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David Atlee Phillips: Oswald never went to Mexico!

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On 1/3/2023 at 3:08 PM, Matt Allison said:

David- if you have access to the September and/or October reports can you post a link to them? Thanks

I do Matt... They are in the 17-18 release and I believe there are links to them in the articles...

This is the one sent Oct 8th, day after Phillips arrives, for All of Sept coverage.  At the bottom right I include an earlier reports "exploitation" section to show how detailed a call/visit report on an American speaking person gets....




The October report does not get to HQ until Nov 14



Edited by David Josephs
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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

Thanks, David.

So the October, November and December summary reports all state that no photographic equipment was repaired.

Which means that Phillips' claim the cameras were broken when Oswald supposedly visited is unquestionably a lie.

 Which proves the following:

1. Oswald was never at the embassies; he was impersonated and the photos of the impersonator were absconded with prior to the assassination.


2. Photos of Oswald were taken, and absconded with prior to the assassination.

Both scenarios prove a likelihood that there was a known conspiracy afoot prior to the assassination, and it was already being covered up prior to the assassination.


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So what are we to make of Win Scott's claim that he had a surveillance pic of Oswald going into the embassy?

Since it was in his unpublished manuscript, perhaps Scott was sending something of a coded message to his co-workers; "Those cameras were working. And I personally have a picture of the guy that claimed to be Oswald. Be careful with your plans for me."

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4 hours ago, David Josephs said:

I do Matt... They are in the 17-18 release and I believe there are links to them in the articles...

This is the one sent Oct 8th, day after Phillips arrives, for All of Sept coverage.  At the bottom right I include an earlier reports "exploitation" section to show how detailed a call/visit report on an American speaking person gets....




The October report does not get to HQ until Nov 14


63-11-14 OCTOBER 63 SUMMARY REPORT PHOTOGRAPHIC OPERATIONS MEXICO CITY - NO OSWALD docid-32375676.pdf 417.81 kB · 4 downloads

David Joseph:

Congratulations on presenting such detailed information. 

What do you make of the three KGB officers, including Kostikov, meeting with PBS-Frontline in 1993 and attesting they met the "real" LHO on Mexico City? 

Start at about 1:03.

Are the KGB agents simply paid off? Confused by a very good fake? 


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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

So what are we to make of Win Scott's claim that he had a surveillance pic of Oswald going into the embassy?

Since it was in his unpublished manuscript, perhaps Scott was sending something of a coded message to his co-workers; "Those cameras were working. And I personally have a picture of the guy that claimed to be Oswald. Be careful with your plans for me."

Win Scott = CIA

And he doesn't say he has a photo of Oswald but a man Scott believes impersonated him.  How does Scott even begin to know what Oswald looked like?  The scramble in MX was for HQ to get the Navy to send a photo.  Goodpasture straight out lies about the photos... when and where and who.


If our man in Mexico had a photo of Oswald... what's the point of a memo like this, incriminating his staff (Manel/Goodpasture) as the ones misinforming others about photos as shown below..

And how can it be a threat that Scott reveal this Oswald photo?  It's the proof everyone wants...??  If anything he would have a mark on his back for having a photo of a man which would prove Oswald was not there... enter JJA and a disappearing safe.






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On 1/3/2023 at 7:56 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

David Joseph:

Congratulations on presenting such detailed information. 

What do you make of the three KGB officers, including Kostikov, meeting with PBS-Frontline in 1993 and attesting they met the "real" LHO on Mexico City? 

Start at about 1:03.

Are the KGB agents simply paid off? Confused by a very good fake? 


(Thanks for the kind words Ben)

Let's see... why would KGB officers lying about Oswald being in Mexico... in support of the CIA.. their immortally locked enemy?

1 - they never saw the FBI reports from Nov 1963 looking for Oswald
2 - they never heard DURAN fabricate her meeting with this man
3 - they were not fully aware of the complete 180 degree turnaround on ALVARADO
4 - the ongoing lie to this day via June Cobb and cousin de la PAZ that Oswald was at some Rave party
5 - the scores of other names who claim to have experienced some interaction with Oswald, yet all lead back to Phillips

How would it make them look if they let it known the entire thing was a ruse...  We have to accept that the KGB played with the Seat of their Government as wildly as the CIA played with ours....  

During the months of July, August, September and October the CIA also listened in on KGB home lines, private personal lines on which they reported.  Extemporaneously as would be expected, reports in Oct and Nov SHOULD be filled with KGB/Soviet discussion of that crazy American...

I have the book too... just for Sh!ts and giggles...  Kostikov claims Oswald is there on the 27th at 12:30.

This report was buried with emphasis on the 28th (BS CIA transcript) and the 1st which supposedly corroborates it being Oswald on the 28th.  


More importantly is the HSCA testimony of BORIS TARASOFF...  I suggest reading all of it as he only remembers 2 conversations not 6... and all the DURAN phone conversations from the morning of the 27th are pure CIA CI.

At least how I saw it after a few years of working on it


Edited by David Josephs
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10 hours ago, David Josephs said:


The false story to which Hoover alludes was almost certainly the story spread by Nicaraguan intelligence agent Gilberto Alvarado that Oswald had received money while in the Cuban consulate. If you are trying to imply that Hoover believed Oswald never traveled to Mexico City, you should point us to his saying so, or to an FBI investigation into where he really traveled. 

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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

(Thanks for the kind words Ben)

Let's see... why would KGB officers lying about Oswald being in Mexico... in support of the CIA.. their immortally locked enemy?

1 - they never saw the FBI reports from Nov 1963 looking for Oswald
2 - they never heard DURAN fabricate her meeting with this man
3 - they were not fully aware of the complete 180 degree turnaround on ALVARADO
4 - the ongoing lie to this day via June Cobb and cousin de la PAZ that Oswald was at some Rave party
5 - the scores of other names who claim to have experienced some interaction with Oswald, yet all lead back to Phillips

How would it make them look if they let it known the entire thing was a ruse...  We have to accept that the KGB played with the Seat of their Government as wildly as the CIA played with ours....  

During the months of July, August, September and October the CIA also listened in on KGB home lines, private personal lines on which they reported.  Extemporaneously as would be expected, reports in Oct and Nov SHOULD be filled with KGB/Soviet discussion of that crazy American...

I have the book too... just for Sh!ts and giggles...  Kostikov claims Oswald is there on the 27th at 12:30.

This report was buried with emphasis on the 28th (BS CIA transcript) and the 1st which supposedly corroborates it being Oswald on the 28th.  


More importantly is the HSCA testimony of BORIS TARASOFF...  I suggest reading all of it as he only remembers 2 conversations not 6... and all the DURAN phone conversations from the morning of the 27th are pure CIA CI.

At least how I saw it after a few years of working on it



Obviously, I am not as familiar with these documents as you.

1. I gather you are saying you have seen relevant USSR documents regarding LHO putative visit to the Soviet Embassy, and those documents do not indicate LHO visited the embassy. 

2. Also, CIA intercepts of KGB communications do not reveal an LHO visit to the Soviet Embassy. 

3. The KGB officers in question contemporaneously also deluded their own government regarding the LHO visit to the Embassy.

4. Although by 1993 the old Soviet Union had collapsed, the three KGB officers felt they had to continue the ruse. 

5. You do not indicate whether you suspect the KBG officers were simply paid off for their performance on Frontline

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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"At least one Mexican source on the CIA payroll had told his case officer that "all that would have to be done to recruit Ms. Duran was to get a blonde, blue-eyed American in bed with her.""

One wonders if that was the original putative reason for a visitor calling himself "Oswald" at the embassy...

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20 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The KGB officers in question contemporaneously also deluded their own government regarding the LHO visit to the Embassy.

But we don't have proof that is true, do we?

Once again, until the breakup of the Soviet Union, the only Russian we were told was reliable on the subject was Nosenko.

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5 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

So what are we to make of Win Scott's claim that he had a surveillance pic of Oswald going into the embassy?

Since it was in his unpublished manuscript, perhaps Scott was sending something of a coded message to his co-workers; "Those cameras were working. And I personally have a picture of the guy that claimed to be Oswald. Be careful with your plans for me."

Maybe the reason Angleton flew to Mexico and raided his safe the day he died?  Oswald, or Not Oswald?

Maybe as well audio tapes Scott was covering his ass with?  Or more?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

The false story to which Hoover alludes was almost certainly the story spread by Nicaraguan intelligence agent Gilberto Alvarado that Oswald had received money while in the Cuban consulate. If you are trying to imply that Hoover believed Oswald never traveled to Mexico City, you should point us to his saying so, or to an FBI investigation into where he really traveled. 

Was the Alvarado story presented by the CIA to the FBI as truth? Did the FBI find out that Alvarado was an asset of David Phillips or something? Is there any evidence the FBI was upset with the CIA over the Alvarado story? These are genuine questions - I have no idea, but it seems a lot more likely that Hoover was talking about the phone calls/impersonation issue. We know the FBI wrote in a memo that agents listened to a tape and saw a photo of Oswald that wasn’t Oswald. That evidence was provided by the CIA, and the problems with that evidence were priority numero uno at the top levels of the FBI in the days after the assassination. I thought the Alvarado story was simply investigated and determined to be bogus. That doesn’t really seem to meet the criteria for “double dealing” from the CIA.  

Also, your mole hunt theory makes sense, and I’ve heard variations of it before, but what evidence are you basing it on? Is there really enough evidence to be so certain that that’s what was going on? 

Maybe I’m wrong and there’s a bunch of evidence I’m not aware of here (I’m hardly an expert on MC), but you seem to criticizing theories for being speculative while presenting counter-theories that are just as speculative, if not more so. 

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The KGB guys did not say one word about Oswald being there the day after the assassination according to the tapping by the CIA of that embassy.

Second, and David should have brought this up: If Oswald was at the USSR embassy, why did it take seven days for the Kostikov cable to get to Langley?

(I label this as speculation: Or did Phillips fabricate this after the fact?)

Although Danny and Eddy were working from largely CIA files, they also interviewed people--many people.  And this is how they first caught Goodpasture in a key lie. Far from being down the food chain in the daily tape take, she was the first person there.

Now, why would she lie about something like that?  Maybe to separate herself from the phony Oswald tapes--the tapes that were not really him?

And what they do to her about the Mystery Man photo is simply gold.  

The stuff about the cameras being intact, this is in the Lopez Report.  And yes Phillips lied about this.

The above is why Danny and Eddy wrote up separate bills of indictment for both of them.

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