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Paul Landis Revelation About Assassination Bullet

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6 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Ben Cole: 

The Daily Beast has become an out-and-out CIA-shadow government mouthpiece. 

Sadly, it presents itself as leftish, hip, Donk-side, and must capture some minds on that side. 

I really think there might be something to this.

Oh really? Based on what? You know Ben just made that up, right?

I wasn't aware you shared the views of extreme right-wingers.

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Let me make another observation about early pressure.

In addition to what happened to Perry after the Clark/Perry press conference.

Does anyone have a clear explanation as to why Kellerman was ready to beat the living daylights out of Dr. Earl Rose in public at Parkland?

I have never been able to figure that one out.  Not really.  Rose was in the right, he was obeying the law.  But its clear that he was in physical danger.  In fact, Manchester would not even print the worst observations of the witnesses.

Would that not be intimidating?

I am not saying the SS was in on a huge plot.  Although I think some do think that: Murder from Within for example.

But what I am saying is that watching something like that or just hearing about it, I think that would get the message across.  And this happened before the Perry incident.

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You never heard of TIna Brown and Daily Beast?

You never knew she was married to the late Harold Evans?

You did not know that it was Evans and Bob Loomis of Random House who brought out Case Closed?

You do not know who Bob Loomis was and where he was located three days out of the week?

You did not know that Loomis recruited Posner to write that book?

You did not know that he guaranteed in advance Posner had  access to Nosenko?  (Which tells you everything.) 

You did not know that it was Evans who designed and paid for the two part Ny Times ad for Case Closed?

And you did not know that Brown hired Posner at Daily Beast?

If you did not know any of this, you should not be saying stuff like that.  I mean loyalty to Biden does not overrule what the factual record is.


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Sorry  Matt but if you want to ignore all of those facts, and call her an English Lady, LOL. 🙃😗

Take a look at who was at their wedding. And where it was.

Maybe you want to ignore that also.

For people who do not have blinders on, that wedding was in 1981.  Let me repeat 1981.

And it was at the estate of Ben Bradlee in the Hamptons.  Bradlee was the guy who David Phillips called up to get the heat off him during the HSCA.  He was the guy who helped conceal the facts about his friend John Kennedy's death during both the WC and the HSCA.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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Jim, to  your question on Kellerman,  I can't cite you the exact source,  but it comes from Burkley and in it he takes the responsibility for telling the SS agents that Jackie has told him - in tears and in shock - that she will not leave JFK's body, ever (she did the same thing at the airport in DC)  and if the Dallas people i.e. Rose who she does not know are going to hold the body then she will stay in Dallas. 

Burkley thinks that might well drive Jackie further into shock or worse and tells the agents all this - given their emotional state already they are not going to let Rose or any Dallas people (they mentally blame Dallas already) take the body from them - if they  have to fight they will, if the have to shoot - well at that point they trust none of the locals.

As it describes it the confrontation with Rose had nothing to do with legality but everything about remorse, extreme stress and emotion etc.   Hopefully someone can find Burkley's statement, I don't know that I cited it but for some reason it never gets much attention.  Perhaps it was in an oral history or interview but he takes full responsibility for the incident.

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50 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Oh really? Based on what? You know Ben just made that up, right?

I wasn't aware you shared the views of extreme right-wingers.

Matt Allison-

According to Dick Russell, the respected JFKA researcher. 


Part 2: The Belly of The Daily Beast and Its Perceptible Ties to the CIA

Part 2 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.



Check it out. Russell seems to have it pegged right. I did not "make this up." 


BTW, if you are referring to me as an "extreme right winger," I do not know why.

Sheesh, I favor national health insurance and a much smaller outlays for the war departments. 

Yes, I support RFK2 for president, and think Russiagate was "an elaborate hoax."

IMHO, Jan. 6 was a dubious event. 

That does make me, or anyone who is skeptical about the federal government and intel agencies, an "extreme right winger." 

I would vote for Ramaswamy as a type of protest vote, so maybe you can call me right wing for that. 

But, sheesh Matt, keep an open mind. The donk-side has been coopted by the Deep State. Keep your eyes and ears peeled. 


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4 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

No it isn't. It's not "perfectly understandable" to me at all. In fact, it's totally mystifying to me as to why on Earth he didn't TELL SOMEONE about the bullet IMMEDIATELY after putting it on JFK's stretcher (if, in fact, that's what he did).

And the reason for why his total silence is not believable (or "understandable") is because at the time Landis did what he said he did with that bullet, he had absolutely no knowledge or information about any of the details concerning the assassination. He had no idea who Oswald was at that time and he had no idea if a conspiracy might be involved. He knew nothing at that point. And yet he tells NOBODY about finding (and moving!) an important piece of evidence like a bullet?!

Such dead silence by a member of the U.S. Secret Service (or anyone in law enforcement) in such a situation is completely beyond belief, not to mention totally irresponsible on Landis' part.

And, in my opinion, even if it had been days or weeks or months later that he had somehow come across a piece of new evidence connected with JFK's death, it still would not be at all "perfectly understandable" that he would just keep completely silent about coming into contact with such a piece of potentially vital evidence in the case of a murdered President.


Yet you defend Ruth Paine.   Smh.  

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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:


WTF does that mean? What connection can there possibly be?

You surely aren't referring to "the Walker note", are you?

SMH (too).


It means you give her every excuse when her story changes or she magically remembered something.  Or again when she conveniently has no clue which building Oswald worked in, but then later indicated she did.  

Yet, you have a full on frontal attack going on Landis because it doesn’t fit the single bullet theory which you are wed to.  So, I am saying that you should apply the same standards you applied to Ruth to Landis, read his book, and then hear him at conventions answering questions before you dismiss him.  

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Good ole FBI guy, Mr. Rookstool vs Morley on CNN.



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2 hours ago, David Von Pein said:


Ruth Paine isn't in the same category as Paul Landis at all. Not even close.

Can you please provide me with a couple of examples of Ruth changing her story and an example or two of Ruth "magically remember[ing] something".

Thank you.


We went over that in the last year.  Over and over.   See our prior discussions.   

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Another media article appearing today, following on from the Landis story.  Old news, but more MSM noise.

Several interviews given by nurse Hall in 2013 seem to corroborate Landis' fresh claim. 

'On the cart, halfway between the earlobe and the shoulder, there was a bullet laying almost perpendicular there, but I have not seen a picture of that bullet ever,' she told The Telegraph almost 10 years ago. 

Separately, she told the Sunday Mirror: 'I could see a bullet lodged between his ear and his shoulder. It was pointed at its tip and showed no signs of damage. I remember looking at it – there was no blunting of the bullet or scarring around the shell from where it had been fired.

'I'd had a great deal of experience working with gunshot wounds but I had never seen anything like this before.

'It was about one-and-a-half inches long – nothing like the bullets that were later produced.

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