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Lawrence Schnapf

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Everything posted by Lawrence Schnapf

  1. Based on testimony and the two books that chronicled the events (Manchester and Bishop), the coffin was never unattended on the flight back to DC. Lady Bird’s baggage was delivered after the coffin was placed on the plane. They waited some time for Judge Hughes to arrive. From the time the coffin was placed on the plane until the swearing in, either Jackie or Ken O’Donnell were always present with the coffin. When Jackie went forward to the State room for the swearing in, Godfrey McHugh (who was very loyal to JFK) stood next to the coffin. Powers and O’Donnell stayed in the walkway by the presidential bedroom and O’Brien was in the corridor as well b/c they couldn’t stand to watch the swearing in. I just don’t see any realistic opportunity to steal the body while it was on AF1. They would have seen or heard something while in the corridor. Plus the coffin was strapped down when it was placed on the plane. When the plane arrived in DC, the Kennedy entourage did not leave the coffin unaccompanied until it was taken from the lift and placed into the ambulance. Thus, there simply was no opportunity to do move the body to a second coffin for a "pre-autopsy". I believe the accounts of different types of coffins are flawed memories. One has to believe that the focus on the minds of all those present would have been the condition of the president's body and that the type or color of the coffin was a secondary observation. Rather than a pre-autopsy, I think the more plausible answer is that the photos and x-rays were altered after the body left the morgue. Those in attendance were sworn to secrecy at the risk of prosecution and loss of their pensions. By the time they testified decades later, their recollections were either inaccurate or poisoned by what they read or heard about that evening.
  2. i was interviewed by Len Osanic about McKnight and his book last week.
  3. he claims he would have loved to find something. the truth is it would have killed his career. That is why experts hired by the government have always sided with the official position. it is also why FBI agents didnt look for exculpatory evidence for oswald. Their boss determined on the afternoon on 11/22 that they had their man. finding contrary evidence would have put an end to their FBI career. Likewise, the autopsy doctors had to go along if they didnt want to lose their pensions.
  4. this is an opinion masquerading as an expert. Many of his statements are wrong (the FBI didnt have taps on all of the key mafia suspects. Carlos was indeed a smart guy but that would not prevent him from killing a president if it was necessary to take the heat off.
  5. sorry to hear this. i spoke with him in 2017 during preparation of the CAPA mock trial. His book was an important contribution.
  6. does anyone know if his papers were donated or where they now be stored?
  7. nothing really suspicious about limo coming to a stop. Greer was not experienced driver. normal human reaction when he was turning around to see the president was probably to take foot off the gas pedal or perhaps even apply brake when unexpectedly hearing shots. Shouldnt make a mountain out of this molehill
  8. The authors of this book and their prior book have simply served as journalists who were simply transcribing the stories of people they are interviewing. they really do engage in any critical analysis. So these books should be read with the viewpoint that they simply tell stories of the subjects as they rememeber (or misremember or engage in disinformation as the case may be). Their books help create a baseline for serious researchers to build upon. For example, i did some follow-up with some of the interviews from Voices from the Shadows. Some of the accounts/claims did not hold up under scrutiny.
  9. he says in his book " The physical evidence and eyewitness accounts do not clearly indicate what took place on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository at the time President John F. Kennedy was assassinated... The testimony of the people who watched the motorcade was much more confusing than either the press or the Warren Commission seemed to indicate.... Arnold Rowland had looked up to the Book Depository window and noticed two men standing together in the window....No statement about the second man or mention of an accomplice appeared in the FBI report. In a 1969 interview for the Dallas Morning News around the time of publication, Curry stated, "We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody's yet been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand." [ Tom Johnson, Dallas Morning News, 6 Nov 1969. ]
  10. so explain to me where the opportunity was to do this? the coffin/body was under constant observation from Parkland until AF1 landed. even during LBJ's the swearing in, there was somebody with the coffin according to JFK's own staff.
  11. it likely is a bogus document-part of disinformation campaign but if Jim cited it in his book, presumably he saw it?
  12. is this the follow-up to Voices from the Shadows? there were some interesting stories in that book but the authors did not record their conversations so it is hard to evaluate the veracity of some of the accounts. I have followed-up with some of the people they interviewed and some did not hold up too well under scrutiny.
  13. and of course, there were the interviews in Dallas before witnesses were called to DC. when the Parkland doctors were interviewed, they were first given a copy of the autospy report which contradicted their own recollections. this was designed to poison their memories or make them susceptible to believing their recollections were mistaken. and the black witnesses were all asked by Ford or Dulles if they had ever been in trouble with the law before. in 1964, this was a subtle message to stay in line.
  14. have you guys emailed him with your thoughts or contacted his publisher?
  15. Great work! Dr. Jones is still working but he has declined to make any further statements. he said the last piece he wrote in 2014 in American College of Surgeons publication is his final statement on the matter. he consistently declined to participate in any further conferenes or respond to any more questions. We have been trying to contact Dr.Porto who has moved back to his native country. I had an extensive interview with Dr. Curtis who said his supervisor Dr. Walker saw a temple wound. He also said the Dr. Kemp lifted up the JFK's head to show the senior doctors who had come into the room (but not treating JFK) why he had determined JFK's wound was not survivable. Specter interviewed the doctors before deciding whose testimony to take. This was no doubt to screen out those whose testimony would not be helpful. This is probably why r. Porto was not deposed. Specter used a number of tactics to intimidate the doctors. when those did not work, he would go off the record or would simply ignore an inconvenient response and pursue his line of quesiton. this is how one "manufactures" a record.
  16. Cliff Spiegelman who wrote papers refuting the comparative bullet lead analysis and participated in several mock trials as a witness for the defense.
  17. No documents should be "sold". We have too many paper silos that are inaccessible to researchers. Everyone should scan their docs and make them publicly available. There may researchers focusing on issues that an "owned " document might be relevant that the owner might not realize. These docs have no inherent value. They aren't like an autographed baseball or a letter written by a president. They should be part of the " commons"
  18. we are doing enhancements to the background to make the animation more photo-realistic. hopefully will be available next spring...
  19. I didnt realize Photon was exposed. Thanks for this article. he claimed to have expertise in all kinds of disciplines. In the end, he was just a pretender.
  20. Not sure where you are finding the alignment of the bodies. The 3D animation video project that John Orr and I have financed is the only accurate recreation of Dealey Plaza as it existed on 11/22/63 (Dale Myers model was a cartoon that distorted the size and spacial relationships of the bodies to support the SBT). We used laser-scan and photogrammetry and match-moving technology. We scanned the extant photos, exact replica of the presidential limo, the street and buildings comprising Dealey Plaza -- even taking into account that Elm Street was paved several times since 1963 so it is several centimeters higher. we tested the bullet trajectories from the TSBD sixth floor using both the correct and incorrect back wound locations alleged by the WC and HSCA. The 3D model establishes that if the bullet had passed through JFK and JBC, Connally would have been circumsized by the bullet. there is no such record of such an injury. While the model can be used to test any shooting trajectory in Dealey Plaza, we only analyzed the SBT trajectory due to financing constraints. Anyone interested in viewing the 3D model can contact John Orr or me for a demonstration.
  21. I completed a comprehensive interview with Dr. Donald Curtis and he went into detail on Specter's interrogation tactics. very important to show how WC intimidated the Parkland Doctors and other witnesses. I have transcribed the recorded interview and will be turning it into an article.
  22. I'm not sure if the Dodd question has been adequately run down. The two gun shops LHO allegedly ordered his weapons from were under investigation from the Dodd committee. i was thinking of reviewing his papers at UCONN. do you know if anyone has done this?
  23. its like the pot calling the kettle black (can we still use that aphorisms) The people with the real psychological difficulty are those who believe in the single gunman theory. It is based on what i call False Patriotism and exemplified by pages 986-87 and 1011 of Bugliosi's book. You see, a conspiracy and the coverup by respected institutions of our country would expose the lie of American Exceptionalism. It would mean we are no different than the Europeans and resemble a third world country. These false patriots cannot simply accept the fact that a conspiracy to assassinate a president could happen in the USA. Probably would be more effective if those of you who were so motivated by Oliver's segment to post here would post on his twitter page and also share your thoughts with him. -IMHO
  24. it's because the "stock market" is not reflective of the entire US economy. Tech stocks dominate the NASDAQ and S&P. there is nothing suspicious hete.
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