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"The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" comes out this month

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Holland is a well-known CIA apologist in various journals. For example, there could have been more discussion of his article "The Power of Disinformation: The Lie That Linked the CIA to the Kennedy Assassination" in Studies in Intelligence, the journal of the intelligence community. Read up on Holland's work.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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1 hour ago, Joseph McBride said:

Holland is a well-known CIA apologist in various journals. For example, there could have been more discussion of his article "The Power of Disinformation: The Lie That Linked the CIA to the Kennedy Assassination" in Studies in Intelligence, the journal of the intelligence community. Read up on Holland's work.

Yes, that was the article he received the award for I believe. But believing in a strong CIA doesn't make you an employee or even an asset.

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Part 2 of my review of the Max Good film.

This is evidently getting around as many people have complemented me on it.

Max did a really nice job I think, he balanced it off nicely as I note.



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Let me add something that may not be apparent near the end.  But it should be.

If Chris Newton is right about the furniture move being BS; and if me and others--Greg Parker is coming out with some strong stuff on this--that Oswald did not go to Mexico City, then who wrote the letter?

The trail would indicate  Ruth.

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38 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Let me add something that may not be apparent near the end.  But it should be.

If Chris Newton is right about the furniture move being BS; and if me and others--Greg Parker is coming out with some strong stuff on this--that Oswald did not go to Mexico City, then who wrote the letter?

The trail would indicate  Ruth.

Man I wish Chris would come back.  This contributed heavily regarding my first comments here.  

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Great review Jim. I’m really looking forward to Parker’s stuff on Mexico too. 

If anyone is interested, here are couple more details on the mail stuff Jim mentions in the review that are relevant to Ruth Paine:

1. Marina forwarded her mail from P.O. Box 2915 to Paine’s house on 5/10/63, which was the same day Paine drove Marina to New Orleans to meet up with Oswald. Paine almost certainly drove Marina to the Post Office that day, and since Marina didn’t speak English, likely helped her fill out the form. The government actively covered up this change of address, and to this day I don’t think anyone has asked Paine about it. 

2. There is compelling evidence that the government falsified postal records to cover up a mistake by an Irving mail carrier that led to Oswald’s mail getting delivered to Paine’s house in July ‘63. That same carrier told postal inspectors on the day of the assassination that someone regularly emptied Paine’s letterbox the entire time she was on vacation. When Paine was asked when Oswald’s regular mail began arriving at her house she testified in a bizarre exchange with Albert Jenner that it was her “judgement” and a “rationalization” that it began arriving in October. She only gave a direct answer once Jenner rephrased and changed the meaning of the question. 

It’s not necessarily anything nefarious, but it does reflect that Ruth may have withheld important information from investigators, and/or concealed certain things the government told her to. 

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Man I wish Chris would come back.  This contributed heavily regarding my first comments here.


I concur. Not only did Chris have some good stuff on the movement of Ruth's furniture, but also on the origin of Oswald's (dependent) military ID card. (And maybe other things I'm not aware of.)


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Thanks Tom.  Ruth kind of knew where the Oswalds were going.

And about this: 

Look forward to that Greg, don’t forget LHO’s Mexican silk slippers! Can’t see the future assassin of the world’s most powerful leader hanging round with kids and mincing around in comfy footwear while visiting the hairdresser….but hey ho, we’re all allowed a bit of downtime every now and then 

I hope you were being a smartaleck in this one. Mr. Coleman.  Because, as you will see, we have you coming and going on this.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 6/26/2022 at 12:37 PM, Gene Kelly said:



Edited Sunday at 04:12 PM by Gene Kelly

To me this note doesn't look like Oswald's writing in Russian.  It looks like someone is trying to copy his style of writing.  Compare this to Oswald's very, very strange autobiography note.


A is the Oswald autobigraphy note and B the alleged Oswald note.  They don't appear to be the same writing.  Oswald uses in his autobiography note long, complicated Russian words.  This is lacking in the B note.  To me, the handwriting doesn't appear to be the same, but close in appearance.  This might indicate someone familiar with his writing, Marina, Ruth Paine, or an intelligence service.


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23 hours ago, Max Good said:

Thanks, Stephanie!  I'm so glad you and your husband appreciated the film.  My aim was to reach an audience beyond those of us who are already steeped in the research, so I'm especially happy that your husband found it interesting enough to stay engaged.

Your conclusion that the film is fair and factual seems to be shared by the vast majority of viewers.  And you are right, when I asked Ruth, "Do you see why people take these connections as being suspicious?" her response was, "Sure.  Yeah."

One can argue that the suspicious facts around Ruth don't amount to a convincing case against her forthrightness, but to say that there are no suspicious facts surrounding the Paines or that every one can easily be "debunked" is "beyond the pale," as Peter Jennings would say.

I would also venture to say that giving a full airing of these suspicions and allowing Ruth to respond is a more respectful tribute to the complexity of her experience with the assassination than to ignore them or laugh them off as the paranoid delusions of a few wacky conspiracy theorists.

The "vast majority of viewers" you refer to are of the conspiracy persuasion. That is because that is who the film caters to. Because the market for a film that defends Ruth Paine would be just about zero. That is an unfortunate reality.

This film loses any pretense of objectivity when it allows Holland, McMillan and Ruth herself to act as the primary defenders of the lone assassin theory for most of the film only to tear them down by accusing or at least implying that they are all CIA employees or assets. No such trick was performed on the CT people although it would be very easy to do.

Several of the assertions in the film are indeed easily debunked despite what you claim. Here are just a couple:

Ruth did not get LHO the job at the TSBD as part of a plot. That is, unless you believe the plot included several other people who were also controlled by the conspiracy:

The Assassination and Mrs. Paine-The Coffee Klatch ~ W. Tracy Parnell (wtracyparnell.blogspot.com)

Then we have this:

The Assassination and Mrs. Paine-The "Secret Files" ~ W. Tracy Parnell (wtracyparnell.blogspot.com)

The onscreen text reads "dozens of files related to the Paines remain classified."

First, tax records are exempt by law from being released by the JFK Records Act so I am not referring to these and you should not be either since that would be very misleading.  In any case, none of Paine the files in the JFK Records Collection are "classified." One document related to Ruth Paine has one name redacted according to Robert Reynolds who has studied the collection extensively. Please list by RIF the "dozens" of classified files or even "dozens" that are redacted that are not tax records. If you can't, you should issue a retraction or at least a correction.

As for the assertions that are not "debunkable" because they are only suspicions (such as the Nicaragua matter for example) there is a reasonable alternate explanation. Again, take Nicaragua. Ruth was down there to determine if her group would continue to be affiliated with the Linder House. So, she took notes-imagine that. And some kid is taking photos and says he is doing it for the Nicaragua Network and Ruth repeats that. 

Now, out of all of this we are supposed to believe that the CIA has sent Ruth and this kid down to Nicaragua to collect information on groups supporting the Sandinistas? And how do they collect this information? Do they use overt techniques. No-they run around taking photos and notes right out in the open. That doesn't seem reasonable to me.

What seems more reasonable is that Sue Wheaton, who is a conspiracy theorist (a fact you don't tell your audience), finds out Ruth Paine is there and starts a misinformation campaign against her. In this case, that is the much more likely explanation.

Edited by W. Tracy Parnell
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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks Tom.  Ruth kind of knew where the Oswalds were going.

And about this: 

Look forward to that Greg, don’t forget LHO’s Mexican silk slippers! Can’t see the future assassin of the world’s most powerful leader hanging round with kids and mincing around in comfy footwear while visiting the hairdresser….but hey ho, we’re all allowed a bit of downtime every now and then 

I hope you were being a smartaleck in this one. Mr. Coleman.  Because, as you will see, we have you coming and going on this.

Hey man, whether I agree with Greg’s theories or not I always enjoy his writings and am always open to different opinions.

The silk slipper reference was me mentioning  one of the lesser known peculiarities in a jocular fashion trying to shine a ray of comedy sunshine into the dark apocalyptic days we live in….

Ps. those natty slip ons were  never found

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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks Tom.  Ruth kind of knew where the Oswalds were going.

And about this: 

Look forward to that Greg, don’t forget LHO’s Mexican silk slippers! Can’t see the future assassin of the world’s most powerful leader hanging round with kids and mincing around in comfy footwear while visiting the hairdresser….but hey ho, we’re all allowed a bit of downtime every now and then 

I hope you were being a smartaleck in this one. Mr. Coleman.  Because, as you will see, we have you coming and going on this.


Edited by Sean Coleman
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1. "old Mexico". 

2. A lot of things were never found.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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