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"The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" comes out this month

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11 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

Excellent question.

I would also generally ask: who here is making the distinction between tax records and any other kind of files?

I do not see where the qualifier of tax records comes into play. When and who made this a qualifier and why should we, conceptually, treat tax records as something separate from other documents? Furthermore, if any files relating to Ruth Paine, whether they are about taxes or not, are still so sensitive as to not be able to be released 59 years later and counting, why wouldn't that, in and of itself, be circumstantially incriminating?

Eh. What do I know? I'm just a dumb kid.

Before you ask a new question, how about answering the original one or, just admitting you don’t know?

Edited by Cory Santos
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1 hour ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

The answer to the Good situation is that he had to be counting tax related records. Which is wrong because, as others have pointed out, they are withheld by federal law and have nothing to do with the JFK ARC and cannot be released under it. Also, Robert Reynolds has noted (and I updated my article to reflect this) that the records are NOT classified-they are withheld (or redacted) pending release. So, Good's statement in the film is way out of whack and he remains silent about it. He wanted to have an Oliver Stone moment (release the files) and he fiddled with the facts to get it. End of story.

So can anyone dispute this?  I have waited for Denny but he still has not answered this. The dozens of documents the film apparently references, are they tax documents or not?   If not, identify the documents.  

Edited by Cory Santos
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I just did an hour long interview with Max and Aaron Good.

Max will also be on BOR this week.

His film will be streaming on I Tunes next week.  And also maybe Amazon.

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I just did an hour long interview with Max and Aaron Good.

Max will also be on BOR this week.

His film will be streaming on I Tunes next week.  And also maybe Amazon.

I look forward to it.  

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6 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

I think I've had enough bludgeoning from you, and will end posting further original research on this forum.  

I would encourage you to take a break and then resume when you're ready. I think a lot of people are listening and the EF needs some dissenting voices so as not to become a mere echo chamber.

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My first reaction after watching it was:  Why did it take 59 years to do something like this?

I will be doing a two part review, part one should be up this weekend at K and K.

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It always breaks me up when these Commission zealots talk about exactitude.

When in fact, they have no problem with things like:

1. The Magic Bullet CE 399 and its chain of custody

2.  The fact that Specter kept both Sibert and O'Neill out of the record and lied about why.

3. Specter did not examine Burkley, the only doctor at Bethesda and Parkland.

4. Specter allowed illustrations of the bullets strikes from Rydberg that were false.

5. Specter never examined John Stringer.

6. Specter never examined Ebersole

7. Specter never examined Wright.

8. Specter never examined Todd to try and explain the two lies in the Commission volumes pertaining to him..

9. Specter never asked Frazier how he could have gotten CE 399 before it was given to Todd to give to him.

10. Specter never asked Humes how a bullet could come in on a left to right angle, hit someone in the head, and suddenly reverse angle on a dime to exit out the right side.  Henry Lee had a hard time with that one, as you will see.

But somehow, none of that matters. What matters is whether or not it was 285 K or 300 K and how many payments it was delivered in.

As I said, Parnell is  a human distraction machine.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 6/8/2022 at 11:44 AM, Cory Santos said:

The dozens of documents the film apparently references, are they tax documents or not?

It appears the reference at the end of the film doesn't make a distinction. The statement still remains true, as proven by Greg and his researcher.

It's funny that the only way people can make the statement false is by rewriting it.

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I just watched "The Assassination and Mrs. Paine." I look forward to seeing it again, taking notes, and discussing it after viewing it with others.

My first impression is that it's an exceptional piece of work. I was astounded to see Michael Paine. That was a jaw-dropping surprise. It was also very cool to hear from Vincent Salandria, a true first-generation pioneer. The film is very well put together and plays like a fascinating mystery. There's lots of excellent footage.

I'm not exactly sure what the Ruth Paine defenders are truly bellyaching about. It's not like she ever cracks under pressure at any point. If people still want to believe LHO acted alone, they are free to do so. But it seems to me there will always be an incongruity between belief in a conspiracy and disbelief in the Paine's involvement.

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On 6/8/2022 at 7:22 PM, James DiEugenio said:

I just did an hour long interview with Max and Aaron Good.

You were great in the film @James DiEugenio, it was good to see you and hear your expertise. In my opinion your commentary always adds to our overall understanding of the case. Please let us know when we can hear your interview with Max and Aaron. I'd be interested to hear it.

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Not only are the Ruth Paine acolytes trying

to undermine the excellent documentary by

Max Good* with specious arguments and blatant

ignoring of facts, their relentless push against

the film, like the mainstream media hysteria when Stone's

JFK appeared (with film industry lobbyist

and LBJ flunky Jack Valenti actually

comparing Stone with Leni Riefenstahl), betrays an anxiety about how

convincing the new documentary is and how people might

see through the Paines' charade. The film is meticulously

fair and gives room to Paine defenders as well as

probing Ruth Paine as much as she can be prompted

to give out information. She remains somewhat

opaque, as a disciplined operative who has

been putting out the same spiel for decades. One

of the best sequences has her giving a line of

comments about Oswald over the years in virtually

the same language as she keeps aging and the

years roll by. By studying her face closely, we

get some possible sense of her uneasiness about

her role, as also comes across in her rattled testimony

as Gerry Spence kept exposing her mendacity

at the mock trial in England. It's tough for any

interviewer to get behind her carefully disciplined

persona, but Max does as well as can be done. The

film is a valuable historical record and makes

insightful use of the archival record, with which

Max confronts her frequently. It's revealing that

sometimes she resorts to saying she doesn't

know what to comment about certain documents,

a dodge but one that shows chinks in her armor.

*I among those who get "Special Thanks." I

met with Max to advise him early in his

filmmaking process.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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