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The Oswald Transfer: Fritz Looks at Ruby Before Bringing Oswald Out

Gil Jesus

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On 2/15/2023 at 3:19 PM, Gil Jesus said:

There was a conspiracy to kill Oswald involving Chief Curry, Capt. Fritz, Lt. Woodrow Wiggins and Jack Ruby.

May want to throw WESTBROOK and CROY in on this...  looking forward to more from you on this...  

Thanks Gil

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The improbability factor of Jack Ruby being able to get into the DPD basement at the time he did and to do what he did was so great it begged valid suspicion and rationally so.

Yet, consider this other fact about Ruby in the basement press line just before he leaps out to whack Oswald and it takes the valid suspicion factor to an even higher level. One of absurdity.

Just before Ruby leaps out...look at who he is just inches from? He's slouching his head down while hiding behind the huge body of one of his most well known Dallas Police officers who had been popping in on Ruby's clubs for years! 

Big William "Blackie" Harrison.

AND...just to Ruby's right, again only a foot or two away was Dallas Police Officer Sergeant Kenneth H. Croy!

It's one thing to hear that Ruby slinked in amongst distracted newsmen who didn't know Jack Ruby from Adam.

It's another thing to realize that Ruby was just inches next to two Dallas police officers who knew him very well.

We are supposed to dumbly accept that Ruby's inches away proximity to two basement security detail Dallas PD officers just before he makes his Oswald shooting leap was nothing more than pure "coincidence?"

Sorry. IMO that's pure "poppycock!"

Ruby didn't just breach the DPD basement press crowd...he breached the Dallas PD basement security line as well!

And where the heck was the head uniform security officer "Patrick Dean" when Ruby burst out from behind officer big William "Blackie" Harrison to have an unobstructed pathway opening to Oswald's gut!?

If there was "one" time during the whole basement transfer of Oswald that Dean should have been right there between Oswald and the press crush, it would have been at the closest point between them.

What's the point of being down in that cramped basement when the only threat to Oswald would be from that 6 foot close and pressing in press crowd?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 2/15/2023 at 6:53 PM, Tom Gram said:

There plenty of evidence suggesting DPD involvement in Oswald murder, so Fritz glancing in Ruby’s direction and his subsequent (non)reaction doesn’t exactly work in his favor here. 

Plenty of evidence that DPD, or members thereof were involved in Oswald's murder? Seriously?????

Calling major baloney on that!

Tom show everyone here the provable evidence for that statement. Not your speculation, evidence please. 

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29 minutes ago, Steve Roe said:

Plenty of evidence that DPD, or members thereof were involved in Oswald's murder? Seriously?????

Calling major baloney on that!

Tom show everyone here the provable evidence for that statement. Not your speculation, evidence please. 

Did I say “provable evidence”? No, I said “evidence suggesting” which is absolutely true. Jack Ruby, best friend of the Dallas Police Department, slips into the DPD basement with zero resistance and shoots Oswald while literally surrounded by cops. While “suggestive” enough on its own, combined with the Main St. ramp fiasco it becomes a credible circumstantial case for DPD involvement. As the HSCA concluded, there is no “concrete” evidence that Ruby received help from the DPD, but it is:

difficult to accept mere coincidence, and it is unlikely that Ruby entered the basement without some sort of assistance. This might have been in the form of knowledge of the Oswald transfer plans, direct help in entering the basement, or direct help in both entering and shooting Oswald.”


So yes, there is plenty of evidence suggesting DPD involvement, albeit circumstantial, and the same HSCA that concluded Oswald shot JFK agreed. 

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Chief Curry stated to the world press that after his investigation of the Ruby shooting of Oswald that "less than 50 men on his force even knew of Jack Ruby."


50 out of almost 1,000 men?

Probably 12 of those DPD officers were in or at the entrance of the DPD basement when Oswald was brought through there!

Harrison, Croy, Dean, Levealle, Graves, Pierce, Vaughn, etc. etc.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

Did I say “provable evidence”? No, I said “evidence suggesting” which is absolutely true. Jack Ruby, best friend of the Dallas Police Department, slips into the DPD basement with zero resistance and shoots Oswald while literally surrounded by cops. While “suggestive” enough on its own, combined with the Main St. ramp fiasco it becomes a credible circumstantial case for DPD involvement. As the HSCA concluded, there is no “concrete” evidence that Ruby received help from the DPD, but it is:

difficult to accept mere coincidence, and it is unlikely that Ruby entered the basement without some sort of assistance. This might have been in the form of knowledge of the Oswald transfer plans, direct help in entering the basement, or direct help in both entering and shooting Oswald.”


So yes, there is plenty of evidence suggesting DPD involvement, albeit circumstantial, and the same HSCA that concluded Oswald shot JFK agreed. 


"Jack Ruby, best friend of the Dallas Police Department..."


Exaggerate much?


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5 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


"Jack Ruby, best friend of the Dallas Police Department..."


Exaggerate much?


Oh the horror. How many civilians in Dallas do you think had the same type of relationship with the police force that Ruby did, or knew as many officers, or tried as hard as Ruby did to ingratiate himself with local cops that wasn’t a reporter? Relative to the rest of the Dallas population it wasn’t even that much of an exaggeration. 

Edited by Tom Gram
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12 hours ago, David Josephs said:

May want to throw WESTBROOK and CROY in on this...  looking forward to more from you on this...  

Thanks Gil

And, while he's mentioned furthe back, Dean.

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12 hours ago, Steve Roe said:

Plenty of evidence that DPD, or members thereof were involved in Oswald's murder? Seriously?????

Calling major baloney on that!

Tom show everyone here the provable evidence for that statement. Not your speculation, evidence please. 




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10 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


"Jack Ruby, best friend of the Dallas Police Department..."


Exaggerate much?


The evidence is no exaggeration. Ruby was in bed with the Dallas Cops. Multiple witnesses corroborate what Tom said.



Edited by Gil Jesus
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11 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


"Jack Ruby, best friend of the Dallas Police Department..."


Exaggerate much?


We’ve told you a million times, no.

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Gil, looking forward to your follow-up piece on this story.   The killing of Oswald is the simplest of the three killings of that weekend to analyze.  I hope many good minds will finally bear down on this, provide serious scrutiny, and work together.

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On 2/18/2023 at 12:55 PM, Tom Gram said:

Did I say “provable evidence”? No, I said “evidence suggesting” which is absolutely true. Jack Ruby, best friend of the Dallas Police Department, slips into the DPD basement with zero resistance and shoots Oswald while literally surrounded by cops. While “suggestive” enough on its own, combined with the Main St. ramp fiasco it becomes a credible circumstantial case for DPD involvement. As the HSCA concluded, there is no “concrete” evidence that Ruby received help from the DPD, but it is:

difficult to accept mere coincidence, and it is unlikely that Ruby entered the basement without some sort of assistance. This might have been in the form of knowledge of the Oswald transfer plans, direct help in entering the basement, or direct help in both entering and shooting Oswald.”


So yes, there is plenty of evidence suggesting DPD involvement, albeit circumstantial, and the same HSCA that concluded Oswald shot JFK agreed. 

Agreed. Well stated.

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On 2/19/2023 at 2:51 AM, Gil Jesus said:


The evidence is no exaggeration. Ruby was in bed with the Dallas Cops. Multiple witnesses corroborate what Tom said.



One of the most convincingly revealing interviews of Ruby associated witnesses ever.

Ruby club piano player J. Johnson affirms Hamilton's assessment of Ruby's DPD officer relationships almost exactly.

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