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Lawrence Schnapf

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Everything posted by Lawrence Schnapf

  1. Bart- you have the Harry Livingston archives? It is important that these be digitalized. Indeed, there are too many silos of paper files held by various researchers. It is imperative that an electronic clearinghouse be created so all files are available to all researchers. It's the 21st century! CAPA will be having a panel on this top at the November in Dallas conference Nov. 22nd-23rd.
  2. so is there any evidence in any of the Garrison materials confirming the supposed message from RFK?
  3. what he does say in his book in the first sentence of Chapter V (Lee Harvey Oswald: Was he the Man") is as follows: The physical evidence and eyewitness accounts do not clearly indicate what took place on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository at the time John F. Kennedy was assassinated." He ends that paragraph by saying: "The testimony of the people who watched the motorcade was much more confusing than either the press or the Warren Commission seemed to indicate."
  4. very simple answer. the secret service agents and others will testify that they saw a hugh blowout in the rear of the head but then say they still believed that all shots were fired from the rear by oswald. why to refuse to acknowledge that their observations refute the theory they so strongly support?Its because of false patriotism. they simply cannot accept that a conspiracy could have occurred in the USA or that the government would have lied about it because as Bugliosi said in his boo, this would mean we are no different than the Europeans and resemble a third world country. it would put a lie to the notion of American Exceptionalism. they just cannot emotional accept this possibility.
  5. Debra Conway has decided to concentrate on book publishing so CAPA has agreed to host the November in Dallas Conference. The planning co-chairs are Chris Gallop, Brian Edwards, Bill Simpich and me. We will change things up a bit but still have great content.
  6. the fragments identifed as CE 840 were collected from the limo after it was returned to the WH (late friday nite/early sat morning) The two fragments referred to in the above memo refer to ADDITIONAL fragments discovered when the limo was sent to Detroit in December. two entirely different events.
  7. it would be really great to know what happened to his files. there are files/interview from other authors and researchers involving interviews with deceased witnesses that could be historically important. an effort needs to be made to assemble them. i suspect the Truth and Reconciliation Committee would be willing to serve as repository
  8. i hate to say this but I agree with David that the obligation to be courteous should be limited to this forum. people should be free to express their opinions on other internet platforms so long as those comments comply with the rules of that particular group. why should a conversation or even screaming match elsewhere be a concern to the administrator of this group so long as the conversion in EF remains civil?
  9. dont see the relevance. SS numbers are issued based on post office locations. two people filing same day from same PO would likely have consecutive or close #s. but if filed from different POs, might not be close....
  10. The bag is not reliable evidence. would not likely have been admissible in court for a variety of reasons. many witnesses have said their unsworn and unsigned statements produced by the DPD and FBI were changed. We have other numerous examples of how witness testimony and other parts of the historic record was "manufactured". I'm working on a piece that focus on this part of the "historic record". As a result of the Innocence Project, we have learned that manufacturing of evidence is unfortunately common in our criminal justice system.
  11. if he didnt go to the Paines house Thursday night, then the false narrative would have changed and they would have said he brought the rifle at a different date. The cover story is done looking backwards. what "facts" can be manufactured to support the situation as confronted.
  12. Bill Simpich and I were able to get a hung jury at the 2017 Mock Trial after only being allowed to put on two hours of Oswald defense....and based on the jury deliberation recording, the jury was headed in the direction of acquittal
  13. David Von Pein- what's your point? That one guilty man was acquiited because of an inept prosection?
  14. I will admit there are lots of wacky conspiracy theories that are advanced. You conflate lots of them into your 9 points. Consider this possibility. The conspiracy was organized by the mafia or exiles out of desperation. the planning was not based on logic but anger/betrayal. the goal was to ensure he was killed. It didnt matter if they were caught. The coverup was an independent response by the government to prevent the world from knowing these were people who we had trained and worked with try to assassinate Castro. Evidence could easily be planted against LHO and making him look like a cop killer incentivized the DPD to frame him. Fairly simple
  15. first- ""Rules of Evidence" that only apply inside a courtroom."? The rules of evidence are a bedrock to our system of justice. They are intended to prevent junk or fake evidence from being used to wrongfully convict innocent people. You cant dismiss them simply because they are inconvenient or make your case harder. The evidence in this case has serious chain of custody problems that would either cause the evidence to be excluded or the questionable providence going to the weight (credibility) of the evidence. There is NO evidence the gun was fired that day. we can do another post on the evidence if you want.
  16. he just agreed to sign the 10-point statement that was prepared at the JFK mini-conference this past weekend in SF.
  17. I interviewed Jim at the CAPA conference. he is very credible and ernest. He believes he saw a shipping casket but also explained in his book and in the interview how the skull wound became enlarged as they retracted the scalp
  18. have you concluded when the body was switched from the Parkland coffin to the shipping coffin. There doesnt seem to have been much of an opportunity to do this. Obviously, the easiest option would have been to alter photos rather than the body. Couldnt the increased in the size of the head wound from Parkland to Bethesda been from skull pieces breaking off during transit as well as the fractured skull pieces pulling back with the scalp when it was retracted?
  19. does anyone know what happened to his papers? The papers and files of authors like him and Jim Marrs who interviewed witnesses are now deceased will be invaluable to future historians and generations. we need to make sure they are preserved.
  20. JFK used fitted shirts, not a loose-fitting one like you have used. Moreover, his shirts had tails that he would have sat on. So it is highly unlikely the shirt moved any significant distance. Obviously, the suit coat could have moved more than the shirt but the evidence suggests that the suit coat did not move much either given the measured location of the entry wounds on both fabrics
  21. As many of you may know, John Orr (former DOJ prosecutor) and I engaged Knott Laboratories to create a 3D animation of the Zapruder film to test the single bullet theory. This project involved taking laser measurements of Dealey Plaza, scanning extant photos and applying the lastest software tools in computer reconstruction and photogrammetry. The model creats an exact reconstruction of Dealey Plaza as it existed at 12:30 on November 22, 1963 (we even took into account the various repavings over the years that raised the level of Elm Street). The model is precise to a couple of millimeters. Unlike prior animations such as Dale Myers', the project did not distort the measurements to support a particular outcome. The animation can be used to test any shooting trajectory. The interview is available at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-thread-of-evidence/id1336486844?mt=2. Please contact John Orr or me if you'd like a private viewing. For copyright issues, we cannot broadcast the model.
  22. What u are seeing is how the WC manufactured a record to support the desired outcome. At the CAPA conference, I took some of the medical witnesses through how they may have been pressured to change their testimony. The WC conducted unrecorded interviews of many witnesses not only to find out what they had to say but to learn what areas not to explore with them on the record and also to influence what they would say on the record. We lawyers have lots of tricks on how to do this. When a witness wandered off the desired path, the lawyers either went off the record to straighten them out or simply ignored inconvenient answers. It is important to get the remaining witnesses to explain how they were treated so future historians and generations can put the manufactured record into proper perspective....and we're running out of time.
  23. this site is important. $130 a month is a great value. we should have ability to donate.
  24. One always has to look at the credits for any of these programs to see who paid for them. Invariably, funding has been provided by Koch Brothers or other organization with an interest in supporting the official reports out of a false sense of patriotism....
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