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MSNBC goes there

Matt Allison

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From the BBC: 

On Thursday, President Joe Biden issued an executive order authorising the latest disclosure.
But he said some files would be kept under wraps until June 2023 to protect against possible "identifiable harm".
The US National Archives said that 515 documents would remain withheld in full, and another 2,545 documents would be partly withheld.
Edited by Joseph McBride
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31 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Of course RFK knew what the real story was....the first person he called on to ask if they had done it was the CIA Director.

Its just too bad nobody ever asked RFK to respond in detail as to why the CIA was his very first suspect.


That might very be well one of the reasons RFK's extensive interviews with William Manchester are withheld by the Kennedys.

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And as we know, the Kennedys censored

the Manchester book manuscript. John Corry, who

died recently, wrote a book called THE


had a look at the disputed draft of the Manchester book and wrote

about it. He found that it contained strong

suggestions that LBJ was involved in the killing

of his predecessor.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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7 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Couple different segments today; here is the first one:


Unimpressive coverage. Negligence allowed Oswald to do the deed, and we covered it up because he met with Cuban and Russian consular people in Mexico City. It’s still CYA, and Beschloss is carrying the torch. 

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I kind of agree with that.

Is there another segment on this?

I mean its a long show.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Unimpressive coverage. Negligence allowed Oswald to do the deed, and we covered it up because he met with Cuban and Russian consular people in Mexico City. It’s still CYA, and Beschloss is carrying the torch. 

MSNBC garbage. 

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56 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

MSNBC garbage.

oh please LOL

MSNBC is actual journalism, and Caputo spelled it all out in that segment. Did you even watch it?

Fact: Tucker Carlson is a fascist, and the fawning over him on this board today is foul in the extreme. If that's the way some on this board lean, I consider that concerning.

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We are not fawning over Tucker.

I don't like the guy. 

Its what he said. Which I think has never been said by any talking head with that big of an audience.

People are shocked, a guy just called me up from Canada to confirm it.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

oh please LOL

MSNBC is actual journalism, and Caputo spelled it all out in that segment. Did you even watch it?

Fact: Tucker Carlson is a fascist, and the fawning over him on this board today is foul in the extreme. If that's the way some on this board lean, I consider that concerning.


OK, I overstated the case. I give the MSNBC segment about 4 on the 1-10 scale, and Carlson's a high 9. 

Carlson provided a synopsis of the intel state role in the postwar era. It was similar to Eisenhower's farewell address---very thought-provoking. 

In fact, Carlson's presentation was so strong and accurate I thought someone had tricked him, and put a Peter Dale Scott transcript on the teleprompter. 

Add on: In watching the MSNBC segment, you get the impression it is "the government" that is hiding the remaining JFK Records or other records that are hidden somewhere. 

It is not "the government." It is President Joe Biden that has made this decision. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

In fact, Carlson's presentation was so strong and accurate I thought someone had tricked him, and put a Peter Dale Scott transcript on the teleprompter.

He has numerous writers; obviously one of the better ones wrote the script for that segment.

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15 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Couple different segments today; here is the first one:


Poor Joe Scarborough...he just can't accept that the government would ever lie about anything, or that high-level murder conspiracies actually do exist. 

Solid reporting from Marc Caputo, tho'! 

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