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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. What broke the glass on the vestibule door to the security office that Lennon entered seeking help?
  2. I have the Morley, but haven't opened it yet. Nixon strikes me as a guilty trickster without an institution behind him (as fit his self-designed loner image), while Helms possessed the institution. Who wins this Batman-vs.-Superman fight?
  3. I've wondered if Nixon's own paranoia of dirty tricks, including fear of his own assassination, brought on his examination of what CIA had been up to, and the adversarial climate created brought on Watergate.
  4. "The other thing I should add is I was always of the school of thought that there probably was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy," Knott told Fox Digital. "I'm no longer in that camp. I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and that the evidence against Oswald is pretty damning. So I'm not of the school of thought that buys into some conspiracy." Everybody made sure that got into the last para. Would have made it the lede, if they could.
  5. Mainstream newspapers, challenged by the internet, illiteracy and apathy, could make a good buck turning coat and telling some historical truth. Is something overpowering holding them back?
  6. Anniversary article in The Guardian today: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/18/jfk-assassination-dallas-legacy-political-conspiracy-extremism "Dubbed ‘city of hate’ after the 1963 killing, the Texas metropolis has largely moved on but the forces that brought death to Dealey Plaza are arguably more prevalent than ever "
  7. Also to help efface assassination landmarks from the plaza. Or to get rid of a building that had become a white elephant for tenant rentals? (You know - like the WTC.)
  8. What do we make of the bag addressed to the wrong Oswald location, held at the post office and discovered after his death? Did someone really need to connect him with a rifle bag? Could he have ordered it at a gun shop? Some discussion of bags, rods, and the Frazier-Randle family in this video. Brings up issues if not solving them to everyone's satisfaction: Oswald: What I'm really lookin' for is something to carry this thing in, but I can't afford a case. Gunsmith: Well, I'm all outta paper sacks. Like me to mail you one? Oswald: Sure. Here's two bits and a fake address.
  9. I suspect that Hunt deadpanning "The alien presence" meant, at best, "I can't tell you." At worst, it meant...something that may be used as a barometer for the temper of his deathbed confession. Both messages are for an audience larger than the recipients.
  10. Larry, not contradicting, but did the agents who ID'd Oswald ID him correctly? From photos and direct observation, or from rumor and disinfo (false hotel/transportation records and Oz-name dropping by the "subject")? In the absence of photos, can we ever know? It would seem that those photos would be used to bolster the WCR, did they exist.
  11. What if all Trump was shown was the equivalent of docs we've all seen, and he was bamboozled through lack of experience? Say, docs that suggest Oswald was CIA-affiliated, which John Newman discovered years ago? Say, docs that might undermine support for the Vietnam war? "Oh, God - can't have this." But nobody mentions to Trump that there's long scholarship on equivalent docs already released.
  12. I'd add that a diffuse secondary cover-up would have had to be overlaid on the legend of Oswald as commie shooter.
  13. I've always wondered about LBJ as the designated Volunteer... Did he retain that title as POTUS? Did they know he'd forced his way onto the ticket?
  14. “I wouldn’t answer that question,” he replies. “I think the Ukraine war is an existential war for us. I think we are walking along the edge in a completely unnecessary war.” But as a Democrat, I press, wouldn’t Robert F. Kennedy Jr., of the vaunted Democratic Kennedy family, vote for the Democratic nominee?... Not a thought about asking, "Aren't they all unnecessary today?" Not strictly journalism, but it might have opened another dialogue. This at a time when the governments of three adjacent African nations have fallen in coups.
  15. Deep State proposal = Hillary lost in 2016. Deep State proof = Trump loses in 2024. I'm influenced here by John Judge's logic on whether Oswald's death and assassin would prove the fix was in. Important to remember that what appears to be Deep State can be as anti-monolithic as one set of influencers swaying a powerful supporting set, convincing them that interests should coalesce.
  16. Breaking in: I'm amazed these water coolers don't have an Idaho 4/Bryan Kohberger section. I got sucked into reviewing the MSM, forums, and YouTube coverage from the beginning...and the successes and errors are very familiar from assassinations studies. Which would give people here some advantages.
  17. Slightly OT: The more I look at FPCC, the more I wonder if it wasn't a CIA creation from the get-go, set up to attract and catalog US Fidelistas.
  18. I was answering Robert's proposition in terms of public image realpolitik, as I've seen it practiced in this country. This is my historical context. Tangential to the specifics of your concerns, I know, but not in any way a "using" of Alberelli's investigation. I was really speaking in the future conditional to Robert. Sorry to offend any proprietary prerogative here insisted upon.
  19. It would be blamed on "rogue CIA," and never cross that line. Certainly not into territory that would inculpate foreign countries. Then there would be a "sweeping" intelligence community reform, planned in advance like the Patriot Act. They'd lose the CIA "brand."
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