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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Over and over, ... and over again... Vietnam was not escalated to prevent the spread of communism but to foster the rise of the USA & SE Asia as the center for Heroin production in the world.. 40 years later we did the same exact thing with Afghanistan... and the Taliban leaders ... all to maintain control over the world drug supply... President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war. FDR blinded the commanders at Pearl Harbor and set them up by - denying intelligence to Hawaii (HI) on Nov 27, misleading the commanders into thinking negotiations with Japan were continuing to prevent them from realizing the war was on having false information sent to HI about the location of the Japanese carrier fleet. And most recently, try this experiment related to motion and physics: Take an aluminum airplane sitting on the ground, and drop a 100 story steel-framed and reinforced building on it at 500mph... We going find a squished plane.... or will the plane be mostly intact but now on the inside of this building? What does happen when a softer object hits a harder one?
  2. There were a number of authors who Dulles saw as instrumental in our understanding of our world role... During the 50's and 60's the WORLD seemed to be running spy operations in every hot bed city... The CIA tried and became good at killing foreign leaders and/or influencing policy... But for a few fateful months in 1963 this world wide organization of "policy makers" STOPPED what they were doing to watch an amazingly connected man shoot and kill JFK all by his little self... or that's the story we've been SOLD... For those of the LNer ilk here... no item of evidence designed to establish Oswald's guilt has ever been offered which can authenticated as REAL EVIDENCE... the challenge remains in place to this day... LNers.. offer up AND AUTHENTICATE any item of evidence in the entire case... good luck Real evidence may be authenticated in three ways--by identification of a unique object, by identification of an object that has been made unique, and by establishing a chain of custody. You only have to be able to use one of these ways, though it is prudent to prepare to use an alternate method in case the court is not satisfied with the one you have chosen. The easiest and usually the least troublesome way to authenticate real evidence is by the testimony of a witness who can identify a unique object in court. For example, the curator of a museum may be able to testify that he is familiar with, say, Picasso's "Dames de Avignon" and that what has been marked as exhibit so-and-so is in fact that unfortunate painting. It is important to remember, however, that many more mundane objects may be amenable to this kind of identification. A unique contract, or one that has been signed, may be authenticated by a person who is familiar with the document or its signatures. A ring may have an inscription by which it can be identified. Even a manufactured object, like a wallet, may be identifiable by its owner after years of use have given it a unique personality. The second method--identification in court of an object that has been made unique, is extremely useful since it sometimes allows a lawyer or client to avoid the pitfalls of proving a chain of custody by exercising some forethought. If a witness who can establish an object's relevance to the case marks it with his signature, initials, or another mark that will allow him to testify that he can tell it from all other objects of its kind, that witness will be allowed to identify the object in court and thus to authenticate it. Often, if a member of the lawyer's staff or another person early in the chain of custody marks the evidence, big problems can be avoided if a later link in the chain turns out to be missing. The third and least desirable way to authenticate real evidence is by establishing a chain of custody. Establishing a chain of custody requires that the whereabouts of the evidence at all times since the evidence was involved in the events at issue be established by competent testimony. ====== Yes... the entirety of US history and politics is about SELLING THE LIE AS TRUTH TO THE BEWILDERED HERDS All of these books/papers are available in PDF... For a true picture of the history of control exercised on the world's population by those with the means.. I can't recommend these enough. How We Advertised America, Propaganda, Modern Corp (highly recommended to understand the consolidation of wealth over the last 80 years) and the paper which becomes the impetus for Military PsyOps... Paddock's Psych and Unconventional....
  3. Some thoughts on that.... Known members of the 488th include: Jack Crichton, Lumpkin, Revill, Gannaway, Westbrook, Brandstetter, Jack Earnest Likely members of the 488th include: Boise B Smith, Gerald Hill (transferred to WESTBROOK as Oswald was hired in October), Don Stringfellow Likely assets of the 488th include: George de Mohrenschildt (interesting note on Lumpkin: he was Frank Brandstetter's commanding officer during the war) The FBI trained members of police forces across the US.. as well as kept close tabs on their assets within these departments... There also appears to be some serious connections to the WACKENHUT CORP of Florida
  4. TATUM: Next. this man with a gun in his hand ran toward the back of the squad car, but instead of running away he stepped into the street and shot the police officer who was lying in the street Bowley says that he turns Tippit over as he was face down Clayton says he was covered with a ROYAL BLUE COAT which he removed How does one shoot a man thru the temple, front to back, if he's face down? And why does no one else corroborate these movements? It had to happen right in front of Markham, Holan, the Wrights, the Davis', Benavidas, Scoggins... etc... Mr. BELIN - How many shots did you hear all told? Mr. BENAVIDES - I heard three shots. Mr. BELIN. How many shots did you hear? Mr. SCOGGINS. Three or four, in the neighborhood. They was fast. Mr. BELIN. They were fast shots? Mr. SCOGGINS. Yes; they were fast. ELBERT AUSTIN, 8317 Fourth Avenue, Dallas, advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was working on a construction job at the intersection of Tenth and Denver Street, Dallas, Texas. He advised he was a brick mason's helper and was assisting in the construction of an apartment house. Me stated sometime after 1:00 PM he was on a scaffold in front of the aforementioned apartment house when he heard approximately two or three shots JIMMY EARL BURT, General Delivery stated that on November 22, 1963 he was living at 505 E. 10th Street, Dallas, Texas which is the residence of his father—in—law, DAVID SHAEFER. He and a friend WILLIAM SMITH were sitting in his brother, BILLY BURT's house located at the corner of 9th and Denver Streets, Dallas. It was some time after lunch when they heard two gunshots. He and SMITH immediately ran from the house toward his car, a 1952 two—tone blue Ford which was parked facing south on Denver Street. As they ran from the house they heard four more shots making a total of six. Mr. BALL. What did you hear at that time? Mr. CALLAWAY. I heard what sounded to me like five pistol shots. Mr. BALL. Five pistol shots? Mr. CALLAWAY. Five shots, yes, sir. FRANK CIMINO, 403 East Tenth Street, Apartment 7, Dallas, Texas, advised that on November 22, 1963, he was residing in an apartment at 405 East Tenth Street. He Stated that at around 1 p.m. he was at his apartment listening to the radio. He heard four loud noises which sounded like shots and then he heard a women scream. The officer was lying on his side with his head in front of the left front head light of his car. His gun was out of the holster and lying by his side Mr. DULLES. Plural? How many did you hear? Mrs. DAVIS. Just two, they were pretty close together. (both sisters say the same thing) Mr. BALL. How many? Mr. GUINYARD. I heard three. FRANCIS KINNETH, 1425 Caidwell, Dallas, Texas, advised he was employed on a construction job at the intersection of Denver and Tenth Street, Dallas, on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. He advised at approximately 1:00 PM he had heard approximately two or three shots L. J. LEWIS, 7616 Hums, Pleasant Grove, Texas, advised he is presently self-employed as a wholesale car dealer. LEWIS advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was on the used car lot of Johnny Reynolds Used Cars together with HAROLD RUSSELL and PAT PATTERSON, during which time they heard approximately three or four gun shots coming from the vicinity of Tenth and Patton Avenue, Dallas, Texas Mr. LIEBELER. How many shots did you hear? Mr.REYNOLDS. I really have no idea, to be honest with you. I would say four or five or six. I just would have no idea. Mr. JACK RAY TATUM : I heard three shots in rapid (illegible)I went right through the intersection, stopped my car and turned to look back. I then saw the officer lying on the street and saw this young white man standing near the front of the squad car. Next. this man with a gun in his hand ran toward the back of the squad car, but instead of running away he stepped into the street and shot the police officer who was lying in the street. When the shooting began C. Frank Wright was sitting in his living room at 501 E. 10th, close to Jimmy Burt's father-in-law (505 E. 10th), watching television with his wife. As soon as he heard shots Wright jumped up and went outside while his wife called the police. Mary Wright said, "I ran to the telephone .... .! didn't look in the book or anything. I ran to the telephone, picked it up and dialed '0.' I said, 'Call the police, a man's been shot!"' Wright looked west from his porch and saw a police car near 10h & Patton. He watched as the assailant stood over the slain police officer before leaving.
  5. Another few strange details with Bowley... He worked for Ruby for 5-7 years in the 50's. Ruby may have even bailed him out of Biz trouble Bowley claims he had to turn Tippit over and that there was little if any blood... (despite his being shot twice in the chest and once in the right temple) If Bowley turned him over, Tatum's story of the shooter coming around the BACK of the patrol car to shoot him in the head seems to be in conflict... how do you shoot someone from front to back in the temple, exiting at the rear back of the head, do so with him face down? Finally, the strange journey of Bowley, with his 12 year old daughter in the car.... He picks her up at R L Thornton Elementary and is going to meet his wife working at the phone company at Zangs and 9th... In his 1977 statement, he says he goes north on Marsalis and turns left onto 10th... and that's when he "happens" into the shooting aftermath... except 10th didn't go thru to Beckley or Zangs, 9th does. Why in the world would he turn on 10th at 1:08pm when one more block and then a left takes him to his wife's door... this is a map showing the route from the elementary school to 9th and Zangs... w/o the freeways... Just makes little sense to me... any help/thoughts is appreciated https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Robert+L.+Thornton+Elementary+School,+6011+Old+Ox+Rd,+Dallas,+TX+75241/North+Zang+Boulevard+%26+West+9th+Street,+Dallas,+TX/@32.7106672,-96.8293479,14.25z/data=!4m16!4m15!1m5!1m1!1s0x864e9703e0d2f927:0xdf82cc0fa719c718!2m2!1d-96.7973521!2d32.6746196!1m5!1m1!1s0x864e998ffc56e3ff:0xba7c56337459f186!2m2!1d-96.8245075!2d32.746359!2m1!1b1!3e0
  6. The 6'4" Michael Paine would be an interesting stretch as a double for little Harvey... Here are some other options though: (not sure on the Wayne name)
  7. Alot of what you seek is in H&L already.... yet there were 2 or 3 others who fit the Ozzie-lookalike bill who it could have been.. For those not like us who look at his face daily, these other men resembled him enough to fool a casual observer. With Harvey at work, and Lee having been seen with Ruby on and off all summer, my bet would be on Lee. Alan Felde and ce1962 is the first example of overt evidence of the 2 men in the same places at different times.
  8. MC... JCS is in Dallas. Alba’s garage was where Harvey read hunting and rifle mags... coffee processing?
  9. Yes, fiction... He was at Odio and in Dallas all that week. They reverse engineered the journey with a few scant pieces of evidence provided to the FBI by their asset at the dept of immigration in the Gobernacion. Harvey Cash in Nuevo Laredo was instrumental. The Aussie girls and MacFarlane were on Del Norte all the way to MX... While interesting, I don't think there's much of a connection... There was only 1 bus leaving Houston that worked in the timeline getting him to MX ... So Ozzie must have been on it... To arrive at 10:30am and be at the Cuban Embassy by 10:37
  10. Continental matches up with Flecha Rojas buses in MX, which was initially why the FBI went with Flecha Rojas for his bus ride thru Monterrey into MX City... The FBI also concluded it was the Anahuac line he rode... Despite there being no evidence he was on any of them... There were a number of people who could have been Oswald at Dobbs... But that's another story... Greyhound matches with Del Norte...
  11. just like in 1963, it was a tiny "mini divider-curb"... not like a regular curb.... A small ramp on either side relieves the SS of explaining the 110 degree turn onto Elm... Yet Elm does make things a lot easier... Freeway entrance is just off image to the left
  12. "Aint gonna learn what you don't wanna know"..... We have been waging war thru deception for 5000 years - but that all ended well before Nov 1963... LITAMIL-9 was a well kept secret for a very long time... one of his main roles was identifying people from photos for the CIA.... The Monthly Summary reports for LIENVOY for Sept and Oct 1963 are also in that new batch and fail to mention Oswald in Mexico anytime in Sept 1963.... Both show that contemporaneously, the documents and informants DO NOT corroborate that Oswald was at the Cuban Embassy.. Something these boys should learn before denying conspiracy planning and execution: Sun Tzu: Art of War.... "All Warfare is based on Deception" Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first (CIA, ONI, MID) put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy. Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. Whether the object be to crush an army, to storm a city, or to assassinate an individual, it is always necessary to begin by finding out the names of the attendants, the aides-de-camp, and door-keepers and sentries of the general in command. Our spies must be commissioned to ascertain these.
  13. From what I have been able to understand of the analysis Chris started me down the path upon... the reason the turn was removed Mr. TRULY. That is right.And the President's car following close behind came along at an average speed of 10 or 15 miles an hour. It wasn't that much, because they were getting ready to turn. And the driver of the Presidential car swung out too far to the right, and he came almost within an inch of running into this little abutment here, between Elm and the Parkway. And he slowed down perceptibly and pulled back to the left to get over into the middle lane of the parkway. Not being familiar with the street, he came too far out this way when he made his turn. Mr. BELIN. He came too far to the north before he made his curve, and as he curved--as he made his left turn from Houston onto the street leading to the expressway, he almost hit this north curb? Mr. TRULY. That is right. Just before he got to it, he had to almost stop, to pull over to the left.If he had maintained his speed, he would probably have hit this little section here. Station C becomes the dividing point... In the recreation of the film they have the limo go thru POSITION A which is in line with 2+75 but to the north. (Shaneyfelt's testimony is a must, slow-read... his explanations help to understand how and what the FBI did to hide the extra shots and to move the actual frame locations to match the abomination that is CE884) Search for the MATH RULES or other recent threads by Chris Davidson or myself related to how the calculations hide the facts. Here are some of the images from previous thread dealing with that turn, Position A's recreation, where the limo was at z133 as compared to Pos A, the disappearance of Shot #2 in CE585, the ID of Shot #2 at Z313 based on the original Robert West Surveys, and finally - the impossibility of traveling 9/10th of a foot in 3 frames while traveling at a constant 11mph... 11mph = 58080 feet per hour / 60 mins / 60 seconds / 18.3 frames per second = 88/100th of a foot per FRAME x 3 frames for a total distance of 2.65 feet... Yet another reason why CE884's 168-171 was changed to 161-166... 2 frames were added to increase the speed yet the shift in the limo's path allowed Shaneyfelt to make 171 and 166 line up the small box is from the original CE884... the replaced version has the same station locations, just 161 and 166 in place of 168 and 171. These subtle changes allowed a plethora of incriminating evidence to be hidden in plain sight.
  14. Yes Rick... it does... you have to reload the entire thing again... The fact he took test footage of the Hester's on Side B in Dealey negates any argument that the ELM TURN was missed due to changing the film... It appears he did not stop filming as the 2 back to back frames 132/133 prove there was no start/stop as there was after the Hester's test footage where we see the light bleed into the first few frames Not so at 133, which should have been the new frame #1. (Note: Chris Davidson helps to prove that the extent Z132 was actually z162 but was changed to sync up with Towner)
  15. I hope I was not giving that impression... that he would be allowed to sit in with JFK's protective unit does seem a bit weird tho. they need to be ready to react and protect the POTUS... IDK, just wanted to be sure about who was in the car... like the lead car's Lumpkin and Whitmeyer... (oh boy is that a story,,, check out Steve Thomas' "Revolt of the Colonels")
  16. The image from behind the QM shows Powers, behind the driver, as a bald man... I think the listing from the report is correct...
  17. Somehow I am guessing it all flows back to a Floyd Boring.... one of the earliest Vince articles I read.... As for those two rising the hump... they weren't SS agents but JFK advisers... they got the short end of the stick... Mr. SPECTER. Where were you seated in the car? Mr. O'DONNELL. I was seated in the front jump seat--the jump seat. Mr. SPECTER. On the left-hand side or the right-hand side? Mr. O'DONNELL. Left-hand side. Mr. SPECTER. And who sat on your immediate right? Mr. O'DONNELL. Mr. Powers.
  18. I'd imagine like many of the CIA's informant assets, we're not going to find much at this point... but I'll keep looking... Does his saying he is not in the Altgens photo yet standing next to Loveladay make him PrayerMan? I had assumed that tie man was Shelley since he was wearing a suit and tie and said he was standing next to Lovelady... PM could not possibly be Shelley since he walks off... I don't have that image handy... where does Shelley appear first as they go toward the RR yard? By way of example.. Clay Shaw was thought to be a CIA asset at a much higher level of involvement than Shelley... This comes from a Survey of CIA records from HSCA... I just found it interesting that the only other name named than DAP and MLK, is Clay Shaw whose ITM these people (including Shelley IMHO) are standing by...
  19. Speaking of the men in the cars.... Why isn't JFK's Aide, McHugh, where he's supposed to be? Here is an image of where McHugh usually sits superimposed over Altgens... the rear view mirrors even align.. Good thing for McHugh he wasn't in the way... huh?
  20. Unless I'm mistaken, that's not a SS Agent but David Powers and/or Ken O'Donnell... you can't see the man behind the driver - O'Donnell - too well in either image
  21. My understanding of that area relates to what Marilyn Sitzman said... yet there should be lots of glass as well, along with the expectation to see these 2 people in frames prior to the shooting... the images Robin posted shows how high the bench is related to the wall... we SHOULD be seeing these 2 people in Willis and Betzner no?
  22. Fair enough... most claimed the initial sound was street level with subsequent shots seemingly from an elevated position... The point being "startled" as a reaction is very difficult to see in a single frame as well as the fact so few people if any were in the frame when the shots came... Do we know of a TV or audio tape of a JFK motorcade passing? with cycles revving and all the rest... What did it really sound like at street level... ??
  23. In reality, JFK was not shot.... in a bizarre case of miniaturized spontaneous pinpoint combustion in combination with a mass hypnotic suggestion.... With no sound and only the reactions of the crowd and the jiggling of the camera - one of the finest photographic interpretation canters in the world placed shots in a variety of possible locations... adding to well more than 3 possible shots, but more like 5-7 as Dino said... It is obvious from the Altgens I posted with everyone looking in different directions with different sets of reactions - which in turn has little bearing on the timing of shots, the time delay of sound vs sight, the layout of DP... and on and on... that you can still envoke the Silly Bullet Theory as the backbone of your arguments only shows how stuck in 1964 you remain Dave...
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