



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OMG, he does not even mention the screwed in side mount on the rear?

And he actually is trying to prove the Klein's order? 

Why does he not mention how fast it got to Chicago from Dallas?


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11 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

Jim, if it is somehow not too late to make the four hour version of "JFK Revisited", please urge Oliver Stone include this clip from Dr. Robert Shaw on the night of the assassination as Shaw forever disproves CE 399, beginning at the 4:50 mark:

Amazing find!

How did everybody miss that??

Edited by Sandy Larsen
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On 11/27/2021 at 1:46 AM, Kishan Dandiker said:

Hi Sandy,

Couldn’t distinguish much in terms of nationality but it was quite a mixed bag in terms of age. I would say I was probably the youngest (early 20s), then there were a couple of couples who would’ve have been maybe early 30s and the rest would’ve have been 40+. The woman I was sitting next to would’ve been around 50, and the couple sitting behind me were in their 60s. 

Thanks Kishan!

Actually, I am encouraged by your findings. I figure that anybody much younger than me (I'm 65) wouldn't have experienced the Kennedy's assassination. So even people in there 40s and 50s watching the documentary means that people born after the hullabaloo died down can still show an interest in the assassination. As for those in their 20s and 30s, they have too much going on -- college, dating, raising a family -- to make time for such a deep subject. And would probably prefer watching a documentary at home on TV or a computer.

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I repeat my question to you.  Please ask Roe the following:

Why does he not mention how fast the order got to Chicago from Dallas and was deposited in Klein's bank?

I await your reply from your buddy Roe.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:


I repeat my question to you.  Please ask Roe the following:

Why does he not mention how fast the order got to Chicago from Dallas and was deposited in Klein's bank?

I await your reply from your buddy Roe.

My purpose in posting these links is to simply make people aware of articles offering different viewpoints regarding JFK Revisited. Steve can reply directly here (or not) if he wishes. Regarding specific issues on the rifle, anyone can go to David Von Pein's site and read the old threads where this has been discussed ad nauseam. 

EDIT: Let me add that Steve, Fred and others probably feel that debating issues here directly is not an efficent use of one's time since you are immediately bombarded and facing a 20 to 1 situation. Much more sensible to write an article stating your position and post a link to it.

Edited by W. Tracy Parnell
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In other words Roe does not want to reply to the question.

Probably because on his first three forays into criticizing the film, he got smashed. Not because he was outnumbered, but because he was simply wrong. Yet he was saying, look now Oliver put out a film with this false info in it.  When in fact it was him who was putting out false info and you were his water carrier  And you were still backing him with that utterly stupid certification of the chain of custody for CE 399. Yeah, dream on.

To return to the subject Roe and Tracy do not want to discuss : the mail transaction for the rifle, according to the Commission, took about 24 hours.

In other words, the mailing, the flight, the delivery in Chicago through the postal system, and the sorting of the money order at Klein's, and the depositing in their bank,  all in city a thousand miles away, this all took a day.

We held back on our evidence for this issue.  We conducted an experiment to see how credible this was. We had Debra Conway mail a letter from the Evray post office, where allegedly Oswald's letter was sent from, to Mike LeFlem, who lived a mile from where Klein's used to be.  That arrival took six days. 

If one eliminates one day, Sunday, it took five days. And that is just to get the letter there, not the subsequent sorting at Klein's and the deposit.

Now, yes there was less mail back then.  But that was also before zip codes, high speed sorting machines, and computers and sensors. And this is why Roe does not want to reply to the question. Since it destroys his position.

I really wanted this in the film. Since I thought it was the coup de grace on the segment. Roe has been shown to be wrong again. Which is why he is not here.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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BTW Tracy, did you ask Roe why Oswald shifted his ring from one hand to another while the  BYP were being shot?

Please do.  Maybe it had something to do with the sunlight? Or the composition?

I await his reply.  (FYI I already destroyed Fred on the brain issue on FB. The prurient read can look it up there.)

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW Tracy, did you ask Roe why Oswald shifted his ring from one hand to another while the  BYP were being shot?

Please do.  Maybe it had something to do with the sunlight? Or the composition?

I await his reply.  (FYI I already destroyed Fred on the brain issue on FB. The prurient read can look it up there.)

No, I didn't ask him. But his position is probably similar to this:

JFK Revisited: Were the Oswald Backyard Photographs Faked? (onthetrailofdelusion.com)

Edited by W. Tracy Parnell
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7 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

My purpose in posting these links is to simply make people aware of articles offering different viewpoints regarding JFK Revisited. Steve can reply directly here (or not) if he wishes. Regarding specific issues on the rifle, anyone can go to David Von Pein's site and read the old threads where this has been discussed ad nauseam. 

EDIT: Let me add that Steve, Fred and others probably feel that debating issues here directly is not an efficent use of one's time since you are immediately bombarded and facing a 20 to 1 situation. Much more sensible to write an article stating your position and post a link to it.

except, when direct 1964 WCR evidence-opinion is under severe scrutiny. When the media guru's set challenge to current belief, the outliers swing into action with tried and well used disinformation -- this tactic is as old as these forums and the USENET... CE399 appears to be dust now, the medical evidence should take 100% command of any further study... then your guys can stay in the weeds... where they belong... btw,

.John sends blessings from purgatory... heard that from a friend.

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16 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Amazing find!

How did everybody miss that??

Harold Weisberg wrote about it 55 years ago, but he didn't have access to the clip. The Warren Commission pretended they knew nothing about Shaw's statement at this press conference, and the FBI claimed not to have any tape or transcript of it. So of course, it was never part of the Commission's Exhibits. 


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