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Lawrence Schnapf

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Everything posted by Lawrence Schnapf

  1. presumably the role LHO played in 1963- it was well known that castro agents had infiltrated the anti-castro exile groups. LHO would pretend to be a pro-castro sympathizer to flesh them out
  2. i tend to agree with Terry but if that time ever comes, it will be long after the soft tissues have disappeared talking the key wound evidence with them
  3. We need to separate Trump the person from his claims about the Deep State. He is a terrible messenger but he is right about the risk posed by the Deep State.
  4. This is only the first step. now we need to scan the test bullets fired from the MC by the FBI and digitally compare them to the alleged assassination cartridges/fragments
  5. You have to understand how the Parkland doctors were treated by the WC and how their testimony was obtained. They were provided with a copy of the autopsy report to read BEFORE their testimony was taken which was intended to change their recollections. They had only seen the president for at best 20 minutes and had been forcused on saving his life. So the natural reaction was to believe that of their recollection was different from the autopsy, their recollection was wrong. They also were "pre-interviewed" by Spector who employed a variety of intimidation tactics. During depositions, Spector would go off the record when a doctor started veering off the desired path. Doctors were pressured during this period or told they were wrong. On other occasions, Spector would not follow-up and ignore bad answers. Dr. Jones said that after his deposition, Spector told him they had witnesses who believed shots had come from the front, that the WC believed these witnesses were wrong and instructed Dr. Jones not to share this with anyone.
  6. the Dal-Tex Building is a more straightforward shot. a shot from the 2nd floor would actually match well with the back wound. The author of the theory that secret service agent Hickey fired extended his trajectory back to the Dal-Tex Building. it led to the second floor. too bad he chose to defame Hickey rather than follow the evidence.
  7. is there a way to get links to the ealy articles that Jerry wrote? This is part of the larger issue of getting the silos of paper files held by long-time researchers scanned to they can become available to the research community. we need to develop record retention contingency plans for older researchers. we cant repeat what happened when Jim Marrs died....
  8. someone should sue NBC. this are historic films. there should be a basis to challenge their copyright claims and their extraordinary demands to share history.
  9. I resigned from CAPA board because a board member continued to speak at JVB's conference despite the fact it was obvious that the organizer of her conference was trying to undermine the CAPA conference by inviting CAPA speakers after they were announced and then expanding their conference to compete with the CAPA conference. She is nothing more than a Forrest Gump of the JFK assassination who has a sad need to insert herself into historical events. If one saw the first draft of her book, they would know the truth about her. Her "memories" had to be "corrected" by researchers.
  10. weitzman said it was a mauser type action (mauser was the first to use the bolt action). i dont think he actually said it was a Mauser.
  11. I dont think they will be on Youtube but will be available from the CAPA website. you should ask CAPA.
  12. you may also want to include Hoover's comment about what would happen if the real truth came out
  13. Bonnie Ray Williams and his two friends along with the other black witnesses were asked during their depositions by Gerry Ford or Allen Dulles if they had ever been in trouble with the law before. message was received.....
  14. Oswald's alleged clipboard was discovered on dec. 2nd near the rear stairways. Would a thorough police search failed to find this? More importantly, witnesses reportedly told DPD at 12:35 that they saw gunman on SE window of 6th floor. Did DPD go immediately to 6th floor to search? No- they did not get to that floor until 1 pm and didnt discover the snioers nest until 1:15. You draw ur conclusions on the thoroughness and timing of the search.
  15. your work has only begun next time we will give you more time.....
  16. I suspect he was being polite to a troubled woman-especially with Jim D advising him.-IMHO BTW- he spoke at CAPA conference that mesmerized the attendees....
  17. The older news pieces are very important especially those from 63-64 before the doctors were pressured to go along with the official story. the above is from 1967. would be interesting if he ever explained discrepancies with his sworn testimony......
  18. The percentage of those who believe in the official story is slowing creeping up as those who lived through the event pass away. students are being taught the official explanation. LHO is increasingly not referred to as the "alleged" assassin but as the actual assassin. In the 2017 CAPA mock trial, it was the Millennials on the jury who were the least receptive to a conspiracy. The mainstream media now frequently equates conspiracy theorists with fringe groups. So to answer your question, my prediction is that in 2063, a majority of americans will believe the official story. IMHO
  19. how about filing a writ of mandamus in federal court asking for an order requiring the responsible agencies to comply with the JFK Records ACT?
  20. This is judyth baker's conference and not the November in Dallas conference formerly presented by Lancer but now taken over by CAPA.
  21. and who gave the police the address for Oswald which was not listed on his TSBD employment application...
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