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Dale Myers Article on Mark Lane

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Pretty compelling facts that indicate Lane's socialist leanings.

I must ask however, did the commies also influence, use and promote 50 other JFKA assassination conspiracy researchers and best-selling book writers who all proposed much of the same conclusions Lane did?

Did the commies instruct Oswald to make a public spectacle in broad daylight, in downtown New Orleans showing him passing out pro-Castro flyers?

How about Oswald going to Mexico City and the Russian Embassy and be so openly recorded, photographed and followed which shouted some connection between Oswald and them?

Wonder what they thought of the BYPs of Oswald holding his rifle and wearing his side arm while holding commie newspapers so prominently displayed you could read their names?

Everything being massively broadcast to the American public about Oswald and his background was hugely slanted to present him as a commie. Oswald himself presented himself as a Marxist.

And as Oswald's street brawl opponent Carlos Bringuier angrily shouted to Oswald in their radio debate..."what's the difference!"

My point is, if the commies were using Lane to try to convince the American public that it was our own people including the far-right wing wealthy who did JFK, to cover up the fact that they may have had a controlling hand in Oswald's actions...Oswald himself couldn't have done more to promote that proposition.

It doesn't make sense that the commies would use an assassin who was implicating them over and over as his inspiration in his actions, words and pictures for months and even years leading up to November 22nd, 1963.








Edited by Joe Bauer
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When I was in Denmark I would eat a bagel every morning at a favorite place in Copenhagen and one morning got to talking there with an unusual long-bearded Dane who had traveled extensively in the US, hitchhiking and photographing poverty and racism in America. His name was Jacob Holdt. He had many adventures and published a book of his photos and gripping stories of poor whites and blacks in poverty in America. I later learned what is no secret now because published and admitted, that he received significant financial and editorial assistance in the publication of his searing photo album book from communist East German or Soviet sources as part of Cold War politics. Holdt’s position was they were using him and he was using them so he considered it about even. 

From that would it be fair to say Communists created the anti-poverty, anti-segregation and civil rights movements in America? That Communists created American attempts to report on and address sectors of grinding poverty in the wealthiest nation on earth, land of the free?

And that most Americans who worked to combat racism and poverty in America, the civil rights movement, etc—were carrying out an international Communist agenda to “destroy American society”?

Of course not.

That is what came to mind reading Myers’ article on Mark Lane and the support Mark Lane’s lectures on the JFK assassination received from communist organizations. Just as with the work of Jacob Holdt, it reads as Cold War opportunism.

Myers falls into the worst form of smearing and paranoia in concluding from his expose of Mark Lane, in asserting that JFK assassination conspiracy theorists today who question Oswald’s guilt are REALLY in a massive secret conspiracy intent on bringing about “the destruction of American society” as their TRUE objective and agenda. 

Here is Myers’ ringing (and batshit crazy) conclusion to his Mark Lane saga: 

“Today, Mark Lane has been replaced by dozens (perhaps hundreds or even thousands) of like-minded individuals who seek to con the gullible by spinning reality into a web of conspiracy comprised of nothing more than their own ideological world view. And it’s not just the assassination narrative that they have their sights on. It’s much bigger game—the destruction of American society.”

There you have it: “they have their sights on … the destruction of American society”.

By not naming names, Myers gives the impression that large numbers generally of luminaries fit this description. That is how smearing works. It’s nonspecific, generalized, unfalsifiable, rhetoric that is weaponized.

Who knew the international communist conspiracy to destroy America was that vast even today, over three decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War?

Myers seems not to see that the leading luminaries of JFK conspiracy theory are combinations of various forms of erroneous theories, some legitimate questions, and some counter narratives along Innocence Project questioning lines … and require no Hidden Communist Hand international conspiracy theory behind the scenes to account for, as Myers has now gone off the deep end in believing. 

Hofstadter’s classic on paranoid style of thinking in America seems an appropriate reminder here.

I thought Myers was better than this. 

He has become what he has spent a lifetime opposing. (A paranoid conspiracy theorist.)

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1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

When I was in Denmark I would eat a bagel every morning at a favorite place in Copenhagen and one morning got to talking there with an unusual long-bearded Dane who had traveled extensively in the US, hitchhiking and photographing poverty and racism in America. His name was Jacob Holdt. He had many adventures and published a book of his photos and gripping stories of poor whites and blacks in poverty in America. I later learned what is no secret now because published and admitted, that he received significant financial and editorial assistance in the publication of his searing photo album book from communist East German or Soviet sources as part of Cold War politics. Holdt’s position was they were using him and he was using them so he considered it about even. 

From that would it be fair to say Communists created the anti-poverty, anti-segregation and civil rights movements in America? That Communists created American attempts to report on and address sectors of grinding poverty in the wealthiest nation on earth, land of the free?

And that most Americans who worked to combat racism and poverty in America, the civil rights movement, etc—were carrying out an international Communist agenda to “destroy American society”?

Of course not.

That is what came to mind reading Myers’ article on Mark Lane and the support Mark Lane’s lectures on the JFK assassination received from communist organizations. Just as with the work of Jacob Holdt, it reads as Cold War opportunism.

Myers falls into the worst form of smearing and paranoia in concluding from his expose of Mark Lane, in asserting that JFK assassination conspiracy theorists today who question Oswald’s guilt are REALLY in a massive secret conspiracy intent on bringing about “the destruction of American society” as their TRUE objective and agenda. 

Here is Myers’ ringing (and batshit crazy) conclusion to his Mark Lane saga: 

“Today, Mark Lane has been replaced by dozens (perhaps hundreds or even thousands) of like-minded individuals who seek to con the gullible by spinning reality into a web of conspiracy comprised of nothing more than their own ideological world view. And it’s not just the assassination narrative that they have their sights on. It’s much bigger game—the destruction of American society.”

There you have it: “they have their sights on … the destruction of American society”.

By not naming names, Myers gives the impression that large numbers generally of luminaries fit this description. That is how smearing works. It’s nonspecific, generalized, unfalsifiable, rhetoric that is weaponized.

Who knew the international communist conspiracy to destroy America was that vast even today, over three decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War?

Myers seems not to see that the leading luminaries of JFK conspiracy theory are combinations of various forms of erroneous theories, some legitimate questions, and some counter narratives along Innocence Project questioning lines … and require no Hidden Communist Hand international conspiracy theory behind the scenes to account for, as Myers has now gone off the deep end in believing. 

Hofstadter’s classic on paranoid style of thinking in America seems an appropriate reminder here.

I thought Myers was better than this. 

He has become what he has spent a lifetime opposing. (A paranoid conspiracy theorist.)

Greg, your statement is nothing short of excellent !

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2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

When I was in Denmark I would eat a bagel every morning at a favorite place in Copenhagen and one morning got to talking there with an unusual long-bearded Dane who had traveled extensively in the US, hitchhiking and photographing poverty and racism in America. His name was Jacob Holdt. He had many adventures and published a book of his photos and gripping stories of poor whites and blacks in poverty in America. I later learned what is no secret now because published and admitted, that he received significant financial and editorial assistance in the publication of his searing photo album book from communist East German or Soviet sources as part of Cold War politics. Holdt’s position was they were using him and he was using them so he considered it about even. 

From that would it be fair to say Communists created the anti-poverty, anti-segregation and civil rights movements in America? That Communists created American attempts to report on and address sectors of grinding poverty in the wealthiest nation on earth, land of the free?

And that most Americans who worked to combat racism and poverty in America, the civil rights movement, etc—were carrying out an international Communist agenda to “destroy American society”?

Of course not.

That is what came to mind reading Myers’ article on Mark Lane and the support Mark Lane’s lectures on the JFK assassination received from communist organizations. Just as with the work of Jacob Holdt, it reads as Cold War opportunism.

Myers falls into the worst form of smearing and paranoia in concluding from his expose of Mark Lane, in asserting that JFK assassination conspiracy theorists today who question Oswald’s guilt are REALLY in a massive secret conspiracy intent on bringing about “the destruction of American society” as their TRUE objective and agenda. 

Here is Myers’ ringing (and batshit crazy) conclusion to his Mark Lane saga: 

“Today, Mark Lane has been replaced by dozens (perhaps hundreds or even thousands) of like-minded individuals who seek to con the gullible by spinning reality into a web of conspiracy comprised of nothing more than their own ideological world view. And it’s not just the assassination narrative that they have their sights on. It’s much bigger game—the destruction of American society.”

There you have it: “they have their sights on … the destruction of American society”.

By not naming names, Myers gives the impression that large numbers generally of luminaries fit this description. That is how smearing works. It’s nonspecific, generalized, unfalsifiable, rhetoric that is weaponized.

Who knew the international communist conspiracy to destroy America was that vast even today, over three decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War?

Myers seems not to see that the leading luminaries of JFK conspiracy theory are combinations of various forms of erroneous theories, some legitimate questions, and some counter narratives along Innocence Project questioning lines … and require no Hidden Communist Hand international conspiracy theory behind the scenes to account for, as Myers has now gone off the deep end in believing. 

Hofstadter’s classic on paranoid style of thinking in America seems an appropriate reminder here.

I thought Myers was better than this. 

He has become what he has spent a lifetime opposing. (A paranoid conspiracy theorist.)

Right on Greg.

Maybe we should all be flattered. In Myers' estimation our words are powerful enough to potentially bring about the "destruction of American society". And I thought I was just some schmuck...

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From Myers' article:

"They were right. The country did change, but not in the way you’ve been hearing about. The self-absorbed Marxist who held the rifle in the sixth-floor window fired three-shots into the heart of America that day in Dallas and sent her on a path of self-destruction; compliments of Marxist ideology."


This is the stupidest thing I have read in quite some time. Of all the potential fallout from the assassination that one could feasibly make an argument for, right or wrong, I can't think of a single thing that embodies Marxist ideology. American imperialism in Vietnam and elsewhere? Exacerbation of the Cold War? Increased power in the CIA and military-industrial complex? Other policies of LBJ?

On the other hand, how about the political window that the assassination opened for civil rights legislation, which Kennedy introduced, and which LBJ signed into law? Is this Myers' path of self-destruction?

And this is putting aside the notion that, assuming you believe LHO killed Kennedy (I don't), that he was inspired to do so because of his Marxism. How absurd. Even the lone nutters tend to go with the Ruth Paine "he was a small man who wanted to be a big man" motive, highlighting features in his past they believe show him to be aloof and unstable. While I disagree with their assessments, I have rarely heard a full-throated argument that Oswald did what he did because of his Marxist beliefs, because there are so many problems with that argument, not the least of which is that Oswald spoke highly of Kennedy, and not even to mention the issues surrounding his, ahem, interesting interpretations of Marx and communism. 

Finally, it has become fashionable to rail against certain tendencies in contemporary culture and call them "Marxist", woke culture being a prominent example. I won't fully get into this because it is a separate argument for a political thread and not a JFK one. But, for the record, I strongly disagree with the whole blame everything I don't agree with politically on "Postmodern Neo-Marxism" crowd (see pseudo-intellectual Jordan Peterson as a representative of this brand of conservatism). And I think Myers is channeling that energy here. His argument doesn't go farther than "Oswald Marxist. Society Marxist. Oswald bad. Society bad." And as shameful and crazy as that is, I'm also sad to report that it's not terribly uncommon these days. Coming up on the 60th, I have a feeling that we will see similar sentiment crop up in mass media and etc. Keep your eyes peeled for more upcoming garbage like this. 

Edited by Miles Massicotte
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FWIW, this is nothing new. When I created my chapter on Myers' animation 15 years ago I read a number of his interviews, and they most always included some bit about saving America from the lunatics and America-haters. Apparently he thought it was his patriotic duty to perpetrate a hoax. 

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In a previous embarrassing blog post, Myers put anyone critical of the lone nut theory into one of three categories. Parenthesis mine:

I will never understand why some people are so willing to abandon logic and reason in order to exonerate the avowed Marxist for a crime he was arrested for and charged with in the wake of the JFK assassination.

Some of those seeking to absolve Oswald just don’t know any better, having spent barely a fraction of the effort that I and others have, at great expense I might add, to determine the facts, eliminate the bullcrap, and set the historic record straight. (Ignorant) 

Then there are those that have absolutely no interest in any of that. Their goal is to shine a spotlight on themselves and if that means polluting the record then so be it. (Narcissistic) 

In yet another category are the mental defectives who are so screwed up in the head and so in need of approval and direction that they’ve decided that hijacking a subject rich in controversy in order to find meaning for their life is a good idea. It’s this group I feel the sorriest for, because it is these poor souls who are preyed upon by the elder narcissists of the so-called “research community” who, frankly, should know better. (Insane) 

I guess Myers finally “understands” why people “abandon all logic and reason to exonerate the avowed Marxist”: a grand communist conspiracy with the ultimate goal of destroying American society

Greg D. nailed it. Myers has completely gone off the deep end. The lone assassin community really needs to disavow this guy.

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3 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

When I was in Denmark I would eat a bagel every morning at a favorite place in Copenhagen and one morning got to talking there with an unusual long-bearded Dane who had traveled extensively in the US, hitchhiking and photographing poverty and racism in America. His name was Jacob Holdt. He had many adventures and published a book of his photos and gripping stories of poor whites and blacks in poverty in America. I later learned what is no secret now because published and admitted, that he received significant financial and editorial assistance in the publication of his searing photo album book from communist East German or Soviet sources as part of Cold War politics. Holdt’s position was they were using him and he was using them so he considered it about even. 

From that would it be fair to say Communists created the anti-poverty, anti-segregation and civil rights movements in America? That Communists created American attempts to report on and address sectors of grinding poverty in the wealthiest nation on earth, land of the free?

And that most Americans who worked to combat racism and poverty in America, the civil rights movement, etc—were carrying out an international Communist agenda to “destroy American society”?

Of course not.

That is what came to mind reading Myers’ article on Mark Lane and the support Mark Lane’s lectures on the JFK assassination received from communist organizations. Just as with the work of Jacob Holdt, it reads as Cold War opportunism.

Myers falls into the worst form of smearing and paranoia in concluding from his expose of Mark Lane, in asserting that JFK assassination conspiracy theorists today who question Oswald’s guilt are REALLY in a massive secret conspiracy intent on bringing about “the destruction of American society” as their TRUE objective and agenda. 

Here is Myers’ ringing (and batshit crazy) conclusion to his Mark Lane saga: 

“Today, Mark Lane has been replaced by dozens (perhaps hundreds or even thousands) of like-minded individuals who seek to con the gullible by spinning reality into a web of conspiracy comprised of nothing more than their own ideological world view. And it’s not just the assassination narrative that they have their sights on. It’s much bigger game—the destruction of American society.”

There you have it: “they have their sights on … the destruction of American society”.

By not naming names, Myers gives the impression that large numbers generally of luminaries fit this description. That is how smearing works. It’s nonspecific, generalized, unfalsifiable, rhetoric that is weaponized.

Who knew the international communist conspiracy to destroy America was that vast even today, over three decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War?

Myers seems not to see that the leading luminaries of JFK conspiracy theory are combinations of various forms of erroneous theories, some legitimate questions, and some counter narratives along Innocence Project questioning lines … and require no Hidden Communist Hand international conspiracy theory behind the scenes to account for, as Myers has now gone off the deep end in believing. 

Hofstadter’s classic on paranoid style of thinking in America seems an appropriate reminder here.

I thought Myers was better than this. 

He has become what he has spent a lifetime opposing. (A paranoid conspiracy theorist.)

Amen Greg.

You and I may disagree on certain specifics regarding the JFKA. So what? 

Myers has covered himself in bile with this one. 

Someone can be a Trump supporter, a hardline D-Partier, a Marxist, or a RFK2 backer...that is all irrelevant to research on the JFKA. 


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