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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. Not off-topic, here's one of the IC's public education projects, DC's International Spy Museum, a lovely venue where former officers and agents can collect lecture fees, flog their memoirs, and influence opinion. I'm betting old spies can pull adoring, late-life hook-ups from among the groupies: And, as a public service, "a virtual teacher professional development workshop to examine the crucial role intelligence played leading up to, during, and following the events of" 9/11. Features "classroom activities and resources to assist them in teaching this important and complex event in our nation’s history." Visit this chewy little nougat online, or in person: https://www.spymuseum.org/
  2. The point is, the WR claims LHO disassembled a rifle in the Paines' garage so he could carry it unnoticed in a vehicle on 11/22. But when he had to carry the rifle on the street and on a bus to supposedly shoot Walker, he left it full-length and covered it in a raincoat. Then he buried it full-length. Must have been really dark, and he didn't have a dime to turn the screws.
  3. Well, I know that. He must've been in hurry if he didn't disassemble it like he did for the morning of 11/22... He didn't even disassemble to to carry it to Walker's house under the raincoat. That's unlike him.
  4. How come no Warren Report accusation that Oswald disassembled the rifle before concealing it after the Walker shooting? You know - so it could fit in a curtain rod bag...
  5. I mean, when was Trump ever specific about LGBTQ, drag shows, BLM, CRT? The border wall and "s---hole countries" were as close as he ever got to the race issue. (Remind me if I'm substantially wrong on any of these - I wasn't expecting a quiz, though I ought to have.) "As non-specific as a UTI," I said elsewhere - and it seems to be leading to an unplanned obsolescence in 2024. God help us if he ramps it up for the campaign, rising to the challenge of DeSantis.
  6. It's possible that Trump is now too liberal for the MAGA audience: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-rally-crowd-eerily-quiet-as-he-acts-out-ron-desantis-crying-and-begging-for-his-help/ar-AA194THa?cvid=437ddc552a534b9e9f73cb551152c4e9&ei=73 Trump Rally Crowd Eerily Quiet As He Acts Out Ron DeSantis Crying and Begging for His Help
  7. As Flaubert said, Art is not made from good intentions. The list of things in Blonde that didn't happen is rather long. I can show you historical fiction where "everything happened," even a novel speculating on what Oswald's trial would have been like. Nobody reads such distressingly literal stuff.
  8. Remember that MM led a considerably bi-coastal life, with contacts and associates in New York also. And no part of Blonde, novel or film, takes place in the WH.
  9. Respectfully, Mark, by the standards cited in your post, any past thread/post on the posthumous smearing of JFK needs to be removed to the DEEP POLITICS section. Persons wishing to see the salient part of the scene should search YouTube for the short called Blonde: Marilyn Monroe and JFK Scene (My Honest Reaction)#blonde #movies #netflix #marilynmonroe, which contains the salient bit. Where the scene is stopped is as far as the allegated rape depiction goes. The scene closely follows a scene in the novel. EDIT: I guess the underlined above works as a link. Clicking it is optional. If problems, delete my post.
  10. And things here were downright genteel in 2014...
  11. No, I got it. It's one of the reasons that I'm surprised the Clintons weren't dragged into the screed. I really don't think you're going to see DoD act against the CIA, or vice-versa. There's a costly status quo to maintain. Exciting individual right-wing service members is another story. Concur with Santilli? This is why I counseled against optimism over Tucker Carlson getting mileage out of the JFKA: it discredits us to have the right wing co-opt conspiracy research, and it's not in the interests of justice.
  12. On the eve of a possible Trump indictment, it sounds like an insurrectionist klaxon to me. All of Trump's JFKA pronouncements were as non-specific as a UTI, by the way. This Just In: Proud Boys disrupt a Drag Story Hour hosted by New York A-G Letitia James: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/proud-boys-left-bloodied-in-clash-outside-nyc-drag-story-hour/ar-AA18R0ab?cvid=02ce70fe8864437993e91550eff4d1a2&ei=43 Storm brewing?
  13. It's intended to fall in with Trump's occasional, anti-establishment mouthings about the JFKA, plus the not entirely disputable notion that Obama was a CIA-created executive. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/right-wing-host-calls-for-military-to-execute-obama-if-trump-is-indicted/ar-AA18RKKF?cvid=02ce70fe8864437993e91550eff4d1a2&ei=14 I'm surprised this guy's hoopla doesn't indict the Clintons as well. Maybe it does - I'm not listening any harder. Bring me some rabid left-wing broadcasters for a change.
  14. I'd say that in the pile-on scrum to seize Oswald, nobody could get in a clear point-blank shot without hitting another cop. Nor Westbrook, from the balcony. If Oswald really had his pistol out, there may have been concerns about getting hit.
  15. I did. I was four, and have little to no memory of what was said in the household. I was still trying to process the assassination, and the truisms uttered in response.
  16. Video of Evan Thomas discussing his 2012 book, Ike's Bluff. Revelations are thin, but... @07:00 Ike "hated" Allen Dulles for the U2 scuttling the Paris summit, was angered when people commented that Dulles should have been fired. "I'm the president and you're not." Fear factor? @47:28 In Ike's admin, Time-Life's C. D. Jackson was "way out there" and "crazy for" employing covert action against the Soviets.
  17. When Fain says that an "informant ... would furnish information," he uses would in the sense of volition or surrender to compulsion, but "generally" in referring to a category of person. The would is conditionalized in Oswald's case, as Fain says on the same page that this would (*) happen if Oswald "were ever contacted" by a Soviet, preterite form. A future performance is demanded, and past performance not stated.
  18. Re: Russiagate and election fraud: The unspoken-of mastodon in the room, and the one Trump dared to prod, was the Bush election fraud against Gore and Kerry in 2000 and 2004. One of Greg Palast's books demonstrates that this happened, and (in part) how it happened, Some of it involved voting machine irregularities. When Trump cried fraud, was it with knowledge that a GOP that didn't effectively support him might suffer from an exhuming of the Bush affairs? Was that a built-in suicide switch for him? The power of the Bush family and allied interests is such that, in all the bluster and hate of 2021, the Bush frauds were never cited as precedents. Apparently no one wanted to end up in a media industry dungeon, like Dan Rather or Ashleigh Banfield over the Air National Guard scandal. Are there any books on the fall of Trump that even mention 2000 and 2004? The minute Trump, Sidney Powell, and their House supporters blamed altered voting machine procedures, I waited for Bush's two old, cordovan leather shoes to drop. They never did. It would have thrown shade on acquiescent DEMs as well.
  19. One of the byblows of WW II was Churchill's vendetta against Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger's filmThe Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943), one of the great films about the Empire, sentimental division. Churchill hated the newspaper comic it was based on, calling it unpatriotic in wartime. The Scorsese-produced Blu-ray has a good documentary. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/features/colonel-blimp-the-masterpiece-churchill-hated-6270460.html https://mathewlyons.co.uk/2020/07/18/colonel-blimp-winston-churchill-powell-pressburger/
  20. Just a thought: you've got JFK and Oswald killed because their security left an opening for assassins; in the case of JFK, multiple openings. Dealey Plaza and its buildings could have been combed for shooters, and uniformed and plainclothes police stationed near trouble spots. But, a question: Had every SS on the Queen Mary and in the limo been at top alert, could they have saved JFK from a bad rifle hit? Even had Greer punched it and fled, under other circumstances would that have been enough? Prouty was right: it was a potential ambush trap that should have been searched and monitored. Nobody on the ground could have saved JFK from a rifle shot.
  21. If he stubbed his toe on the way, then he deserved that, too. Hope it hurt. That's probably why he made that Ooooowwww! face - because Leavell stepped on his bad toe in the fracas.
  22. There is quite a bit of past discussion on Stockdale in the Forum back threads, for those interested.
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