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"Admitted Assassin"- not impressed. Mantik's newest book- his best; better than his previous two.

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There's an example I'd like to show from the scrapbook a.k.a. "green book", but I think it's more effective with images from the book. Unfortunately, I've reached my photo limit and can't figure out how to add image links from Google Drive. I'll try to figure it out if I can.

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Pg 189 of "Admitted Assassin" is a reproduction of pg 9 of the "green book", and pg 191 has four pictures, described below, highlighted in bold.

Here's the text from "Admitted Assassin" starting pg 190 and ending pg 192:


Page 9:

At the top of the page are these notations:

[Illegible] 1968 [Illegible]

[Illegible] 1 2 [Illegible]

Below these notations are two news clipped photos. The top photo is of an unidentified masculine looking blonde or gray-headed woman. This person bears a strong resemblance to female impersonator Harvey W. Goodwin. When on stage, Goodwin was always introduced as " the Incredible Mr Harvey Lee " (Note: Goodwin often performed at Club My O My a popular New Orleans tourist attraction.)

There are four pencil strokes across the face. The reason for Goodwin's presence in the green book is unknown; he is not one of the "28 people [who] died from witness program." Goodwin was 79 years old when he died in 1992 - 21 years after Roscoe was killed.

The authors can only speculate as to why this photo is included in Roscoe White's perplexing scrapbook. Could Roscoe be alluding to his knowledge that there were two Oswald's involved in the assassination?

John Armstrong in his extraordinarily researched book Harvey and Lee makes an exceptionally strong case for there having been to Oswald's who played active roles in the events of November 22nd 1963. One used the name Lee Harvey Oswald while the other was known as Harvey Lee Oswald.

(Clockwise from top left) masculine looking woman from scrapbook - female impersonator "The Fabulous Mr Harvey Lee" - Harvey Lee Goodwin - 1960s era Club My O My program

Therefore could this inclusion of female impersonator Mr Harvey Lee be an admission of Roscoe's association with both men? If so it appears that Roscoe intended to expose the "two Oswald" charade that was part of the assassination operation. Armstrong believes that it was Harvey Lee Oswald not Lee Harvey Oswald who was employed at the Texas School book depository at the time of the assassination.

Not surprisingly the assassination records review board discovered that at one time there existed an FBI file numbered 105-2137 captioned "Harvey Lee Oswald" that file is now MISSING!

The bottom photo on this page shows two as yet unidentified men in suits sitting at what appears to be a desk or table. They may be Warren Commission staff members who came to Dallas tasked with deposing various witnesses. Each man has a pencil stroke across his face. A hand scribbled notation is below the photo.


Cover-up starts now


This is an obvious reference by Roscoe inferring that the Warren commission's responsibility was to ensure the "lone assassin," "lone avenger" scenario remained intact.






Edited by Denny Zartman
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All right, here's my observation on my previous post regarding "The Fabulous Mr. Harvey Lee":

There's nothing in the "green book" scrapbook that explicitly identifies the blonde person in the green book picture as Harvey Lee Goodwin. It's a detail that would only reveal itself with detective work.

Is that really something a forger would add? 

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29 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

You can see how, circa 1990, many smelled a rat: a huge media explosion, then no diary.

Definitely. From previous discussions I've read here and elsewhere, it seems clear that researchers at the time felt burned by the story and have since dismissed it as old news disproven long ago.

32 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

Cables that many thought seem fake.

I won't really argue with that. I also feel that the language used in the cables isn't what I imagine it would be if it were authentic.

35 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

Geneva appearing to be looking for a payday.

She initially denied working for Jack Ruby, and only recanted after the picture of them together was published in Life Magazine. I think if she were really looking for a payday, she would have been capitalizing on her Ruby connection long before, and not going out of her way to deny it.

But there's no doubt that the fake diary she produced irretrievably damaged the entire Roscoe White story in the opinions of JFK researchers.

40 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

Beverly Oliver and Gerry Hemming coming out of the woodwork saying they knew Roscoe.

I don't think I'm aware of Hemming's story. I'll have to learn more.

41 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

Then Ricky disappears for 30-plus years.

The story got a lot of derision at the time of course, and the fake diary pretty much put it all away for good in the eyes of many researchers.

But Gary Cartwright, the author of the first big article on Roscoe White "I Am Mandarin", said he didn't believe Ricky was capable of perpetrating a fraud like this.

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2 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

She initially denied working for Jack Ruby, and only recanted after the picture of them together was published in Life Magazine. I think if she were really looking for a payday, she would have been capitalizing on her Ruby connection long before, and not going out of her way to deny it.

Are we sure the picture is of Geneva? Who has confirmed it is Geneva?

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I've read the book "Admitted Assassin" and thought Edwards and Shaw did an excellent job. A few areas I might disagree but they provide documentation throughout.

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On 4/15/2024 at 6:54 PM, Vince Palamara said:

Also- the Admitted Assassin book makes the claim that THIS photo is of Geneva White, Roscoe's wife- is it? Actually, I always thought it was Beverly Oliver [19 H 42]:


The face sure looks like Bev, but I'll take Denis word that it isn't. 

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On 4/15/2024 at 8:49 PM, Vince Palamara said:

I hate to be negative toward any (pro-conspiracy) author trying their best out there (and I have big respect for Gary Shaw and Brian Edwards), but their attempt to rehabilitate the (yikes) Roscoe White story is, with all due respect, an epic fail. Ricky White is back from the pre-internet "dead" and is back with a pretty lame 'scrapbook' that is really much ado about nothing---a bunch of unintelligible scribbles and some pretty nothing-special newspaper cut outs. Quite frankly, my first thought was "Hmmm- how do we know this wasn't RICKY or GENEVA trying to put something together to 'replace' the conveniently stolen-by-the-FBI "diary." The book kind of feels like good ole Texas boys sticking up for their friend, who they say is a good "family man" who wouldn't make stuff up.

I WILL concede these points- it is intriguing that Roscoe joined the Dallas Police Department in October 1963 [he is even mentioned in the Warren Commission volumes: 19 H 148], his wife Geneva worked for Ruby (and there is a photo of them together), and the third backyard photo (as noted by the HSCA) was in the hands of Geneva/Roscoe. However, just as Beverly Oliver (NOT the Babushka Lady) was definitely a stripper at the Ruby-rival Colony Club (captioned photos of her from the night of 11/22/63 at the Colony Club are on the Sixth Floor Museum website via the Dallas Times Herald), these kernels of truth do not vouch for the rest of the tale(s).

In addition to the conveniently-missing diary, the so-called cables reek of fakery (sorry). "Mandarin"...yeah, right.

As for Dr. Mantik's latest book, it is a best-seller and selling like wildfire! It is also his very best (in fact, you don't even need his other two, as everything good from those books is included herein):




May be a graphic of 1 person and text



@Keven Hofeling I guess you can't reference Mantik on your lengthy narratives any more.  Mantik seems to have seen the light of day and started to write factual data.  I am so sorry for you loss of citation.

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6 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

@Keven Hofeling I guess you can't reference Mantik on your lengthy narratives any more.  Mantik seems to have seen the light of day and started to write factual data.  I am so sorry for you loss of citation.

I am not sure what you mean here, Keyvan. I am not aware of Mantik's changing his opinions on anything for this book. Isn't it the same stuff he's been saying for years? 

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14 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I am not sure what you mean here, Keyvan. I am not aware of Mantik's changing his opinions on anything for this book. Isn't it the same stuff he's been saying for years? 

David W. Mantik's Earlier Beliefs:

  1. Frontal Shots: Mantik strongly argued that forensic evidence supported shots to JFK's head from the front. This was primarily based on his detailed analysis of the Zapruder film and autopsy records.
  2. X-ray Manipulation: He believed that the X-rays of JFK's head were altered to support the single-gunman theory. Mantik suggested that inconsistencies in the optical densities indicated manipulation, aimed at obscuring evidence of frontal shots.

Beliefs in "The Final Analysis":

  1. Multiple Headshots: In his 2024 book, co-authored with Jerome Corsi, Mantik presents forensic evidence that JFK was hit by two headshots from the right front and one from the rear, indicating multiple shooters.
  2. Forensic Collaboration: This new book includes collaborative forensic analysis, likely integrating more modern techniques or reevaluated evidence to support claims of shots from multiple directions.
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