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JFKA Forum Journals of the Plague Year?

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I don't know if this is kosher here on the JFKA research forum, but I'm interested in hearing about the Plague in various regions of the country (and planet.)

Forum members have been posting incidental plague narratives on the Mark Zaid Thread-About-Everything here, but that thread has become utterly scattered and tangential-- even veering into tin-foil hat and Godwin's Law territory, with the inevitable allusions to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, etc.

In any case, here's my local Journal of the Plague Year entry for March 18, 2020...

        I took my dog for a walk just now in Denver's Washington Park, where I have lived for the past 30 years.  (Because the nearest ocean is 1,000 miles away, Washington Park is the closest thing we have here to Venice Beach.)

       A few people were out walking this morning and, for the first time, some of them were wearing surgical masks!

       I passed a couple of 50-something ladies by Grassmere Lake, and one of them threw a scarf over her face as I walked by-- giving them a wide berth.

       It was like stepping into the pages of an apocalyptic Camus novel.

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Mask seems superfluous.

In the park, may be. Shopped today since I couldn't not do. I actually had a bandana tied up that I could pull up and on if I felt like it. Fairly sure I'd need a black hat and six-gun to pull off that look. I did see a couple of people wearing masks for the first time today as I shopped. Another person, like me, shopped wearing gloves. I was wearing my Boss gloves because they grip well. This guy had on right proper disposable latex. At two of four stops, I remembered to put on the gloves.

Edited by George Govus
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Here about 75 miles south west of Fort Worth I've been told 20 people have been tested, all negative.  But both Tarrant county (FW) and Dallas county to it's east have multiple positives plus Collin county north of Dallas.  The second death in Texas occurred yesterday in a Masonic retirement home in Arlington, adjoining FW to the east.  Then today i heard a rumor of a positive case in Brownwood, 50 miles the other way.  I'm afraid it's a coming.  Just watching the numbers statewide and nationally, they still keep growing faster every day though not enough to get the full attention of some yet.  Houston and Dallas have shut down the bars, theaters and restaurants but for take out, I think maybe Austin partly.  Locally several fast food places have gone to drive through only (how safe is it?).  The way it's still exploding in Italy I think this should have been done here day before yesterday or last week.  "They say hindsight's 20-20, but I'm nearly going blind".



Edited by Ron Bulman
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From what I've read it's not impossible it could be Plague of the Years.

I'd guess this means pretty much all governing by congress and the senate will be done electronically until this abates significantly.


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"infection rates are under reported almost everywhere"


22 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

From what I've read it's not impossible it could be Plague of the Years.

I'd guess this means pretty much all governing by congress and the senate will be done electronically until this abates significantly.


This count just doubled.


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24 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

From what I've read it's not impossible it could be Plague of the Years.

I'd guess this means pretty much all governing by congress and the senate will be done electronically until this abates significantly.


This count just doubled.


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Jmo, I think Governor Cuomo had a wise idea here thee days ago.  I stumbled cross it today.  Then I had to search for it tonight. Not listed in the  coronavirus link on msn among 50 or so others.  Buried/ignored by the msm?  Why?  it's much more relevant than several of the articles there.


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I am working from home now. 

Still finishing up the film.

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I went out about 9:30, looked like a ghost town, almost nothing was open.



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Driving home yesterday, the 18th, I had the NPR radio show "Here And Now" on. They interviewed a woman who is an expert at combatting the spread of infectious disease. Name escapes me, and my Internet searches haven't turned it up. Did anyone hear this segment? Because it is not listed as having been broadcast. It's not present on the podcast dated the 18th. Here and Now is a live broadcast. Perhaps the segment I heard is being compiled and will be released as part of the podcast dated today, the 19th. This person was contemporaneously outspoken in her criticism of the Trump-era dismantling of Obama's international bio-crisis response coordination team. And on this radio show, she said some horrifying things, among them: 1) She gets really honked off when she hears people comparing this outbreak to the "Spanish Flu" outbreak circa 1917. She says COVID-19 is twenty times more lethal; 2) She doesn't expect it to peak in the northern hemisphere until late June or early July. When I guess we'll be knee-high in dead. The virus is manifesting in the southern hemisphere already, she said, and will be rampant there while we in the north see it dying down, with the result that, come next December, it will be aggressive again in the north. Probably we've all heard that a vaccine, which seven billion need to take, likely won't be ready for another twelve months.

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12 hours ago, George Govus said:

Driving home yesterday, the 18th, I had the NPR radio show "Here And Now" on. They interviewed a woman who is an expert at combatting the spread of infectious disease. Name escapes me, and my Internet searches haven't turned it up. Did anyone hear this segment? Because it is not listed as having been broadcast. It's not present on the podcast dated the 18th. Here and Now is a live broadcast. Perhaps the segment I heard is being compiled and will be released as part of the podcast dated today, the 19th. This person was contemporaneously outspoken in her criticism of the Trump-era dismantling of Obama's international bio-crisis response coordination team. And on this radio show, she said some horrifying things, among them: 1) She gets really honked off when she hears people comparing this outbreak to the "Spanish Flu" outbreak circa 1917. She says COVID-19 is twenty times more lethal; 2) She doesn't expect it to peak in the northern hemisphere until late June or early July. When I guess we'll be knee-high in dead. The virus is manifesting in the southern hemisphere already, she said, and will be rampant there while we in the north see it dying down, with the result that, come next December, it will be aggressive again in the north. Probably we've all heard that a vaccine, which seven billion need to take, likely won't be ready for another twelve months.

It usually takes a day or two for NPR's show listings and podcasts to catch up on the internet site.

Edited by David Andrews
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