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Rob Reiner And Soledad O'Brien Aim To Reveal JFK's Real Killers

John Deignan

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Kirk, over the  years Plumlee did mention names of a couple of guys on the flight, including the pilot, but I did not take the trouble to record all this - at one point the story  asserted that he and the pilot were both given a covert task of somehow aborting an attack on JFK but at that point with no details at all (no briefing on the motorcade or anything else).  Yet rather than rushing downtown, to LOVE field or to meet some sort of covert local contact with more details, Tosh went to visit a relative (I think his mother) first and then later just appeared in the Plaza, having no operational contact or communications with anybody else. 

You really can't appreciate this all without all the versions of his story over the  years, not even sure  you can find them via google now but they were readily available about three decades ago when I was pursuing it.


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About a decade ago, Plumlee posted a picture on Facebook. It was this picture:


However, the image was 'negative' meaning all the whites were black and vice versa. If you open up the image in Photoshop or a similar app and choose 'negative' you'll see the result.

Anyway, in his FB post Plumlee claimed that it was a photo of him that was taken by a covert CIA camera.

However it was quite obvious to me that he had taken that picture and made a negative in Photoshop to make it look funky, then he's claiming it's some kind of covert CIA picture. Meanwhile it's a well known picture we've all seen before.

It was pure fantasy and at that moment I knew he was full of crap. Following that he was also consistently claiming that his Facebook was 'hacked' any time he made a questionable post

At the time this happened I had some reservations about his story, but once I saw this my immediate thought was "this guy is so full of it"

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Where's the beef?

Show me where Tosh himself added Hunt and Martino to his story. If someone does that, I'll probably agree that he's a fraud.

I've learned not to trust other people's opinions on things like this. (Actually there is one person's opinion on the forum whose opinion usually turns out to be right. IMO.)


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21 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Kirk, over the  years Plumlee did mention names of a couple of guys on the flight, including the pilot, but I did not take the trouble to record all this - at one point the story  asserted that he and the pilot were both given a covert task of somehow aborting an attack on JFK but at that point with no details at all (no briefing on the motorcade or anything else).  Yet rather than rushing downtown, to LOVE field or to meet some sort of covert local contact with more details, Tosh went to visit a relative (I think his mother) first and then later just appeared in the Plaza, having no operational contact or communications with anybody else. 

You really can't appreciate this all without all the versions of his story over the  years, not even sure  you can find them via google now but they were readily available about three decades ago when I was pursuing it.


Right, Wasn't the story that Roselli was part of an abort mission but in the last minutes was over ruled by Sam Giancana? As I recall he does make a first name mention of being with someone else at Dealey Plaza and expresses disappointment when the assassination actually happens (and flying back, everyone was disappointed as if they had lost the Super Bowl?) I can't remember and I don't want to embellish my account like some who added Hunt to the passenger list!

Larry: You really can't appreciate this all without all the versions of his story over the  years.

Yes of course, that's the bottom line.

Larry some of these guys, I just sort of sniff their stories and then look at them and make a judgment and I'm generally right.

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Sandy,  you will have to do your own studies on this - I do have a document where Plumlee is talking to the FBI (while in jail) and brings up Martino, with no particular reason other than to tie himself to anti-Castro activities. 

You can start with a full search on the Plumlee documents at MFF, there are a bunch, maybe more than I originally collected pre-MFF.  You may have to go to the internet archive to do a comprehensive search on Plumlee and his interviews, articles etc over the years.

Definitely do  your own research, nothing different on Plumlee than investigating any other self-proclaimed source, all I can offer is my own experience.

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Kirk, of course the versions vary as I said but basically he claimed that his flight carried various people and might have included actual participants in the attack i.e. Roselli.  He claimed to be acting under some sort of covert military intel program as I recall, not CIA (although later claimed the CIA came to tell him the whole story about it all).  

His own vague abort assignment was never spelled out, he just sort of ended up in the Plaza. Giancana had nothing to do with his task. 

In one version he claimed to have been told that the govt. had specifics of the attack, which was supposed to occur on Main street almost in front of Ruby's club.  But somehow that was compromised, they found out the plan had totally changed at the last minute but was still live...and yet nobody called off the motorcade or apparently warned Jack - who seemingly was cooperating to flush out the bad guys?

If this all sounds weird, it certainly did to me but of course its too good a story for lots and can be meshed in nicely with some scenarios. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Too bad Reiner isnt consulting with top researchers. What’s the point of making another movie if the research going in is half baked? 

Reiner does state in the first episode that he did work with Dick Russell, and they tease some audio clips of interviews with Morley.

So he did consult with good researchers. But it seems like he's not all that discerning if he's got Tosh Plumlee in the first episode.

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His Twitter.


His WGA profile.



There's another David Hoffman who wrote a book about the Oklahoma bombing in the 90's. Despite the WGA profile above mentioning an interest in a lot of deep political stuff, I'm assuming they're two different people.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Too bad Reiner isnt consulting with top researchers. What’s the point of making another movie if the research going in is half baked? 

Amen, in spades. 

Hancock, Newman, DiEugenio, Thompson, Morley are all smart guys who have spent years in the field.

All have become jaded and skeptical, a positive attribute in the JFKA research :)


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2 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

His Twitter.


His WGA profile.



There's another David Hoffman who wrote a book about the Oklahoma bombing in the 90's. Despite the WGA profile above mentioning an interest in a lot of deep political stuff, I'm assuming they're two different people.

The Hoffman who wrote the OKBOMB book is now deceased, so different guy for sure.

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The fear I have is that this podcast will try to connect Morley, Dick Russell & others to charlatans. We'll see. 

Other issues: saying "Oswald did not act alone"

& says the podcast will feature "CIA officials"

$10 says it's Rolf Mowat-Larssen with his limited hangout where he implicates a dozen CIA people but leaves Angleton and Dulles off his list and has Oswald firing the gun.

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36 minutes ago, Richard Booth said:

The fear I have is that this podcast will try to connect Morley, Dick Russell & others to charlatans. We'll see. 

Other issues: saying "Oswald did not act alone"

& says the podcast will feature "CIA officials"

$10 says it's Rolf Mowat-Larssen with his limited hangout where he implicates a dozen CIA people but leaves Angleton and Dulles off his list and has Oswald firing the gun.

Reality doesn't happen without Angleton controlling Oswald's files for years and Dulles at the Farm on 11/22/63. In Dallas 3-4 weeks before.  Jmo.

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12 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Sandy,  you will have to do your own studies on this...


Translation: I think Tosh is a fraud but I really can't explain why. But you can find out on your own if he is.

Well, no thank you. I'm not interested in becoming a Tosh Plumlee expert.

But thank you for you response.


Can anybody give me an instance of Tosh substantially changing his story?


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