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Jonathan Cohen

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Everything posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. Sean, do you also believe that the man wearing the red/plaid shirt in the Martin film frame is NOT Billy Lovelady?
  2. Uh uh .. so he just happened to have in his possession the IDENTICAL shirt he was wearing on Nov. 22, 1963 and identified himself as wearing it on multiple occasions, but according to you, it was all a part of a big old years-long lie that he repeated to journalists and investigators until his death? Where do you come up with this complete nonsense? It's embarrassing.
  3. And you claim this in spite of the fact that Loveladly himself identified himself as the man in the red/plaid shirt during his HSCA testimony? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=99803#relPageId=2&tab=page
  4. So, let me get this straight. It is your claim that the man in the red/plaid shirt at bottom right above is NOT Billy Lovelady?
  5. Just to be clear: in the 1970s, Robert Groden photographed Lovelady wearing the same plaid shirt he wore to work on 11/22/1963.
  6. Why not - I'll play along. Besides your own personal interpretations of the Dealey Plaza films and photos, on what are you basing your definitive statement that the person in the photo who you claim isn't Lovelady has "a spinal condition" ?
  7. OK, so is everybody on this forum in agreement that it is completely absurd to believe the assassination was predicated on President Kennedy getting ready to tell the world that aliens were real?
  8. There's no "plaid pattern" drawn in. My goodness. A "spinal condition" ? What in the world are you talking about? Complete, utter nonsense.
  9. There's really no need for such nastiness. I simply asked you the question because you were the first person to reply to the original post on this thread and you didn't address the specific (and ridiculous) claim Douglas Caddy makes regarding aliens. Relax, man.
  10. Roger, do you believe Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to tell the free world that aliens existed?
  11. Of course, there is no "they" and nobody ever drew "a plaid pattern" on anybody in this photo, which went out over the AP wire very shortly after the assassination (as has been discussed here at length). Absolute and total nonsense.
  12. On what planet do any of these things have ANYTHING to do with one another? Why are you connecting the fact that William F. Buckley's family did business with Jack Crichton 70 years ago to the fact that a magazine founded by Buckley just as long ago is now, in 2023, supporting a specific presidential candidate? The leaps in logic are extraordinary and reveal absolutely nothing. You mean the unverified, un-authenticated "datebook" ?
  13. And your point is .... ? Just because he did "more work" than others doesn't mean his work has any validity to it whatsoever. Of course it is clear now that the three tramps do not include Charles Harrelson and Howard Hunt -- they're the three ordinary men whose DPD arrest records were found by the LaFontaines in the early 1990s.
  14. The idea that John Armstrong "has the best answers" about ANY subject related to the Kennedy assassination is thoroughly laughable ...
  15. Sadly, "Coup d'Etat in America" is worthless as serious scholarship of the case.
  16. Which, if true, would naturally destroy the years-long insistence of many, many members of this forum that Oswald was never physically present in Mexico City...
  17. The various oddities found on the tape are covered in great detail in Josiah Thompson’s “Last Second in Dallas.”
  18. You think just because there aren't surveillance photos of Oswald at the Cuban consulate that Oswald wasn't there? Guess that means you're intentionally ignoring the mountain of evidence proving he was.
  19. Your attempt at humor notwithstanding, there's not a shred of actual evidence that Ruth Paine was anything other than a Dallas housewife.
  20. More complete nonsense. Ruth did nothing to Oswald that Oswald hadn't already set in motion himself.
  21. Absolute nonsense. Ruth is on record as to why she copied the letter, and her reasons for doing so are perfectly legitimate without having to accuse of her of being a government spy.
  22. I greatly respect Dr. Newman and his work, but I am not buying these claims about James McCord.
  23. Oh really? Can you cite a source for your claim that averaging polls is "known in the field of statistics" for giving "more accurate results" ? Because averaging an average does not in any way give an "accurate" result. To arrive at such, you'd need the actual raw data (total number of respondents, for example).
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