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Norman T. Field

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Everything posted by Norman T. Field

  1. Since Franzese refused to testify against any made men, I really doubt he is going to reveal anything truthful. He also claims to know, but won't reveal, Hoffa's final resting place.
  2. IMHO, the man is full of disinformation that is making him a lot of money. There is zero evidence that he has any first hand knowledge of the JFK hit.
  3. I believe that Harry Truman was first on this issue.
  4. " I find his disposition to be on the pleasant side." So was Charles Ponzi.
  5. No less than John Connelly did not believe in the 'magic' bullet and stated that he carried enough lead in his body for the rest of his life to personally disprove the single bullet theory. Even President Ford acknowledged to Valery Giscard d'Estaing that the magic bullet was a made up bit of theater. IMHO, anyone who continues to fervently espouse this nonsense is unworthy of membership in this forum. I fear the latest DVP experiment will end the same as previous encounters with him banned again for the same reasons. As Einstein stated, "doing the same thing over and over and expecting the results to be different is the definition of insanity".
  6. Jacob Rubenstein had been a member of the Chicago West side crew of Jewish gangsters who is said to have killed a cop before he departed Chicago for a warmer climate.
  7. I fully expect that Mr. Caro's final LBJ book will be published after he passes to ensure he has access to the LBJ library for the remainder of his life.
  8. I have read that multiple European killers used the name Souetre as an alias. Thus, the man evicted from the U.S. could be anyone of several gunmen.
  9. IIRC, Tosh has passed from this world.
  10. Among others, the book Crypt 51 offers this theory. During the 'Family Secrets' trial in '98, it was alleged that Frank Schweihs was one of the hit men. He supposedly told his girl friend who then shared the story with others, until Frank was ordered to kill her, which he did.
  11. "however, in such a scarily portrayed dangerous nut case way you wonder if he actually was as extreme fanatic crazy as he is depicted." The technical term is 'bat's ass nutz'. Yes, he was all that and more.
  12. Apparently there were multiple copies floating about. I've read multiple accounts where one guy said Marcello showed it to him, another who said that Lansky showed it to him, yet another said Frank Costello showed him the pics.
  13. Let us remember that LHO had a negative test for GSR after being arrested. Therefore; he did not fire a bolt action rifle once, let alone three times.
  14. The outfit did use a patsy for the assassination of Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.
  15. " it was Carter who tried to use the military to rescue the hostages " a mission that may have been sabotaged from within.
  16. Ah Spirit, the only bad I ever saw where the drummer is the lead guitarist's father. I'm still waiting for the WaPo to explain why they hired that Woodward guy who had no journalism education or experience away from the Pentagon.
  17. No access w/o a WaPo subscription. Can you post the entire survey? Thanks. FWIW, Yes to all but the last question, of which I don't have a definitive opinion.
  18. Tippit's widow being brow beaten into accepting cremation instead of burial (most uncommon in a fundamental Baptist home) screams 'red flag'. Supposedly of similar size, build and coloration with JFK, Tippit's corpse could have been used to fake 'autopsy' photos. There are also statements by Roscoe White claiming that he had to kill Tippit. I tire of 'theories' from folks who haven't done their basic homework and due diligence prior to publishing their speculation. I also find the current forum software ranking me as a "rookie' rather incompatible with my almost 20 years of forum membership and more than 40 years of investigation into the assassinations of the '60s. Who created this flawed algorithm?
  19. Mr. McBride's book on Tippit is well worth the purchase price. There are those who allege that Tippit (said to be the best shot on the Dallas police department) is the 'Badgeman' shooter, so his elimination is standard CYA practice. And allegations that his corpse was used to fake some photos.
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