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I am resigning my post in admin and stopping the Invision payment

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Hi all, I hope you all are fit and well.

With regret I am resigning my post as a member of the admin team,

In the UK, energy prices are becoming a serious problem. In April 2022 the energy ceiling agreement - presently in place - ends and a new one is to be created. It is widely believed that one consequence is that the energy companies will be raising their prices by at least 40%. I have little confidence in the Government doing much about such a rise.

Therefore I am beginning to prepare for the event and now need to use the subscription to Invision to help offset this rise.

The consequence is that I will stop my Invision subscription from March 31st. That hopefully will provide time to arrange a new Invision subscriber. I will not be paying the April subscription. If no-one  comes forward the site will go dark around 10th of April.

At present the monthly cost to Invision is $70:00 per month. If anyone wishes to take on this commitment then please get in touch with me and I will pass your name onto Invision. Invision will require bank account details through which they are guaranteed their monthly payment.

I have been proud to be a member of the admin team - and I hope the remaining members will remain in post - however this is an issue I cannot avoid and I need to leave.


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36 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

I'm sorry to hear that, James. I know times are tough and many of us are struggling to make ends meet. Thank you for all you have done. Here's hoping that the forum can be saved.

Dittos that. I will need to cut the cable TV this month....more money- less service...more commercials -less quality of programming. There is too much information here on the forum to lose.

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I appreciate the support for the Forum continuing. I am also aware as Denny Zartman and Karl Hilliard have commented that these are not easy times for us all. It would require $600 to be raised per year were the forum to be saved by contributions. I could not possibly ask for such a sum.



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5 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

This is terrible news, James.  Would a major round of user contributions help you to change your mind?

If this is the end, thank you so much for all you have done!


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15 minutes ago, James R Gordon said:

I appreciate the support for the Forum continuing. I am also aware as Denny Zartman and Karl Hilliard have commented that these are not easy times for us all. It would require $600 to be raised per year were the forum to be saved by contributions. I could not possibly ask for such a sum.



Are you willing to continue in your current capacity if funds can be secured?

Edited by Ty Carpenter
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I may be able to take on the cost depending on the details if you want to email me. I do not want to administer  the site though.


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6 hours ago, James R Gordon said:

I appreciate the support for the Forum continuing. I am also aware as Denny Zartman and Karl Hilliard have commented that these are not easy times for us all. It would require $600 to be raised per year were the forum to be saved by contributions. I could not possibly ask for such a sum.



James, you don't have to ask.  Just let it be known and let us help.  Distributed equally among members who actively post and even those who do so occasionally S600 is a small amount for each.  It is a privilege to be able to participate in the forum and read the comments of experts in the field on it.  I too am experiencing a financial squeeze after my wife had a fall that has left her with little use of her hand and trying to survive on $210 a week from workmen's compensation.  Then her car died, so I've taken on near $500 more in payments for a newer vehicle, insurance for it, the trash bill and cell phone bill have both gone up in the last month.  Still I thought I can pitch in $20 or $50 but I'll match Ty at $100 if needed.  I'd prefer the cost be secured for the next few years. 

Nowhere on the world wide web have I found the information and comments available here.  Some of it junk, disinformation, some ignorance.  But often, Gold, found nowhere else without searching multiple sites if at all.  I'd of never heard of Malcom Blunt or Bart Kamp but for here.  To be honest some of the authors who post here probably owe the site well more than $600 in exposure for there books.   Vince, Larry, do you hear me?  I'd likely never have known otherwise about or been willing to fork over $45 for Joseph Mc Brides new book without this site.

Heck, if Oliver Stone and Jim DiEugenio  were purchasing advertising for JFK Revisited anywhere else the exposure received here would have cost well over $600.

A few years ago there was a problem financing the site because of rising costs from the service provider.  I tried to contribute but had problems with the method.

Please, let someone here (trusted) set up such a method.  Let us, the members, help.

Thank you for all you've done over the years regardless of what happens.

Ron Bulman   

Edited by Ron Bulman
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