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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. If I didn’t know better... which I do... that was Lee... the larger man of the two if you lean that way... This Oswald leaves New Jersey in mid October on a plane?.. while another Oswald is on another journey entirely.... reminds me of Mexico .... according to the evidence offered at least ... or am I jumping to a conclusion ?
  2. Quite a few NSA files in the recent release... but most have no description... Those boys n girls were all over everything... weren’t they?
  3. The other salient point I believe is that once again the item ordered a ".38 St. W. 2" Bbl 29.95" is not the same as the item shipped a "S & W .38 Special 2" Commando 39.95" is listed 4 lines up on the Seaport coupon and is what's printed on the Seaport Traders receipt (Michaelis 2) page 5 of my essay
  4. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/124-10325-10316.pdf This is a FBI MEMO about the CIA relations with Cuba... June 10, 1963 was the American University Speech yet the CIA continues to poke at Cuba with these operations all thru the summer of 1963.... These three were trying to get into Cuba with arms, secret writing materials and "instructions from the CIA...." These would have been given the ok by W. Harvey?
  5. Just a quickie about a document type I had not yet seen but proves that the ID on Oswald could have been easily created by the CIA... https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10106-10544.pdf CIA wants these materials returned after use, or if unused.... The docs include: Birth Certificate, Driver's License, NRA card.... etc (FYI - GAUDET was given the Tourist Visa # just prior to Oswald yet no one remembers Oswald that day including GAUDET... This effective CIA asset could easily have taken care of receiving this other Visa with the applications filled out after the fact... ) https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10106-10545.pdf is the receipt (from William Harvey) for these items
  6. The Evidence IS the Conspiracy.... for if the evidence was representative of the crime, an honest government could show a fairly coordinated plan was in place. Arrested>Transported>searched>interviewed>searched again and NOW we find 5 shells which give me the impression they were stored in a police belt... but I'm only guessing
  7. http://www.whokilledjfk.net/tippit.htm About halfway down the page - conclusion... $4 was struck by a different pin that 1,2, or 3... https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/JosephsPistol.pdf I discuss and show how the pistol and hulls in evidence were not the ones brought in my Bentley or Hill...
  8. Obviously.... not. LOL... thanks Tom... this is actually better explored in Steve Thomas' "Colonels" thread...
  9. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10172-10308.pdf "SMABLE" ?? REFERRING TO GOLUB AS SOVIET INTEL OFFICER ACTING AS LIAISON MAN WITH FINNISH SECURITY POLICE
  10. Nice Job Rick... Here's your shot and one taken a while back. From what I've seen and read, the getaway from the south knoll was much easier... AND there was a sewer opening on that side like the one on the north knoll... but that's been cemented up... wonder why?
  11. Remember that Tague is near the east mouth of Commerce under the overpass... In this composite you can see him just to the right of the white car and left of the column separating Main from commerce... Wouldn't that create a tunnel effect for the sound? Bass waves would bounce around in that tunnel and sound louder than it really was.... A shot from either north or south knoll areas (esp south) "should" be exaggerated when surrounded bu walls and a ceiling... Just a thought.
  12. Oh... not at all Paz... just a conversation worth having with those who are interested.... learning something new every day... offering search and links skills when possible "et tu" in french (which I studied) and "e tu" in Italian according to google translate... That's why I was so surprised... no worries
  13. Paul, do you think it possible that Angleton may have been Sasha? Not being familiar with that expression I looked it up... Tu quoque "argument" follows the pattern: Person A makes claim X. Person B asserts that A's actions or past claims are inconsistent with the truth of claim X. Therefore X is false. which of my "actions or past claims" are inconsistent with asking whether Angleton as SASHA is possible? I am not making the claim he was SASHA, I am only asking... maybe something lost in translation Paz... no doubt. Just as Philby was made aware of the CIA closing in on the Cambridge Five and himself, as JJA was aware of a hunt for SASHA, if he was SASHA what a better place to be than leading the search? After reading a little... Aleksander Kopatzky sees the name which comes up for SASHA so I am probably just plain wrong here...
  14. Paul, do you think it possible that Angleton may have been Sasha? Another forum friend from a number of years back told me of the time he was involved in the 1984 Secret Congressional hearing about the massive infiltration of the KGB into the US government and intelligence services... so embarrassing and detrimental that the info was never released. but I'd have to take him at his word.... Have you seen this?
  15. Need to do some reading up on the man.... From "Brandy's" book... https://books.google.com/books?id=QLdqgDsVio4C&pg=PA214&lpg=PA214&dq=Philippe+Thyraud+De+Vosjoli+pdf&source=bl&ots=_PEq34s969&sig=5CWkj7HLrALWRvgtqiVq4XWaG3w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjL2sb-scTbAhVKr1QKHVrOBLwQ6AEIcjAO#v=onepage&q=Philippe Thyraud De Vosjoli pdf&f=false
  16. Couple of his books... I do truly hope we understand that in grand scheme the "defectors" from Russia were overseen by moles already in place... that the entire focus of the USSR within intelligence was spreading disinformation sprinkled with enough truth to be accepted... The current Russian group is working with over 100 years of trial and error with disinformation campaigns... (IOW you continue to jab jab jab until the opening appears for a knockout punch... IMHO, the 2016 election was that most recent punch...) http://www.doomedsoldiers.com/pdfs/new_lies_for_old_golitsyn.pdf https://ia800305.us.archive.org/27/items/AnatoliyGolitsyn/Golitsyn-ThePerestroikaDeception-TheWorldsSlideTowardsTheSecondOctoberRevolution1995.pdf edit - added: https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB493/docs/intell_ebb_025.PDF James J. Angleton, Anatoliy Golitsyn, and the "Monster Plot": Their Impact on CIA Personnel and Operations
  17. For one thing, LHO had no connection to the M/C after he left NOLA. He went to Mexico City, and Ruth and Marina drove their belongings back to Irving. Just a couple corrections Pam.... there is no connection whatsoever between the MC and LHO which can be authenticated.... The evidence shows that C2766 never left HARBORSIDE... never was shipped, and never was in Oswald's possession... DVP can wish and quote WCR all he likes... the evidence he throws against the wall, never sticks. =============== As for Mexico... y'all know my position there... fits with the rest of the narrative... The Patsy seems to have a mountain of evidence against him... in fact, EVERY SINGLE ITEM of evidence is designed to do one thing, frame Oswald.... Not sure what it is exactly, but DVP simply cannot fathom the depth of evil in the hearts of powerful men and women... Nor does he seem to want to believe Hoover in a moment of clarity... What part of "False story" eludes... I wonder?
  18. As opposed to the malignant driver... "I didn't look"
  19. But gong down ELM the entire route, instead of MAIN... no good either huh? Seems the planning was purposefully done to put him into the most harm.. the one spot that was least covered was the most dangerous... but then again we are to remember that the SS has no threats with which to be concerned in Dallas... David, that you can't see it done makes it a non-starter? Again, the point remains... JFK was brought to his murder, the assassins did not come to him... that you'd see this little turn as benign as DVP does is humorous... In the final analysis here David, Vince's work on the subject is more than thorough enough to understand how the SS influenced the assassination, including the changing of the motorcade order and route at the last moments... and the removal of SS agent shields from the rear bumpers
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