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Roger Craig

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16 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

I think you're imagining these men looking at the rifle wondering about it. It's only your imagination. You were not there, you don't know what they were saying or doing.


BINGO!  We have a winner.


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12 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I proved it!  Here it is again:


From an article in L.A. Free Press, March 1, 1968, page 3:

FP: Free Press
RC: Roger Craig
PJ: Penn Jones




Did you see it this time? Roger Craig said:

"But there was another rifle, a Mauser, found up on the the roof of the depository that afternoon."




Mark Ulrik confirmed that Garrison did say he saw that. From Garrison's book:



It is not my job to prove that Garrison was telling the truth. If you don't want to believe him, fine.



It was Garrison who claimed that, not me. I just reported what he claimed.

I believe Garrison. If you don't believe him, fine... then don't.



It was Garrison who claimed that, not me. I just reported what he claimed.


No.  You didn't JUST report what Garrison claimed.  You stated as a "fact" what the film showed as if you'd seen it for yourself.  I'm hoping next time you'll be much more careful about what you post.



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9 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


Shot at after meeting a "friend" who dropped to the ground to avoid getting hit.

His car blown up when he started it, burning him, imbedding glass in his chest.

Run off the road, back broken 2X, leg, shoulder, foot.  Disabled.


I have some beachfront property to sell you in beautiful tropical Arizona.


I've got some ocean front property in Amarillo if you want to trade, you pony up with the title first.


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10 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


BINGO!  We have a winner.


Hey BB.

"BINGO" is "my" trademark lingo response line on this forum.

Been using it for years.

Sometimes post "BINGO - BRAVO - RIGHT ON!"


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23 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

FWIW --- The copy of the DCA film that I have had in my collection for several years is this shorter version below which ends right after the Mentesana Film is shown. This "NFV" [New Frontier Video; Robert Groden] version also has music added (a tune called "Aftermaths" by David Shire), which I think is a very appropriate and excellent theme considering the video's contents. Also: this version does not include any captions at all (such as the wholly inappropriate "Assassin's Rifle" caption):



Thanks for posting that David. It proves that DCA indeed did make more than one version of the film, as some person reported in another forum several years ago.

(I personally already knew that there was more than one copy because the copy I watched didn't have captions. Neither did it have sound.)

Unfortunately this is also not the film Garrison saw.


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16 hours ago, Bill Brown said:
On 9/10/2022 at 2:14 AM, Sandy Larsen said:
It was Garrison who claimed that, not me. I just reported what he claimed.

I believe Garrison. If you don't believe him, fine... then don't.


16 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

No.  You didn't JUST report what Garrison claimed.  You stated as a "fact" what the film showed as if you'd seen it for yourself.  I'm hoping next time you'll be much more careful about what you post.


I merely reported my understanding of the facts. People do that all the time without explaining how they know something.

When asked why I thought that (or when asked for a source), I said that Garrison reported it in his book. And that I believed him.

It was AFTER that that I said. "It was Garrison who claimed that, not me. I just reported what he claimed."  Which you are now saying is untrue. Well it is true, and you guys need to pay more attention to the thread if you are going to accuse people of being dishonest.

What you guys (two of you) are doing accounts to nothing less than needling. And I want you to know that I have already deleted one post that in my opinion went over the line. And I will do it again if necessary, without notice.

Don't needle people. Just stop.


UPDATE:  A clarification: Bill Brown hasn't been so guilty of needling as the other forum member. And indeed didn't go "over the line" as I see it. Which is why I didn't delete his post.


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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Thanks for posting that David. It proves that DCA indeed did make more than one version of the film, as some person reported in another forum several years ago.

(I personally already knew that there was more than one copy because the copy I watched didn't have captions. Neither did it have sound.)

Well, the music was very likely added by someone years later (it wasn't done by me, btw). And the version with the captions could have also been done by some JFK researcher at some point well after 1963 or '64 too, with "DCA" not being involved in those other versions at all.



Edited by David Von Pein
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6 hours ago, David Von Pein said:
9 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Thanks for posting that David. It proves that DCA indeed did make more than one version of the film, as some person reported in another forum several years ago.


6 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Well, the music was very likely added by someone years later (it wasn't done by me, btw). And the version with the captions could have also been done by some JFK researcher at some point well after 1963 or '64 too, with "DCA" not being involved in those other versions at all.


Well sure, maybe. And maybe additional film clips were added (or removed?) by someone.

But of the three versions here, at least two of them have variation(s) in the video clips. In one version, the clip with the supposed roof rifle is at the very end, whereas it is in the body of the other version. In the first version I saw, that rifle wasn't in it at all, though it did have the rifle that was handled inside the TSBD.

Regardless, none of these versions has the scene described by Garrison in his book. He saw something else.


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On 9/10/2022 at 4:07 PM, Bill Brown said:


Shot at after meeting a "friend" who dropped to the ground to avoid getting hit.

His car blown up when he started it, burning him, imbedding glass in his chest.

Run off the road, back broken 2X, leg, shoulder, foot.  Disabled.


I have some beachfront property to sell you in beautiful tropical Arizona.


You and Dennis can continue to bash him all you want.  He didn't walk on water, he made mistakes like all of us.  I still find him honest and sincere.  Not out for fame or money.  

He seems much more credible than Dallas legal eagles Fritz, Wade or Decker among others.

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@Ron BulmanI agree with you 100%!!!! It's so funny how people with biased slants anyway approach evidence contrary to their beliefs completely differently than they do those pieces of evidence that support their views! And that can go for the CT'ers as well as the Lone Nutters, lol! It's funny though how the LN side can take some of these problematic at best witnesses that support the Oswald did it scenario but then pick apart witnesses to the contrary and call them fraudulent if one word differs in different interviews. Just be fair and the evidence will lead you to the answer! I've seen the same thing for the CT crowd too though. That's why I try to take an unbiased approach to both sets of data, at least as much as I possibly can anyway.

Edited by Jamey Flanagan
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17 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

Just be fair and the evidence will lead you to the answer!



And if you find you misjudged something, just admit it and adjust your working theory accordingly.


17 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

I've seen the same thing for the CT crowd too though.


So have I.

It can be very frustrating trying to get a CTer to see where they have gotten something wrong, if it is something that is very clear to see. (I just expect it with LNers.)


17 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

That's why I try to take an unbiased approach to both sets of data, at least as much as I possibly can anyway.




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