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JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass

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By the way, I have to say this.

I am really glad that Oliver made that point to Joe about not using that term, "conspiracy theorist".  I really hope he makes this a hallmark of his appearances.

What Oliver did was force the files to be opened, something that the shadow government is still partially resisting.  And with those files being released, plus the Jeremy Gunn/Doug Horne ARRB inquiry, the question has been settled.  A conspiracy killed JFK.  The only questions outstanding today are the who and the why.  Those two questions may never be decided positively, but there is no doubt today about the Warren Report being obliterated.

At K and K, I will have a reply to this for that jerk Gerald Posner who is still trumpeting his POS book today.

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This is really something.  And I don't think Oliver expected this.

In the last week, Posner and Chomsky have now stepped back into the arena, this time against JFK Revisited.

Posner did so on his Facebook page where he attacked the film and Oliver and suggested his book in Kindle form as a "cure" for it. Duh, Jerry.  I think you missed the point of the film. That film is largely based on the ARRB.  That is why Tunheim, Samoluk and Horne are in it.  Posner's book was published BEFORE they were up and running. So how can Case Closed counter the points in the film?  LIke say, for example, the work of John Hunt.

On an Apple podcast, a guy named Bob Buzzanco evidently did not like the fact that Oliver got on a couple of the younger lefty broadcasts like Breaking Points and Useful Idiots. So he brings back 93 year old Chomsky.  They do not review one single aspect of the documentary and its forensic revelations.  Not one in 45 minutes. But yet that is the heart of this version.  Instead they try and attack what the film says about Kennedy and his foreign policy especially in Vietnam.

Yet, they do not say anything about the ARRB declassified record of the May 1963 Sec Def meeting. Which convinced parts of the MSM that Kennedy was withdrawing!  I mean when you are worse than the MSM where does that leave you? Chomsky, who I really think is fading, refers people to the "record" and his book. The book that is now 28 years old. And the record that he has not reviewed in light of the ARRB.

This tells me that JFK Revisited is having an impact.  I mean when you can bring back relics like Posner and Chomsky to hurl nothing but duds at it, I mean that is saying something.  

I will reply to Jerry soon and I will close with a challenge for him to debate me.  Does anyone think he will do it? 😀

Edited by James DiEugenio
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President Kennedy had always seemed fatalistic, to a fault, about the possibility of assassination. When my father [Raymond E. McBride] spoke briefly with the president at a Milwaukee reception in May 1962 while covering a political dinner for the Journal, he asked Kennedy a question rarely posed to him: “Do you ever worry about being assassinated?” Kennedy replied that he realized that could happen, but he could not to afford to think about it, since he wouldn’t be able to do his job if he did.

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JFK Revisited made the long list of BAFTA nominees for best documentary. Sky's promotion of it must be working.

Hopefully it will make the short list also.  I would be satisfied with that. I have no illusions about winning.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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the OliverStone/Joe Rogan teaser on You Tube has now hit 2 million views.

Even more impressively, it has almost 9,000 comments.  As far as I can see, the vast majority of them are positive.

Is Oliver getting a whole new and younger audience?  It sure looks that way.  After being on Breaking Points and Useful Idiots. 

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My reply to Gerald Posner and his stupidity.  Has he even seen the film?  How can his book counter it if this information came out after his book was published?  His book was still backing CBLA as the Commission's savior!

Please note my challenge to him at the end.  I tweeted that one out by itself.  Hold your breath for  him to reply.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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